

单词 蒂姆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(as) large as life〕I looked up from my newspaper and there he was, as large as life, Tim Trotter! 我看完报纸抬起头来,竟意外地看到了蒂姆‧特罗特,真的是他本人,一点儿没错。剑桥高阶〔-saving〕Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs.蒂姆和芭芭拉正在攒钱,准备在郊区买一栋房子。柯林斯高阶〔BUSINESS〕Tim Knight is a high-powered businessman who runs his own electronics company. 蒂姆·奈特是个干劲十足的商人,管理着自己的一家电子公司。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕Tim cut the pie into eight pieces. 蒂姆把馅饼切成八块。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕Tim played for the national youth team but never became a professional. 蒂姆为国家青年队比赛,但从未成为职业选手。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕I was just getting ready to go out when Tim called. 蒂姆打电话来时我正在准备出去。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕Don't you worry about Tim. He may be small but he gives as good as he gets! 你别担心蒂姆,他也许是个子小,但他总会以其人之道还治其人之身!朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕She recognised the voice on the phone as Tim's, but he sounded strange. 她听出电话里是蒂姆的声音,但听起来很怪。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕Eventually, Tim, Laura, and Ann moved into a shared house. 最后,蒂姆、劳拉和安搬进了一个房子共住。朗文写作活用〔SINCE〕I hadn't seen Tim for a while, and I was surprised by how much weight he'd gained. 我有一阵子没有见到蒂姆,奇怪他竟然长胖了那么多。朗文写作活用〔SMILE〕After the song was over, Miss Timms beamed at the class. 唱完歌后,蒂姆斯小姐对着班里的同学微笑。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕Tim's a very economical person,. He always looks around for the best buys. 蒂姆是个很节约的人,他总是货比三家,买最合算的东西。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Good try Tim. Shame it didn't quite come off. 蒂姆,这是一次很好的尝试,只可惜未能成功。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕His mother continued to talk angrily, and Tim's thoughts automatically switched to more pleasant subjects. 蒂姆的母亲继续气愤地说着,而蒂姆的思绪已不自觉地飞向更为愉快的方面去了。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕Tim is listless on the job and keeps making dumb mistakes. 蒂姆工作做得无精打采,不断犯愚蠢的错误。朗文写作活用〔ache〕Tim's heart was aching for her.蒂姆在为她而心痛。朗文当代〔after〕Tim came in at midnight, and Lucy not long after.蒂姆半夜里到达,不久露茜也到了。朗文当代〔all〕He was late of course, but that's Tim all over! 当然他又迟到了,那才是蒂姆呢!朗文当代〔arm〕Tim's mother put her arms around him.蒂姆的母亲用双臂搂着他。朗文当代〔be in one of your moods〕Tim's in one of his moods so I'm keeping out of his way.蒂姆又闹情绪了,所以我就离他远点儿。剑桥高阶〔bewitch〕Tim's utterly bewitched by her.蒂姆完全被她迷住了。朗文当代〔bottom〕After the divorce, Tim felt he had reached/hit the bottom of the barrel.蒂姆离婚后,觉得自己的人生跌入了谷底。韦氏高阶〔bugger〕Tim buggered off to Australia years ago.蒂姆几年前就去了澳大利亚。朗文当代〔call〕Tim's on call this weekend.这个周末蒂姆值班。麦克米伦高阶〔central〕Tim's house became party central for the band and their friends.蒂姆的房子成了乐队和他们那帮朋友的聚会中心。朗文当代〔challenge〕Next time Tim challenges you to a game of poker, say no.下次蒂姆提出和你比试打扑克时, 要拒绝他。外研社新世纪〔clinch〕Tim Johnson scored the goals that clinched the victory.蒂姆·约翰逊踢进决定胜利的几个球。麦克米伦高阶〔conceal〕Tim could barely conceal his disappointment.蒂姆几乎掩饰不住自己的失望。牛津高阶〔conjecture〕Her mysterious friends were, Tim conjectured, probably women.蒂姆猜想, 她的那些神秘朋友很有可能是女性。