

单词 花瓶
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕Mum will be cross when she finds out about the broken vase. 妈妈知道花瓶打破了会生气的。朗文写作活用〔ARTIFICIAL〕On the table was a vase filled with artificial flowers. 桌子上有一只插着假花的花瓶。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕The flowers were placed in a beautifully decorated vase. 花插在一个装饰得非常漂亮的花瓶里。朗文写作活用〔COLLECT〕On the shelf was his mother's collection of crystal vases. 架子上摆着她母亲收藏的水晶花瓶。朗文写作活用〔FALSE〕Is the vase a genuine antique or a fake? 这只花瓶是真古董还是赝品?朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕I haven't got enough money with me right now. Can you keep the vase for me while I go to the bank? 我现在没有足够的钱,我去银行时,你帮我留着这花瓶好吗?朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕That vase is just like one that I used to have. 那花瓶与我过去的那个一模一样。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕The vase lay in pieces on the floor. 花瓶摔成了碎片散落一地。朗文写作活用〔STICK〕The vase broke into several pieces, but I was able to stick them all back together. 花瓶碎成了好几块,不过我把它们全部粘回去了。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕The roses were displayed to advantage in a blue vase.玫瑰插在蓝色的花瓶中,产生了良好的效果美国传统〔age〕Can you guess the age of this vase?你能猜出这个花瓶的年头吗?外研社新世纪〔argument〕I broke the vase during an argument with my husband.我在和丈夫的一次争吵中打碎了花瓶。朗文当代〔arrange〕Ben arranged the flowers in a vase.本把花放在花瓶里插好。朗文当代〔baluster〕One of the upright, usually rounded or vase-shaped supports of a balustrade.栏杆柱:一种直立的,通常为圆形或花瓶形的栏杆支撑物美国传统〔base〕The manufacturer's name is printed on the base of the vase.制造者的名字印在花瓶的底部。麦克米伦高阶〔bid〕What am I bid for this fine vase? 诸位愿给这只精美的花瓶出价多少?剑桥高阶〔bid〕What am I bid for this vase? 诸位愿给这个花瓶出多少钱?牛津高阶〔break〕I dropped the vase and it broke into pieces.我把花瓶掉在地上摔碎了。剑桥高阶〔clasp〕He was clasping the vase tightly, terrified of dropping it.他紧紧抱住花瓶,生怕把它摔了。剑桥高阶〔crash〕The vase landed on the floor with a crash.花瓶砰的一声掉在了地板上。剑桥高阶〔decoration〕The vase has a fancy decoration on one side.这个花瓶的一面有一个精美的装饰。韦氏高阶〔dig〕An old Roman vase was dug up here last month.上个月在此地出土了一个古罗马花瓶。牛津高阶〔drop〕He dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces.他一失手,花瓶掉在地上摔碎了。韦氏高阶〔empty〕She emptied the water out of the vase.她把水从花瓶里倒了出来。牛津高阶〔encase〕I encased the priceless antique vase in glass to preserve it.我把这个极其贵重的古花瓶置于玻璃盒子里珍藏起来。21世纪英汉〔encrust〕The vase was encrusted with precious stones.花瓶外镶嵌着一层宝石。英汉大词典〔examination〕On closer examination the vases were seen to be cracked.经进一步检查发现,那些花瓶上有裂纹。朗文当代〔explode〕I threw the vase on the floor and it exploded into tiny pieces.我把花瓶扔到了地板上,花瓶砰地一声摔个粉碎美国传统〔eye candy〕Back then, women on TV were mostly seen as eye candy.那时候,电视中的女性大多都被看作花瓶。柯林斯高阶〔figure〕The vase is decorated with figures of birds and fish.花瓶上饰有鸟和鱼的图案。韦氏高阶〔flinders〕The child broke the vase to flinders.孩子把花瓶打得粉碎。英汉大词典〔fragile〕Be careful with that vase – it's very fragile.