

单词 简直是
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD AT DOING STH〕You don't expect me to take part in the play, do you? I can't act to save my life. 你不会指望让我来参加戏剧演出吧?要我表演简直是要我的命。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕Our vacation was a complete nightmare. The weather was awful and our hotel was worse. 我们的度假简直是一场噩梦。天气不好,住的旅馆更糟。朗文写作活用〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕The Mexican government had its hands full fighting a war on three fronts. 墨西哥政府要打一场三面受敌的仗简直是穷于应付了。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕The behaviour of some politicians in debates is simply loutish and intimidating. 有些政客在辩论时的行为举止简直是粗鲁无礼、咄咄逼人。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕After the first three months of the pregnancy were over, I just couldn't stop thinking about food. 怀孕的头三个月过后,我简直是忍不住地总想吃东西。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕She thinks I'm crazy to leave my job. 她认为我辞职简直是疯了。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕I thing you're mad giving him such an important job. I wouldn't trust him an inch. 我认为你把这么重要的工作给了他简直是疯了,我一点都不信任他。朗文写作活用〔abdicate〕Many parents simply abdicate all responsibility for their children.许多父母对孩子简直是完全不管不顾。外研社新世纪〔animal〕Football hooligans are just animals.足球流氓简直是畜牲。朗文当代〔ball〕That's a load of balls! 那简直是放屁!朗文当代〔bane〕That cat is the bane of my life! 那只猫简直是我的灾星!剑桥高阶〔beating-up〕For an evening stroll the beach at Dieppe is hard to beat.傍晚散步去迪耶普的海滩简直是不二之选。柯林斯高阶〔blatant〕He just blatantly lied about it.他简直是睁着眼睛说瞎话。牛津高阶〔bonkers〕The whole idea is just plain bonkers.整个想法简直是异想天开。牛津搭配〔choice〕It sounds completely crazy to me, but it's your choice.在我听来这简直是疯了,但这是你自己的选择。麦克米伦高阶〔cloud cuckoo land〕When referees make contentious decisions players are going to be upset, and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in cloud cuckoo land.裁判作出有争议的判决时运动员心里会很不痛快,谁要是不这么认为那简直是太不现实了。剑桥高阶〔coal〕Taking a gun to the United States would be like taking coals to Newcastle.带把枪去美国简直是多此一举。外研社新世纪〔crap〕They're showing a load of crap on TV this Christmas.他们今年圣诞的电视节目简直是一堆垃圾。麦克米伦高阶〔crazy〕It'd be crazy to go out in this rain.这么大的雨出去的话简直是发疯了。朗文当代〔crock〕That story is nothing but a crock.那个故事简直是胡说八道美国传统〔crock〕What a crock! 简直是一派胡言!英汉大词典〔defy〕It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension.这种行为野蛮凶残、令人震惊,简直是不可理喻。柯林斯高阶〔explode〕She literally exploded with anger.她简直是气炸了。牛津搭配〔fair〕It's a fair miracle! 这简直是奇迹!英汉大词典〔feel〕Standing there on stage I felt a complete idiot.我站在舞台上觉得简直是一个大傻瓜。牛津高阶〔frankly〕That's a frankly absurd suggestion.坦率地讲,那个建议简直是荒唐。剑桥高阶〔gas〕Last night really was such a gas!昨天晚上简直是太爽了!外研社新世纪〔gross〕She's not just fat, she's positively gross! 她不只是胖,她简直是五大三粗!牛津高阶〔gut〕I nearly bust a gut trying to get the job finished on time.为了按时完成这项工作我简直是拼命了。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕I was in cinematic heaven.我简直是到了观影者的天堂。柯林斯高阶〔hell〕These past few days have been a living hell .过去的几天简直是活受罪。朗文当代〔hopeless〕It's hopeless trying to convince her.想说服她简直是徒劳。牛津高阶〔idle〕It's crazy to have £7,000 sitting idle in the bank.