外研社新世纪〔course〕Tim did a three-year course in linguistics at Newcastle.蒂姆在纽卡斯尔大学修了为期3年的语言学课程。剑桥高阶〔dash〕Oh, Tim! I'm sorry but I have to dash.哦,蒂姆!很抱歉,我得马上走。柯林斯高阶〔down〕Tim's been feeling down.蒂姆最近情绪很低落。朗文当代〔drop in〕Tim had dropped the letter in earlier.蒂姆早些时候已经把信寄了出去。外研社新世纪〔dropping〕Tim had dropped the letter in earlier.蒂姆早些时候把信送来了。柯林斯高阶〔duck〕Tim ducked down to comb his hair in the mirror.蒂姆低下身在镜子前梳头发。朗文当代〔edge〕Tim was edging away from the crowd.蒂姆慢慢地从人群中走开。朗文当代〔embarrassment〕Tim's drinking has made him an embarrassment to the whole family.蒂姆的酗酒使他成了让全家难堪的人。朗文当代〔fail〕Tim visits his mother every day without fail.蒂姆每天必去看望他的母亲。朗文当代〔far-out〕Tim's designs were just far-out.蒂姆的设计就是怪。朗文当代〔favour〕It seems Tim is back in favour with the boss(= the boss likes him again).看来蒂姆又赢得了老板的好感。牛津高阶〔fidget〕Tim's a terrible fidget.蒂姆是个一刻都坐不住的人。剑桥高阶〔fool〕Tim was fooled into believing that he'd won a lot of money.蒂姆受了骗,以为自己赢了很多钱。剑桥高阶〔gall〕Considering that he never even bothers to visit my parents, I'm amazed that Tim has the gall to ask them for money! 蒂姆从不去看望我父母,可他竟然有脸去向他们要钱,真让我吃惊!剑桥高阶〔game〕An analyst at Altium Capital summed up the news as 'game over' for shareholders.阿尔蒂姆资本公司的一个分析员将此消息总结为股东“玩完了”。外研社新世纪〔go〕I think I would tend to go along with what Tim was saying.我想我倾向于赞同蒂姆所说的。麦克米伦高阶〔grade〕Tim worked hard and got good grades.蒂姆努力学习,取得了好成绩。朗文当代〔harsh〕This was Tim's first experience of the harsh realities of life.这是蒂姆第一次体验到现实生活的严酷。麦克米伦高阶〔hide〕Tim could barely conceal his disappointment.蒂姆几乎掩饰不住自己的失望。牛津高阶〔hons〕Tim Smith BA (Hons) (荣誉)文学士蒂姆 · 史密斯牛津高阶〔introduce〕Tim, may I introduce you to my uncle's secretary, Mary Waller?蒂姆, 我能把你介绍给我叔叔的秘书玛丽•沃勒吗?外研社新世纪〔knee〕Tim fell to his knees and started to pray.蒂姆跪下来开始祷告。朗文当代〔loosely〕Tim clasped his hands together and held them loosely in front of his belly.蒂姆双手紧扣, 放松置于腹前。外研社新世纪〔miscalculate〕Tim had miscalculated: Laura would never disobey her father.蒂姆想错了:劳拉是绝不会违抗父命的。朗文当代〔mixed-up〕She couldn't tell him about her mixed-up feelings about Tim.她无法告诉他自己对蒂姆的复杂感情。英汉大词典〔nice〕Tim spilt wine all over the sofa, but Martha was very nice about it.蒂姆把酒洒了一沙发,不过玛莎对此很宽容。朗文当代〔nostalgic〕Tim spoke nostalgically of his first visit to Peru.蒂姆留恋地谈起第一次访问秘鲁时的情形。朗文当代〔noticeable〕There has been a noticeable improvement in Tim's cooking.蒂姆的烹饪水平有了显著提高。剑桥高阶〔okay〕Tim jumped to his feet. 'Okay, let's go.' 蒂姆一跃而起,“好了,我们走吧。”柯林斯高阶〔old hand〕An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years.蒂姆摄影经验丰富,在过去13年里一直以拍摄野生生物为业余爱好。柯林斯高阶〔ourselves〕I knew that Tim and I wouldn't be able to do the whole job by ourselves.我知道单靠蒂姆和我是无法完成全部工作的。朗文当代〔our〕Our correspondent Tim Whewell, who has recently returned from Moscow, reports on the changes.我们最近刚从莫斯科回来的记者蒂姆•休厄尔报道了这些变革。外研社新世纪〔out-of-the-way〕Tim took her to funny out-of-the-way pubs.蒂姆带她去一些位置偏僻、风格怪异的酒吧。外研社新世纪〔plague〕Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation.蒂姆好像并没有染上我们这代人愤世嫉俗的通病。柯林斯高阶〔qualified〕Tim is now a qualified architect.蒂姆现在是一个合格的建筑师了。剑桥高阶〔racer〕Tim Powell is a former champion powerboat racer.蒂姆·鲍威尔曾是汽艇比赛冠军。柯林斯高阶〔rock〕I'm afraid Tim's marriage is on the rocks.蒂姆的婚姻恐怕是濒临破裂了。朗文当代〔scour out〕Tim had to scour out the dirt and bits of gravel with a washcloth.蒂姆只好用毛巾擦去尘土和沙砾块。