

单词 红色的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chianti〕A dry table wine, usually red, originally produced in northwest Italy.勤地酒:原生产于意大利西北部地区的一种通常为红色的餐用干葡萄酒美国传统〔EXAMPLE〕The grey suit has been replaced in some instances with pink trousers and sandals. 灰色套装有几次被更换为粉红色的裤子和凉鞋。朗文写作活用〔FIND〕Police are trying to trace a red van, which several witnesses reported seeing near the scene of the crime. 警方在追查一辆红色的小型货车,有几名目击者报告说在犯罪现场附近看见过它。朗文写作活用〔MOST〕In the summer, blue and pink flowers predominate, but there are white flowers, too, for contrast. 夏天时候蓝色和粉红色的花占绝大多数,但也有白色的花作对比。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕She won't be difficult to spot -- she's got pink hair and weighs about 300 pounds. 她不难找—她有一头粉红色的头发;体重在300磅左右。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕Her nails were perfectly rounded and painted with delicate pink nail-polish. 她的指甲形状非常圆,涂着嫩粉红色的指甲油。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕They chose a red clay pot decorated with patterns in dull white paint. 他们选了一个红色的陶罐,上面饰有用没有光泽的白漆描绘的图案。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕They rejected the sexual stereotype of blue for a boy and pink for a girl, and dressed their baby in other colors instead. 他们摒弃了男孩穿蓝色、女孩穿粉红色的性别旧框框,给他们的宝宝穿了其他颜色的衣服。朗文写作活用〔amaranthine〕Color Deep purple-red.【色彩】 深紫红色的美国传统〔any〕There aren't any of the red ones left.红色的一个不剩了。外研社新世纪〔arrange〕Her red hair was carefully arranged and her face made up.她红色的头发精心梳理过,脸上也化了妆。牛津搭配〔banana〕The elongated, edible fruit of these plants, having a thick yellowish to reddish skin and white, aromatic, seedless pulp.香蕉:这些植物的长的、可食用果实,有从浅黄色到浅红色的厚皮和白色的、有香味的无籽果肉美国传统〔band〕The plate was decorated with bands of gold and red.盘子上饰有金色和红色的条纹。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕A pink carnation blooms in his lapel.一朵浅红色的康乃馨耀眼地插在他的西装翻领上。英汉大词典〔breast〕A robin is easy to identify because of its red breast.知更鸟因其胸脯是红色的很容易辨认。剑桥高阶〔burgundy〕He was wearing a burgundy polyester jacket.他穿着一件紫红色的涤纶夹克。柯林斯高阶〔carotenoid〕Any of a class of yellow to red pigments, including the carotenes and the xanthophylls.类胡萝卜素:一类黄色至红色的色素,包括胡萝卜素和叶黄素美国传统〔change〕We've always had a red car - it's time we had a change! 我们的车总是红色的——该换一换了!剑桥高阶〔chibouk〕A Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a red clay bowl.土耳其长烟管:一种有长杆和红色的黏土做的烟斗的土耳其的烟管美国传统〔circle〕The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center.旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。柯林斯高阶〔colcothar〕A brownish-red ferric oxide obtained as a residue after heating ferrous sulfate, used in glass polishing and as a pigment.褐红色铁氧化物:由硫酸亚铁加热后所得的褐红色的氧化铁,作玻璃抛光和颜料之用美国传统〔comb〕Roosters have red combs.公鸡长有红色的鸡冠。韦氏高阶〔cut〕She had dark red hair, cut short.她有一头深红色的短发。柯林斯高阶〔darkish〕Her hair was a darkish red color.她的头发是深红色的。韦氏高阶〔die away〕The rosy colour of her cheeks has died away.她粉红色的双颊已渐衰萎。21世纪英汉〔display〕This time the display flashed a red warning signal.这次显示器上闪烁着红色的报警信号。朗文当代〔dress〕Sheila wore a long red dress.希拉穿了一条红色的连衣长裙。朗文当代〔drip〕He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor.他正拿着一块布,布上粉红色的水滴落在地板上。