

单词 耐久
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Humvee〕A trademark used for a durable wide-bodied military vehicle with four-wheel drive.悍马,高机动性多用途轮式运输车:用于四轮驱动的耐久、宽体、军用汽车的商标美国传统〔cedar〕The durable, aromatic wood of any of these plants, especially that of the red cedar, often used to make chests.雪松木:这些植物的耐久的、带香味的木材,尤指红雪松的木材,常用于制作箱子美国传统〔cushion〕A mat placed or attached beneath carpeting to provide softness and increase durability.地毯垫:一种放在或垫在地板上的铺设物下面的垫子,使变得柔软并增加耐久性美国传统〔endurance〕It requires real endurance to drive such long distances.如此长途驾车需要真正的耐久力。英汉大词典〔hardtack〕Hardtack resists spoiling.硬饼干能耐久保存。文馨英汉〔impermanent〕Acrylic paint is quick-drying but impermanent.丙烯酸漆干得快,但不耐久。剑桥高阶〔perdurable〕Extremely durable; permanent.永久的:极为耐久的;持久的美国传统〔permanent press〕A chemical process in which fabrics are permanently shaped and treated for wrinkle resistance.耐久熨压:纤维制品永久性地被定形而且经过抗皱处理的一个化学过程美国传统〔pull date〕A date stamped on a perishable item of food, such as milk, after which it should not be sold.食用期:如牛奶等不耐久的食物,在其上印的日期之后不应再出售美国传统〔quality〕Mahogany has the quality of being durable.桃花心木具有耐久的特性美国传统〔stable〕Immutable; permanent; enduring.不变的;永久的;耐久的美国传统〔staying power〕The ability to endure or last.耐久力:忍耐或持久的能力美国传统〔sustainable agriculture〕A method of agriculture that attempts to ensure the profitability of farms while preserving the environment.耐久性农耕:保护环境的同时又能确保农地肥沃度的农耕方式美国传统Of course, in those days houses were built to last (= were built with the intention of making them last).当然,在那些日子建造的房子得耐久。剑桥国际The color finish -- of semi-glass or satin appearance -- is said to be permanent. 这种彩色抛光剂外表为半光泽或缎状,据说是很耐久的。译典通The parts of the machine which experience a lot of friction have to be made from durable materials.要经受许多摩擦的机器零件必须用耐久的材料来制。剑桥国际The way a vehicle is welded has a lot to do with its durability.汽车焊接的方法与其耐久性有很大关系。剑桥国际Wool stands up better than silk. 毛料比丝绸耐久。译典通




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