外研社新世纪〔sea〕Tim went swimming in the sea.蒂姆去海里游泳了。麦克米伦高阶〔sermon〕Reverend Timms preached a powerful sermon on forgiveness.蒂姆斯牧师就宽恕问题作了一场很有感染力的布道。麦克米伦高阶〔shouting match〕Tim worried the meeting would deteriorate into a shouting match.蒂姆担心这次会议会演变成一场口水仗。外研社新世纪〔slow〕Sometimes Tim's a little slow on the uptake.蒂姆有时理解得有点慢。朗文当代〔spoof〕Tim Robbins's spoof documentary about a presidential campaign.蒂姆·罗宾斯关于总统选举的讽刺纪录片柯林斯高阶〔sprout〕Tim has sprouted a beard since we last saw him.我们上次见到蒂姆以后,蒂姆长出了胡子。牛津高阶〔substitute〕The coach has to find a substitute for Tim.教练得找一个替补蒂姆的人选。朗文当代〔support〕Tim, 17, supports Manchester United.17 岁的蒂姆支持曼联队。柯林斯高阶〔swallow〕Tim swallowed nervously before replying.蒂姆在回答前紧张地咽了一下口水。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕She took up the story where Tim had left off.她接着讲蒂姆未讲完的故事。牛津高阶〔tar sb with the same brush〕Because they worked so closely in the same department, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim.由于在同一个部门有密切的工作关系,约翰被认为跟蒂姆是一丘之貉。剑桥高阶〔town〕Tim was just arriving home from a long night on the town.蒂姆在外面玩了一宿, 刚刚到家。外研社新世纪〔town〕Tim was just arriving home from a long night on the town.蒂姆在外面玩了一宿,刚刚到家。柯林斯高阶〔trust〕Trust Tim to forget about our meeting! 蒂姆果然又忘了我们的会议!麦克米伦高阶〔up〕I'm afraid Tim just isn't up to the job (=he does not have the necessary ability) .蒂姆怕是干不了这份工作。朗文当代〔up〕Tim had climbed up a tree to get a better view.蒂姆为看得更清楚些爬到了树上。朗文当代〔useless〕Don't ask Tim to fix it. He's completely useless.别叫蒂姆来修理,他根本不行。朗文当代〔vice-〕Tim Munton becomes the new vice-captain.蒂姆·芒顿成为新的副队长。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕Tim was stuck under the weight of the fallen tree.蒂姆被倒下的那棵树压得动弹不得。麦克米伦高阶〔will〕That will be Tim coming home now.这会儿可能是蒂姆回家了。朗文当代After years of study, Tim is now a fully fledged (=completely trained) architect.几年的学习之后,蒂姆现已是羽毛丰满的建筑师了。剑桥国际Considering that he never even bothers to visit my parents I'm amazed that Tim has the gall to ask them for money! 蒂姆从未看望过我的父母,我很惊讶他竟有脸问他们要钱。剑桥国际He's a slippery customer (= person), that Tim, I've never felt comfortable with him.那个蒂姆,是个狡猾的家伙,和他在一起我从不感到舒服。剑桥国际I don't have overmuch confidence in Tim's ability to do the job.我对蒂姆做这工作的能力没有太多的信心。剑桥国际It's not worth getting into an argument with Tim, as I learned to my cost (=from my unpleasant experience of having done so).不值得和蒂姆发生争执,我已有过痛苦教训。剑桥国际Tim certainly has an axe to grind now that his salary has been reduced.蒂姆当然是别有企图的,他刚被降了工资。剑桥国际Tim is now a qualified architect (= has an official record that he has completed the necessary training).蒂姆现在是一个获得资格证书的建筑师。剑桥国际Tim pedalled his bike furiously (=with as much effort as possible) to try and keep up with the other children.蒂姆拼命地蹬着自行车以尽力赶上其他的孩子们。剑桥国际Tim really annoyed me in the meeting this morning.在今天上午的会议上,蒂姆着实惹恼了我。剑桥国际Tim sidled up/over to the pretty girl in the bar and asked if he could buy her a drink.蒂姆在酒吧里偷偷地走近那位漂亮的姑娘,问道是否可以请她喝上一杯。剑桥国际Tim's a terrible fidget.蒂姆是个一刻都坐立不安的人。剑桥国际We've got some money coming in (=We're receiving some money) now that Tim has a job.自从蒂姆有了工作后,我们就有一些收入了。剑桥国际When I asked Tim if he'd seen Jackie lately, he shook his head.当我问蒂姆近来有没有看到杰基时,他摇了摇头。剑桥国际




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