把7000英镑闲置在银行里简直是疯了。剑桥高阶〔indigestible〕The statistics are virtually indigestible presented in this form.这个表格里的统计数据简直是叫人看不懂。剑桥高阶〔insignificance〕Her achievements fade into insignificance beside those of her sisters.她的成绩与姐妹们的相比简直是微不足道。牛津搭配〔insulting〕You can't offer such a low salary to someone who is so highly skilled - it's insulting.你不能给一个技艺如此高超的人这么低的工资——这简直是一种侮辱。剑桥高阶〔insult〕The instructions are so easy they are an insult to your intelligence (= they seem to suggest you are not clever if you need to use them).说明如此简单,简直是在侮辱你的智商。剑桥高阶〔joke〕Giving an arsonist a lighter is beyond a joke.把打火机交给纵火犯简直是不可理喻。柯林斯高阶〔joke〕It's ridiculous, it's pathetic, it's a joke.这真荒谬,简直是可悲、可笑。柯林斯高阶〔joke〕That price is just a joke! 那样的价格简直是开玩笑!麦克米伦高阶〔junk〕My last car was a piece of junk.我的前一部汽车简直是个废物。麦克米伦高阶〔literally〕When I told him the news he literally exploded.我们告诉他这个消息时他简直是大发雷霆。麦克米伦高阶〔lunacy〕It would be sheer lunacy to turn down a job offer like that.拒绝那样的工作简直是发疯了。朗文当代〔madness〕It was the height of madness for him to drive at such high speeds! 车开得那么快,他简直是够疯的!韦氏高阶〔madness〕It would be sheer madness to trust a man like that.信任他这样的人简直是愚蠢至极。牛津高阶〔madness〕You'd be mad to work with him again.你要再和他一起工作那简直是疯了。柯林斯高阶〔match〕Moira was a perfect match for him.莫伊拉和他简直是绝配。柯林斯高阶〔miracle〕It would take a miracle to make this business profitable.让这个公司赢利简直是天方夜谭。牛津高阶〔mockery〕The few packages of food seemed a mockery in the face of such enormous destitution.对于众多赤贫的人们,这几袋食物简直是杯水车薪美国传统〔moron〕It's madness that any mindless moron can get their hands on an airgun.任何没头脑的傻瓜都能搞到气枪, 这简直是疯了。外研社新世纪〔mulct〕Look at the hotel bill! They've really mulcted us.你看看这张旅馆账单!他们简直是敲我们的竹杠。英汉大词典〔never-never land〕If he thinks we can get this done by next week, he's living in never-never land.如果他认为我们下周就能把这项工作完成的话,那他简直是在妄想。剑桥高阶〔next〕The next five days were a nightmare.接下来的五天简直是一场噩梦。外研社新世纪〔only〕He is only not a boy.他简直是个孩子。英汉大词典〔outright〕Your room is an outright mess! 你的房间简直是乱七八糟!韦氏高阶〔out〕It was an awful job and I'm glad to be out of it.那件差事简直是受罪,我很高兴摆脱掉了。牛津高阶〔pardon〕The place was, if you'll pardon the expression, a dump.那个地方,请恕我直言,简直是个垃圾场。牛津高阶〔perfectly〕How perfectly awful! 简直是一塌糊涂!牛津高阶〔plain〕I mean, taking the wrong equipment with you - that's just plain stupid.我的意思是,你拿错仪器简直是愚蠢透顶。剑桥高阶〔play off〕The sweetness of the wine plays off the sharp flavor of the cheese.葡萄酒的甘甜和奶酪浓郁的芳香简直是天作之合。韦氏高阶〔plumb〕His latest novel plumbs the depths of horror and violence.他的最新小说简直是充斥着极端恐怖和暴力的代表作。牛津高阶〔poky〕She was dressed in the pokiest way imaginable.她穿得简直是邋遢透顶。英汉大词典〔ridiculous〕It's downright ridiculous that the library isn't open on Mondays! 图书馆星期一不开门简直是荒谬透顶!牛津搭配〔rob〕Taking money out of the hospital's budget for this is simply robbing Peter to pay Paul.从医院的预算里拿钱用到这里,简直是在剜肉补疮。朗文当代〔sacrilege〕It would be a sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building.在那座美丽的古老建筑物上安装霓虹灯简直是一种亵渎行为。剑桥高阶〔saint〕She's a saint to go on living with that man.能继续和那个男人一起生活,她简直是圣人。牛津高阶〔see-through〕The blouses are practically see-throughs.那些女衬衫简直是透明的。