柯林斯高阶〔fez〕A man's felt cap in the shape of a flat-topped cone, usually red with a black tassel hanging from the crown, worn chiefly in the eastern Mediterranean region.土耳其帽:一种通常为红色的、顶部有垂下的黑色流苏的、平顶的圆筒形男式毡帽,主要在地中海东部地区佩戴美国传统〔fleck〕The fabric was red, flecked with gold.织物是红色的,带有金黄色的斑点。牛津高阶〔glaze〕The pot is covered with a bright red glaze.罐子上涂了一层鲜红色的釉。韦氏高阶〔go〕If I wear the orange hat with the blue dress, do you think it will go? 我穿那件蓝色连衣裙戴这顶橘红色的帽子,你觉得相配吗?剑桥高阶〔habit〕She was habited in a pink dress.她穿着粉红色的连衣裙。21世纪英汉〔hat〕She was hatted a big white straw hat to match her pink dress.她戴了一顶白色的大草帽来配搭那件粉红色的连衣裙。21世纪英汉〔his〕The red car is mine; his is the green one.那辆红色的车是我的,他的车是绿色的。韦氏高阶〔kinky〕He had red kinky hair.他有一头红色的卷发。柯林斯高阶〔koa〕The light-to-dark brown or reddish wood of this tree, used for furniture, crafts, cabinetry, and musical instruments.柯阿金合欢木:此种树木由深至浅的棕色或是浅红色的木材,用以制作家具,手工艺品,精致家具及乐器美国传统〔lick〕The fire came roaring through the kitchen ceiling and sent its red tongues licking into the entrance hall.大火蔓烧过厨房的天花板咆哮而来,红色的火舌朝门厅内卷去。柯林斯高阶〔loop back〕A swag of crimson velvet was looped back against it.一个深红色的天鹅绒垂花环扣着它。外研社新世纪〔marked〕These trout are beautifully marked with bright red spots.这些鲑鱼身上有鲜红色的斑点,非常漂亮。牛津搭配〔overtake〕He pulled out to overtake the van.他驶离路边,去超那辆红色的小货车。朗文当代〔part〕The big red curtains parted to reveal a new car! 红色的大幕拉开,一辆新车出现了!韦氏高阶〔pink〕She was dressed in pink.她穿着粉红色的衣服。牛津高阶〔pink〕She was dressed in pink.她穿著粉红色的衣服。文馨英汉〔pink〕The western sky was glowing pink.西边的天空发出粉红色的光。牛津搭配〔plop down〕I plopped down on one of the dark red sofas.我嗖的一声坐到其中一张深红色的沙发上。柯林斯高阶〔plum〕Color A dark purple to deep reddish purple.【色彩】 暗紫色的,深紫红色的:从暗紫到深色偏红的紫色美国传统〔purse〕She wore pink heels with a matching clutch purse.她穿着粉红色的高跟鞋,手袋与之很相配。牛津搭配〔red herring〕A smoked herring having a reddish color.熏鲱:熏制成红色的鲱鱼美国传统〔reddish〕A pale reddish glow lit the sky.略带红色的淡淡光辉照亮了天空。柯林斯高阶〔redfish〕Any of several fishes that are reddish in color, as the red drum and the rosefish.眼斑拟石首鱼,鲈鮋:一种红色的鱼,如眼斑拟石首鱼和鲈鮋美国传统〔red〕The dress was bright red.这件连衣裙是鲜红色的。剑桥高阶〔rhodolite〕A rose-red or pink variety of garnet, a silicate mineral used as a gem.镁铁榴石:不同的玫瑰红或粉红色的石榴石,作为宝石使用的硅酸盐矿美国传统〔rib roast〕A cut of red meat, such as beef or venison, containing the sizable piece located along the outside of the rib.牛里脊肉:一块切下的红色的肉,如牛肉或鹿肉,包括位于沿着肋条外部的相当一大片美国传统〔rubious〕Of the color of a ruby; red.红宝石色的,红玉色的;红色的美国传统〔ruby〕A dark ruby stain covered the left side of his face.他左脸上有一大块深红色的斑。外研社新世纪〔rufescent〕Tinged with red.带红色的美国传统〔rufous〕Strong yellowish pink to moderate orange; reddish.锈色的:介于深黄粉色与桔黄之间的颜色;略带红色的美国传统〔rutilant〕Bright red.亮红色的美国传统〔sanguineous〕Color Having the color of blood; blood-red.【色彩】 有血色的;血红色的美国传统〔scarlet〕She was dressed all in scarlet.她全身穿深红色的衣服。文馨英汉〔sink〕The sun glowed red as it sank slowly below the horizon.太阳缓缓沉到地平线下,发出红色的余辉。剑桥高阶〔spread〕A dark red stain was spreading across his shirt.一块深红色的污渍正在他的衬衫上渗开。外研社新世纪〔stain〕There was a dark red stain on the carpet.地毯上有一处深红色的污迹。朗文当代〔stand out〕The trees' red leaves stood out against the gray sky.红色的树叶在灰色天空的映衬下很醒目。韦氏高阶〔stucco〕We live in that pink stucco house on the corner.我们住在拐角处那幢粉红色的拉毛粉饰的房子里。麦克米伦高阶〔suit〕You should wear more red - it suits you.你应该多穿红色的衣服——这个颜色很适合你。