

单词 蒂尔达
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔QUIET〕The two of them walked all the way to Matilda's house in complete silence. 他们俩默不作声地一路向着玛蒂尔达的房子走去。朗文写作活用〔askew〕Matilda ran towards us with her hat askew.玛蒂尔达歪戴着帽子朝我们跑来。朗文当代〔dear〕Now, my dear Matilda, you mustn't upset yourself.哎, 我亲爱的马蒂尔达, 你不要再心烦意乱了。外研社新世纪〔embroider〕Matilda was embroidering an altar cloth covered with flowers and birds.玛蒂尔达在一块有花鸟图案的祭坛布上刺绣。柯林斯高阶〔implacable〕He looked at Matilda's implacable face.他注视着玛蒂尔达那无法平静的脸庞。麦克米伦高阶〔live〕Matilda lived to a ripe old age.玛蒂尔达活到很老。外研社新世纪〔mark〕Matilda's had very good marks in/for English throughout the year.马蒂尔达一年来英语成绩都很好。剑桥高阶〔rest〕The man apologized, but Aunt Matilda refused to let the matter rest.那个男人道歉了,但玛蒂尔达姑妈却不肯就此罢休。朗文当代〔run〕His thoughts ran to the first time he had met Matilda.他的思绪回到了他与玛蒂尔达初次相见时的情景。麦克米伦高阶〔vault〕He ordered that Matilda's body should be buried in the family vault.他指示马蒂尔达的遗体必须葬在家族墓穴里。柯林斯高阶




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