英汉大词典〔simply〕It is quite simply the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard.这简直是我听到过的最荒唐的想法。朗文当代〔slave labour〕It's slave labour working in that office.在那个部门工作简直是在服苦役。剑桥高阶〔so〕The deal seems so attractive it would be ridiculous to say no.这笔交易看上去太诱人了,要是拒绝它简直是笑话。柯林斯高阶〔stupid〕She was really stupid to quit her job like that.她就那样辞掉了工作,简直是愚蠢透顶。剑桥高阶〔sweat out〕It was a close game, and the fans were really sweating it out at the end.比赛难分胜负,球迷们简直是一直紧张到比赛结束。韦氏高阶〔tip〕This room is a complete/absolute/real tip (= is very untidy) - tidy it up at once.这个房间完全/绝对/简直是个垃圾场——马上清理干净。剑桥高阶〔trap〕This building is a fire trap.这个建筑简直是一个“火焰陷阱”。牛津搭配〔treasure chest〕The house is a treasure chest filled with artifacts from a bygone era.这所房子简直是一座满装着昔日手工艺品的宝库。韦氏高阶〔unforgivable〕These people are animals and what they did was unforgivable.这些人简直是畜生, 他们的所作所为不可饶恕。外研社新世纪〔untrained〕It is a nonsense to say we have untrained staff dealing with emergencies.说我们派未受过培训的员工来处理紧急事故简直是胡说八道。外研社新世纪〔untrained〕It is a nonsense to say we have untrained staff dealing with emergencies.说我们派未受过培训的员工来处理紧急事故简直是胡说八道。柯林斯高阶〔veritable〕My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.我度假回来的时候,我的花园简直是杂草丛生。剑桥高阶〔waste〕Being unemployed is such a waste of your talents.失业简直是埋没了你的才能。朗文当代〔what〕What nonsense!简直是胡说八道!外研社新世纪〔wild〕She's totally wild about him.她对他简直是着了迷。牛津高阶〔wild〕The boy is wild and completely out of control.这男孩缺乏管教,简直是完全失控。牛津高阶〔wishful thinking〕It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.指望在他的领导下发生更深层次的变革简直是痴心妄想。柯林斯高阶〔wonder〕The restored painting is a wonder to behold.那幅被修复的油画简直是个奇迹,很值得一看。牛津搭配〔world〕The meal was out of this world.这顿饭简直是没治了。牛津高阶He virtually lived in his office. 他简直是住在自己的办公室里了。译典通I felt a right berk when I couldn't remember where I'd parked the car.当我想不起把车停在什么地方时,我觉得自己简直是个十足的傻瓜。剑桥国际It's crazy to have £7000 in the bank sitting idle (=not being used).把7000英镑闲置在银行中简直是疯了。剑桥国际Leaving school was such a liberation for me! 毕业对我来说简直是一种解放!剑桥国际Left alone, the class threw books and paint at each other, pulled faces and generally clowned around (=acted stupidly).由于没有人管,班上的学生于是互相扔书和颜料盒,扮鬼脸,简直是胡闹成一团。剑桥国际Our teacher's a real sadist (= a cruel or unkind person), making us stand outside in the pouring rain.我们的教师简直是个虐待狂,他让我们在倾盆大雨中站着。剑桥国际She described Gary as (= said he was) shy, but I'd say he was just rude.她把加里说得很怕羞,可我要说他简直是粗鲁。剑桥国际She was playing with fire by secretly borrowing office funds. 她暗中挪用公款简直是玩火。译典通The instructions are so easy they are an insult to your intelligence (=they seem to suggest you are not clever if you need to use them) .指令如此简单,简直是有渎你的智力。剑桥国际The little girl was almost stark with cold. 小女孩简直是冻僵了。译典通Their attempts at painting are mechanical to the point of dullness.他们的绘画尝试很呆板,简直是枯燥乏味。剑桥国际They're just a bunch of knuckleheads.他们简直是一群白痴。剑桥国际You're (stark) raving (Br also stark staring) mad.你简直是蠢到顶了。剑桥国际You're playing with fire (= doing something very dangerous), agreeing to take part in this dishonest business deal.你同意做这笔不诚实的交易,简直是在玩火自焚。剑桥国际




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