小心那只花瓶 — 很容易打碎的。朗文当代〔gong〕The vase, which was a metal one, gonged on the floor.那金属制的花瓶铛的一声落在地板上。英汉大词典〔houseroom〕I wouldn't give that vase houseroom.那个花瓶你即使送给我我也不要。英汉大词典〔jealous〕The actress has blasted back at jealous critics who have branded her a talentless bimbo.这名女演员回击了那些因为嫉妒而给她贴上胸大无脑的花瓶标签的批评者。外研社新世纪〔knock ... over〕The cat knocked over the vase on the table.猫将桌上的花瓶弄翻了。21世纪英汉〔knock〕I accidentally knocked the vase over.我不小心把花瓶碰倒了。牛津搭配〔lay〕She laid me out for breaking the vase.因为打碎了花瓶,她痛骂我一顿美国传统〔leave (someone or something) alone〕Please leave the vase alone.请勿触碰花瓶。韦氏高阶〔mantelpiece〕On the mantelpiece are a pair of bronze Ming vases.壁炉台上是一对明代的青铜花瓶。柯林斯高阶〔narrow〕The vase narrows at its top.这只花瓶的上部收细。韦氏高阶〔nicely〕The flowers were arranged nicely in simple glass vases.这些花被错落有致地安插在朴素的玻璃花瓶里。外研社新世纪〔on〕The vase is on the table. We rested on our hands and knees.花瓶在桌子上。我们把头靠在手和膝盖上休息美国传统〔origin〕The vases share common origins.这些花瓶来路相同。牛津搭配〔outbid〕She tried to buy the antique vase but was outbid.她试图买下那个古董花瓶,可是有人出的价比她的高。韦氏高阶〔outline〕The leaves on the vase are outlined in gold.花瓶上的叶子镶上了金边。韦氏高阶〔overbalance〕She tried to reach the vase but overbalanced herself and fell off the stool.她努力伸手去够花瓶,但身子一歪,从凳子上掉了下来。韦氏高阶〔overturn〕The vase overturned and crashed into pieces.花瓶翻倒后摔了个粉碎。21世纪英汉〔packing〕She removed the packing from around the vase.她撕掉了花瓶四周的包装材料。外研社新世纪〔pack〕She packed the vase in tissue paper to protect it.她给花瓶裹上绵纸加以保护。剑桥高阶〔pair〕The vase is one of a matching pair.这只花瓶是一对中的一只。牛津高阶〔palmette〕A stylized palm leaf used as a decorative element, notably in Persian rugs and in classical moldings, reliefs, frescoes, and vase paintings.花饰:用作装饰的传统的棕榈叶,常出现在波斯地毯和一些古典的铸造物、浮雕、壁画和花瓶画上美国传统〔piece〕The vase lay on the floor in pieces (= broken into small parts).花瓶碎片散落一地。剑桥高阶〔piece〕The vase was now in pieces on the kitchen floor.花瓶已经摔成碎片,散落在厨房的地板上。牛津搭配〔place〕Can you find a good place for this vase? 你能找个好位置放这个花瓶吗?朗文当代〔pottery〕Ware, such as vases, pots, bowls, or plates, shaped from moist clay and hardened by heat.陶器:用潮湿粘土成形然后再加热变硬做成的器皿,如花瓶、罐、碗或盘子美国传统〔preserve〕This vase has been preserved intact.这个花瓶保存得完好无损。牛津高阶〔refer〕The antiquarian refers the vase to the second century.古董收藏家认为这花瓶是公元2世纪的文物。英汉大词典〔scold〕His mother scolded him for breaking her favourite vase.母亲因为他打碎了她最心爱的花瓶而责骂他。剑桥高阶〔set〕She set the vase carefully on the shelf.她把花瓶小心地安放在架子上。外研社新世纪〔sincerely〕He sincerely apologized for breaking the vase.他为打碎花瓶的事诚恳地道了歉。韦氏高阶〔sit〕A vase sat on the table.桌上放着花瓶。韦氏高阶〔smash〕He smashed the vase with a hammer.他用锤子敲碎了花瓶。韦氏高阶〔smash〕The boy smashed the vase with a hammer.男孩用锤子把花瓶砸碎了。英汉大词典〔smash〕The vase fell and smashed to pieces.花瓶掉到地上摔成了碎片。韦氏高阶〔stalk〕She trimmed the stalks of the tulips before putting them in a vase.她修剪了一下郁金香的花梗,然后把它们插进了花瓶。剑桥高阶〔take shape〕We watched the vase begin to take shape in the potter's hands.我们看着花瓶在陶工的手中逐渐成形。