

单词 被解雇
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bird〕lost a big sale and nearly got the bird. 丢了笔大生意几乎被解雇美国传统〔boot〕get the boot 被解雇文馨英汉〔chuck〕get the chuck 被解雇英汉大词典〔dismiss〕resort workers discharged at the end of the season; 在这个季节末被解雇的求助工人;美国传统〔dismiss〕was booted for being habitually tardy; 由于拖沓的习惯而被解雇;美国传统〔fire〕be fired from one's job 被解雇英汉大词典〔heave-ho〕got the heave-ho in a very unceremonious manner; gave the employee the old heave-ho. 以非常随便的方式被解雇;解雇职员美国传统〔hoick〕be hoicked out of one's seat (one's job) 突然被拉出坐位(被解雇)英汉大词典〔kick〕get the kick 被解雇 英汉大词典〔laid-off〕a laid-off worker 被解雇的工人英汉大词典〔lead〕the events leading up to his dismissal 最终导致他被解雇的那些事情朗文当代〔leaving〕a leaving certificate (给暂被解雇者的)暂离证英汉大词典〔let〕be afraid of being let out 害怕被解雇英汉大词典〔p's and q's〕was told to watch his p's and q's or he would be fired. 他被告知要注意自己的行为举止否则就会被解雇美国传统〔performance〕an employee's chances of being fired for poor performance 员工因表现差而被解雇的可能朗文当代〔procure〕procure sb.'s death (dismissal) 致使某人死亡(被解雇)英汉大词典〔redundant〕redundant workers 被解雇的工人麦克米伦高阶〔sacking〕the sacking of twenty-three thousand miners. 23,000 名矿工被解雇柯林斯高阶〔sack〕be sacked from one's job 被解雇英汉大词典〔sack〕finally got the sack after a year of ineptitude. 不称职地工作一年后终于被解雇美国传统〔sack〕get the sack 被解雇,被开革文馨英汉〔sack〕get the sack for being lazy 因懒惰而被解雇英汉大词典〔wilful〕be discharged for wilful neglect 因故意玩忽职守被解雇英汉大词典payments to laid-off workers 给被解雇工人的报酬牛津商务terminated employees 被解雇的员工牛津商务the dismissal and dislocation of thousands of workers 数千名工人被解雇和顿失所依牛津商务




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