

单词 精神的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕He was one of the boldest and most innovative composers of his day. 他是当时最具胆识、最富创新精神的作曲家之一。朗文写作活用〔Christian〕Christian ethics 表现基督精神的伦理观英汉大词典〔Christian〕Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.基督的:表现出耶稣的品德或精神;具有耶稣精神的美国传统〔DRAW〕Leonardo da Vinci's drawings show an immensely inventive and inquiring mind. 莱奥纳多·达·芬奇的画显示出他极富创造性与探索精神的心智。朗文写作活用〔Grecism〕Something done in imitation of Greek style or spirit.对希腊风格或精神的模仿美国传统〔Marxist〕One that believes in or follows the ideas of Marx and Engels, especially a militant Communist.马克思主义者:马克思和恩格斯主义信仰者或追随者,尤指富于战斗精神的共产党员美国传统〔NEW〕The idea for the programme ‘Big Brother’ was highly innovative. “老大哥”计划是一个很有革新精神的构思。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕This country is being run by a bunch of old fogies -- we need some fresh blood, people with initiative. 治理这个国家的是一帮老家伙—我们需要一些新鲜血液,需要具有创新精神的人。朗文写作活用〔Proclus〕Greek philosopher and the last major Neo-Platonic teacher. He maintained that reality is fundamentally mental rather than material.普罗克洛斯:希腊哲学家,最后一个重要的新柏拉图主义的导师,他认为现实从基础上说是精神的而非物质的美国传统〔Promethean〕Boldly creative; defiantly original.勇于创造的:勇于创造的;富有反抗精神的美国传统〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕The idea of the selfless, self-sacrificing mother is not one that appeals to most women these days. 当一个无私的、具有自我牺牲精神的母亲,如今对大多数妇女来说都不会有吸引力了。朗文写作活用〔Zeitgeist〕Speed is a part of our Zeitgeist.追求速度是我们时代精神的一部分。英汉大词典〔animated〕Filled with activity, vigor, or spirit; lively.栩栩如生的:充满活力、生机或精神的;栩栩如生的美国传统〔anxiety〕These nouns are compared as they refer to troubled states of mind.当表示精神的忧虑状态时,这些名词是有区别的。美国传统〔army〕The organization was founded by a dedicated army of volunteers.那个组织是由一大批具有奉献精神的志愿者建立的。韦氏高阶〔awakening〕The group experienced a cultural/religious/spiritual awakening.这一群体体验了文化/宗教/精神的觉醒。韦氏高阶〔buccaneering〕Virgin's buccaneering founder, Richard Branson 维珍公司富有冒险精神的创始人里查德 · 布兰森牛津高阶〔burdensome〕These adjectives all apply to what imposes a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength.这些形容词都适用于将体力或精神的繁重考验强加于人的事物。美国传统〔catalogue〕This is one of the most searching songs in his catalogue.这是他的作品当中最具探索精神的歌曲之一。外研社新世纪〔chivalric〕Of or relating to chivalry.武士精神的或与武士精神有关的美国传统〔chivalrous〕Having the qualities of gallantry and honor attributed to an ideal knight.武士精神的:具有勇武精神及荣誉感等被认为是理想的武士所就具有的品质的美国传统〔chivalrous〕Of or relating to chivalry.武士精神的或武士制度的美国传统〔clay〕The human body as opposed to the spirit.肉体:区别于精神的人的身体美国传统〔con spirito〕With spirit and vigor. Used chiefly as a direction.精神的:精神抖擞地和有活力的。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔corrode〕Suffering was easier to bear than the bitterness he felt corroding his spirit.比起他感到正在渐渐侵蚀他精神的那些痛苦来说, 这种折磨承受起来更容易些。外研社新世纪〔cowboy〕An adventurous hero.富有冒险精神的英雄美国传统〔dedicated〕We are fortunate to have such a highly skilled and dedicated workforce.我们很幸运,有这么一支非常熟练并有献身精神的员工队伍。麦克米伦高阶〔defiant〕She always was a defiant child.她一直是个具有反抗精神的孩子。外研社新世纪〔dualism〕The concept that human beings have two basic natures, the physical and the spiritual.二元论:认为人有两个基本属性,物质的和精神的属性的观念美国传统〔enlightening〕A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.一些有献身精神的医生多年来一直努力指导业内同仁。柯林斯高阶〔enlighten〕A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.一些有献身精神的医生多年来一直努力指导业内同仁。