剑桥高阶〔thumb〕She knocked over three vases and seemed to be all thumbs.她打翻了3个花瓶,看来是个笨手笨脚的人。英汉大词典〔tissue〕The shop assistant wrapped the vase carefully in tissue paper.店员用薄纸将花瓶仔细地包好。剑桥高阶〔tread〕Bits of the broken vase got trodden into the carpet.花瓶的碎片被踩进了地毯里。朗文当代〔unlock〕She unlocked the case and carefully lifted out the vase.她用钥匙打开了箱子,小心翼翼地拿出那只花瓶。柯林斯高阶〔unrecognized〕There must be many vases, bowls or bottles sitting unrecognised in people's homes.人们的家里一定有很多不起眼的花瓶、碗或瓶子。柯林斯高阶〔vase〕A silver vase stood on the mantelpiece.一只银质花瓶摆放在壁炉台上。牛津搭配〔vase〕Greek vase paintings 希腊花瓶画牛津搭配〔worth〕This vase is worth little [much].这花瓶不值钱[很值钱]。文馨英汉〔would〕I packed the vase carefully so that it would survive the trip.我仔细包好花瓶,这样它在旅途中就不会碎了。韦氏高阶A fine porcelain vase graces the table in the hall (= makes it look beautiful).一个精致的瓷花瓶给厅里的桌子增色不少。剑桥国际A large antique vase stood in the far corner of the room.一只大的古花瓶站在房间那一头的角落里。剑桥国际A priceless collection of vases was destroyed.一批贵重的花瓶收藏品被毁坏了。剑桥国际Be careful with that vase--it's very fragile and worth a lot of money.小心那只花瓶----那东西易损坏却又值很多钱。剑桥国际He clasped the vase, terrified of dropping it.他紧紧抱住花瓶,生怕把它摔了。剑桥国际He picked up the broken vase without a word of reproof to his son.他拾起花瓶碎片,一句也没有责备他的儿子。剑桥国际He picked up the vase and hurled it tempestuously at the wall.他抓起花瓶,狂暴地朝墙上砸去。剑桥国际I bought this vase for next to nothing (= at a very low price) at an antiques market.我只花了很少的钱便在一个古董市场上买了这花瓶。剑桥国际I thought the vase would be worth a fortune, but she only offered me a miserable £20 for it.我想这只花瓶值很多钱,但她出价只有少得可怜的20英镑。剑桥国际I'll just top up the water in the vases.我只是要加满花瓶里的水。剑桥国际My antique dealer has dated the vase at (= said that it was made in) 1734.我的古董商确定这个花瓶制于1734年。剑桥国际Please don't handle the vases--they're very fragile and very valuable.请不要碰花瓶----它们很容易碎且非常宝贵。剑桥国际She accidentally knocked over her mother's favourite vase, but mercifully (= luckily) it did not break.她不小心碰倒了她母亲最爱的花瓶,很幸运,它没有摔破。剑桥国际She had a sudden fit of temper and threw a glass vase at him.她突然发起脾气,冲他扔了一只玻璃花瓶。剑桥国际She made a bet with her brother about whether their mother would notice the broken vase.她和哥哥打赌母亲是否会发现打破的花瓶。剑桥国际She put the fresh flowers in a vase. 她将鲜花插在花瓶里。译典通The factory produces vases and small decorative objects.这家工厂生产花瓶和小装饰物。牛津商务The potter shaped the clay into a vase. 陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。译典通The silver vase was embossed with a design of flowers. 这银花瓶上刻有花卉浮雕图案。译典通The vase landed on the floor with a crash.花瓶砰地一声掉在地板上。剑桥国际The vase lay in smithereens on the floor.花瓶落在地板上摔得粉碎。剑桥国际This vase has a chip. 这只花瓶有个疵点。译典通This vase would fetch a handsome price if you were to sell it at auction.如果你把这只花瓶拿去拍卖,它一定会拍到很高的价。剑桥国际We watched the vase begin to take shape (= have its characteristic form) in the potter's hands.我们看着花瓶在陶工的手中开始成形。剑桥国际




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