剑桥高阶〔tarboosh〕A brimless, usually red felt cap with a silk tassel, worn by Moslem men, either by itself or as the base of a turban.塔布什帽:一种由穆斯林教的男子所戴的没有帽檐的、通常为红色的毡帽,上面饰有流苏,它可以单戴也可以戴在包头巾下面美国传统〔thingamabob〕I need one of those red thingamabobs for this - Do you have one? 要做这个我需要一个红色的那种东西——你有吗?剑桥高阶〔thingy〕Hand me one of those red thingies over there.把那边那些红色的东西递给我一个。麦克米伦高阶〔to〕She wore her new red dress to the party.她穿上了红色的新连衣裙去参加聚会。韦氏高阶〔trade sth in〕He recently traded in his Jeep for a red Mercedes.他最近用自己的吉普车折价换购了一辆红色的奔驰轿车。剑桥高阶〔try〕Meg was trying on some red sandals.梅格正在试穿一双红色的凉鞋。朗文当代〔uredinium〕A reddish, pustulelike structure that is formed on the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and produces uredospores.夏孢子堆:一种微红色的脓疱状结构,主要形成于受锈菌感染的植物组织上,并产生夏孢子美国传统〔vermilion〕A bright red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment.银朱,朱砂:用作颜料的一种鲜红色的硫化汞美国传统〔vermilion〕Of a vivid red to reddish orange.朱红色的,鲜红色的美国传统〔vermilion〕She was wearing a jacket of bright vermilion.她穿着一件亮红色的夹克。剑桥高阶〔what an idea!〕I can't turn up at a funeral in a pink jacket. What an idea! 我不能穿粉红色的夹克去参加葬礼。多可笑的建议!剑桥高阶〔whiteness〕Her scarlet lipstick emphasized the whiteness of her teeth.她鲜红色的口红更衬出了她牙齿的洁白。柯林斯高阶〔zip〕Plant some red flowers to give your garden more zip.种些红色的花,给你的花园增添一点生气。韦氏高阶Her face was covered in purple blotches.她脸上布满了紫红色的疹块。剑桥国际Huw wants to paint the living room walls dark red but I'd rather a more neutral colour like cream.哈夫要把起居室的墙壁漆成暗红色的,不过我更喜欢乳白之类的中性色。剑桥国际I'll need some green and red marker pens for my talk at the sales conference.我需要几支绿色和红色的记号笔,以便在销售会议的发言中使用。剑桥国际I've just bought a bright red suit because I like the cheeriness of the colour.我才买了一套鲜红色的套装,因为我喜爱它的色彩喜气洋洋。剑桥国际Joe's blond and Rosie's a carrot-top.乔的头发是金色的,露西的是红色的。剑桥国际Rosemary and Michael have just bought a new claret sofa for their living room.罗丝玛丽和迈克尔刚买了一张紫红色的沙发放在他们的起居室里。剑桥国际Rudolf watched the red taillights speeding off. 鲁道夫看著红色的汽车尾灯急驰而去。译典通She looks best in bright, vibrant colours, like red and pink.她穿亮丽活泼的衣服最好看,比如红色的和粉红色的。剑桥国际She was wearing a jacket of bright vermilion.她穿着一件鲜红色的夹克衫。剑桥国际Sophie was heavily made-up, with dark red lipstick and green eye-shadow.索菲化了浓妆,涂着深红色的唇膏和绿色的眼影。剑桥国际The bride was in a red dress -- the whole wedding was a bit of a rum do (= strange occasion).新娘穿着一件红色的礼服----整场婚礼都有些古怪。剑桥国际The evening sky was deep pink, with tints of purple and red in it.傍晚的天空是带着紫色和红色的深粉红色。剑桥国际The orange disc of the sun sank towards the horizon.桔红色的日轮沉向地平线。剑桥国际The robin is famous for its red breast.知更鸟以其红色的胸脯而出名。剑桥国际The sun glowed red as it sank slowly below the horizon.当太阳缓慢地落到地平线以下时,它发出红色的霞光。剑桥国际These plants have pale pink flowers and deeply veined leaves.这些植物长有浅粉红色的花和粗叶脉的叶子。剑桥国际They were all wearing red rosettes pinned to their jackets.他们都在夹克衫上别着红色的玫瑰花形装饰物。剑桥国际Wild carnations have pink, strongly-scented flowers.野生的康乃馨有着粉红色的、香味浓郁的花朵。剑桥国际With their scarlet caps and white spots, these are the typical toadstools of fairy-tale illustrations.有着深红色的菌盖和白色的斑点,这些是童话插图中典型的毒菌。剑桥国际You can't wear that pink jacket with your orange skirt. They'll just scream at each other.你不能同时穿粉红色短上衣和桔红色的裙子,它们就是不谐调。剑桥国际




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