

单词 腌制
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KEEP〕Early settlers preserved meat by drying and salting it. 早期移民用风干和腌制的方法保存肉类。朗文写作活用〔Mason jar〕A wide-mouthed glass jar with a screw top, used for canning and preserving food.梅森食品瓶:一种有密封螺旋盖的大口玻璃瓶,用以腌制或保存食品美国传统〔black bean〕A fermented black soybean having a pungent salty flavor, preserved in salt and used in Asian cuisine.豆豉:发酵过的黑色大豆,有刺激性的咸味,用盐腌制并用于亚洲的烹饪中美国传统〔bottle〕Did she do things like bottling fruit or making jam?她干过将水果装瓶腌制或做果酱之类的活儿吗?外研社新世纪〔brine〕Salt water used for preserving and pickling foods.卤水:用来保存或腌制食物的盐水美国传统〔brine〕The chicken was soaked in brine before it was roasted.烘烤鸡肉前,先将其放在盐水里腌制。韦氏高阶〔brine〕To immerse, preserve, or pickle in salt water.用浓盐水处理(浸泡):在盐水里浸渍、保存或腌制美国传统〔candy〕To cook, preserve, saturate, or coat with sugar or syrup.用糖煮:用糖或糖浆煮、腌制、浸泡或覆盖美国传统〔caviar〕The roe of a large fish, especially sturgeon, that is salted, seasoned, and eaten as a delicacy or relish.鱼子酱:大鱼、尤其是鲟鱼的被腌制、加味并当作美味或调整味品食用的卵美国传统〔chow-chow〕A relish consisting of chopped vegetables pickled in mustard.腌菜:一种用芥末腌制蔬菜块的风味菜美国传统〔confit〕Meat, such as duck, that has been salted and then cooked and preserved in its own fat.康非腌肉:盐腌制后再用其自身油脂煮熟并保存的肉,如鸭肉美国传统〔corn〕To preserve (beef, for example) in brine.盐腌:放在盐水中保存,如腌制牛肉美国传统〔cucumber〕The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or pickled.黄瓜:该植物的果实,可以生吃或腌制来食用美国传统〔cure〕The fish was cured with salt.这种鱼是用盐腌制的。韦氏高阶〔dill pickle〕A pickled cucumber flavored with dill.腌黄瓜:一种以莳萝腌制的黄瓜美国传统〔flank steak〕Marinated grilled flank steak is a good substitute for prime cuts of beef.腌制后烤炙而成的后腹侧牛排是上等牛排很好的替代品。剑桥高阶〔gherkin〕A small cucumber, especially one used for pickling.腌制用黄瓜:一种小黄瓜,尤指用来腌制的那种美国传统〔kipper〕I had kippers for breakfast.我早饭吃了腌制的鲱鱼干。外研社新世纪〔mango〕Any of various types of pickle, especially a pickled stuffed sweet pepper.泡菜:任一种不同类型的泡菜,尤指腌制过富有甜味的辣椒美国传统〔marinade〕Leave to marinade for 24 hours.腌制24小时。柯林斯高阶〔marrons glacés〕Chestnuts glazed with sugar or preserved in vanilla-flavored syrup.香草糖汁栗子或糖栗子:浇有糖汁或用香草味糖浆腌制的栗子美国传统〔piccalilli〕A pickled relish made of various chopped vegetables.酸辣泡菜:由各种切成块的蔬菜做成的腌制调味品美国传统〔pickled〕Preserved in or treated with pickle.腌制的,腌渍的:在盐卤中保存过的,或用盐卤处理的美国传统〔pickle〕They pickled the cabbage.他们腌制了卷心菜。韦氏高阶〔pickle〕To preserve or flavor (food) in a solution of brine or vinegar.腌制:在卤水或醋溶液中保存或腌制(食物)美国传统〔piece〕Finely chop the remaining preserved lemon pieces.把剩下的腌制柠檬片切碎。外研社新世纪〔preservable〕Duck eggs do not preserve satisfactorily.鸭蛋腌制得令人不满意。21世纪英汉〔preserve〕To prepare (food) for future use, as by canning or salting.腌制食物:准备(食品)以备将来使用,如用罐装或腌制的方法美国传统〔salt pork〕Fatty pork that is cured with salt, often used as a flavoring.腌猪肉:用盐腌制的肥猪肉,常用作调料美国传统〔salt〕The meat was preserved by being salted and smoked.这肉是抹盐烟熏腌制的。韦氏高阶〔satay〕A dish of southeast Asia consisting of strips of marinated meat, poultry, or seafood grilled on skewers and dipped in peanut sauce.烤肉条:东南亚一种菜肴,是将腌制的肉条、家禽肉条或海鲜在烤架上烤过以后蘸花生酱制成美国传统〔sauerbraten〕A pot roast of beef marinated in vinegar, water, wine, and spices before being cooked.糖醋烤牛肉:一种将牛肉用醋、水、酒及香料腌制后再进行烹饪制成的锅烤牛肉美国传统〔sausage〕Finely chopped and seasoned meat, especially pork, usually stuffed into a prepared animal intestine or other casing and cooked or cured.香肠:切得很细并加有调料的肉,尤指猪肉,通常填入备好的动物肠衣中或其他肠衣中,再进行腌制或加工美国传统〔savory〕A dish of pungent taste, such as anchovies on toast or pickled fruit, sometimes served in Great Britain as an hors d'oeuvre or instead of a sweet dessert.美味小盘菜肴:如土司上的鲵鱼或腌制水果等辣味,在美国可以代替饭前开胃菜或作为饭后甜点美国传统〔shashlik〕A dish consisting of marinated cubes of lamb or beef grilled or roasted on a spit, often with slices of eggplant, onion, and tomato; shish kebab.烤肉串:一种用在烤肉叉上炙烤或烘烤的腌制过的小块羊羔肉或牛肉,与茄子、洋葱及西红柿薄片组成的一道菜;烤牛、羊肉串美国传统〔smoke〕People in Egypt were salting, drying, and smoking fish and meat 6,000 years ago.埃及人6000年前就开始进行鱼和肉的腌制、风干和熏制。剑桥高阶〔smoke〕To preserve (meat or fish) by exposure to the aromatic smoke of burning hardwood, usually after pickling in salt or brine.熏制:通过在硬树木燃烧后产生的芳香性烟雾上熏烤,来保存用盐或盐水腌制后的肉或鱼美国传统〔sodium〕The fish or seafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride.鱼或海鲜被抹了厚厚的纯盐腌制起来。柯林斯高阶〔umeboshi〕A salty, tart condiment made from pickled Japanese plums.梅干:由腌制的日本梅子制成的咸酸调味料美国传统〔uncooked〕Don't use pickled beetroot, but buy it uncooked and cook it yourself.不要买腌制的甜菜根,买生的来自己煮。柯林斯高阶My granny used to salt (down) (= preserve in salt) green beans each summer for eating in the winter.我奶奶以前每年夏天都要腌制菜豆供冬天食用。剑桥国际People in the Middle East, India and Egypt were salting, drying and smoking fish and meat 6 000 years ago.中东、印度和埃及人在6000年前就开始进行鱼和肉的腌制、风干和熏制。剑桥国际Sardines can be eaten fresh but are often preserved in oil or tomato sauce in tins.沙丁鱼可以吃新鲜的,但常常是用油或番茄酱腌制装听。剑桥国际




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