外研社新世纪〔enterprise〕We need someone with enterprise and imagination to design a marketing strategy.我们需要一位有进取心和创新精神的人来为我们制定市场战略。剑桥高阶〔enterprising〕Now, enterprising companies are offering the sleekest Japanese consumer electronics to US consumers.现在, 一些有开拓精神的公司向美国消费者出售日本最时髦的消费类电子产品。外研社新世纪〔enterprising〕Some enterprising members found ways of reducing their expenses or raising their incomes.一些有创新精神的成员找到各种增收减支的方法。柯林斯高阶〔enterprising〕Some enterprising members found ways of reducing their expenses.一些有创新精神的成员找到了多种减少开支的方法。外研社新世纪〔enterprising〕Some enterprising students are designing software.一些有创业精神的学生在设计软件。朗文当代〔enterprising〕The business was started by a couple of enterprising young women.这家公司是由几位富有开创精神的年轻女性创办的。剑桥高阶〔essence〕Something that exists, especially a spiritual or incorporeal entity.精神:存在的某物,尤指精神的或无形的存在美国传统〔fertile〕Canada has been a fertile breeding ground of enterprise, genius, and innovation.加拿大是一片培养企业、人才和创新精神的沃土。外研社新世纪〔front line〕These dedicated people are on the front line of health care.这些富有献身精神的人工作在医疗服务的第一线。麦克米伦高阶〔giving〕She's a very giving person.她是一个很有奉献精神的人。朗文当代〔go ahead〕We have a flexitime system and crèche facilities and like to think of ourselves as a go-ahead employer.我们公司实行弹性工作时间制,还设有照顾员工子女的日托中心,并将自己定位为一家富于开拓精神的公司。剑桥高阶〔go-ahead〕Fairview Estate is one of the oldest and the most go-ahead wine producers in South Africa.“丽景庄园”是南非历史最悠久、最具创新精神的酿酒商之一。柯林斯高阶〔go-ahead〕Fairview Estate is one of the oldest and the most go-ahead wine producers in South Africa.美景庄园是南非历史最悠久同时也是最具创新精神的葡萄酒制造商之一。外研社新世纪〔height〕Archaic Loftiness of mind.【古语】 精神的崇高美国传统〔infallible〕Roman Catholic Church Incapable of error in expounding doctrine on faith or morals.【罗马天主教】 阐述教义无误的:阐释有关信仰或精神的教义时不出错的美国传统〔innovative〕He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.他是他那代人当中最富创造性与革新精神的工程师之一。柯林斯高阶〔innovative〕Inventors are innovative people.发明家都是富有革新精神的人。英汉大词典〔innovative〕She was an imaginative and innovative manager.她是个具有想象力和创新精神的经理。剑桥高阶〔just the thing〕I know just the thing to cheer you up—ice cream! 我知道最能使你打起精神的东西——冰激凌!韦氏高阶〔language〕The wording of a legal document or statute as distinct from the spirit.文件用语,法律用语:不同于精神的合法文件或法令的措辞美国传统〔meaning〕He found spiritual meaning through religion.他通过宗教找到了精神的价值。牛津搭配〔measure〕Accepting the lower salary was seen as an important measure of commitment.能够接受低薪被认为是奉献精神的重要体现。牛津搭配〔militant〕A fighting, warring, or aggressive person or party.斗士,富有战斗精神的人:一个处于战斗、战争中或好战的人或团体美国传统〔mould〕I try to take young athletes and mold them into team players.我尽量收年纪小的运动员,把他们塑造成有团队精神的选手。朗文当代〔nectar〕A delicious or invigorating drink.甘美的饮料:一种好喝的能增加精神的饮料美国传统〔officer〕The salvage corps was officered by brave and dedicated men.保险公司的消防队是由勇敢和有献身精神的人指挥的。英汉大词典〔of〕It was a tale of war and bravery.这是一个关于战争与无畏精神的故事。麦克米伦高阶〔opening〕The job provides a good opening for someone with initiative.这份工作给有主动精神的人好机会。牛津同义词〔oriflamme〕An inspiring standard or symbol.军旗,旗帜:一种精神的标志或代表美国传统〔original〕She has a highly original mind.她是个非常有创新精神的人。牛津搭配〔outer〕Relating to the body or its appearance rather than the mind or spirit.物质的,客观世界的:更多涉及人体及外貌而不是思想和精神的美国传统〔perfectionism〕A belief that moral or spiritual perfection can be achieved by people in this life.完美主义信仰:在生命中相信人生可以达到道德或精神的完美境界美国传统〔pneumatic〕Theology Of or relating to the pneuma; spiritual.【神学】 灵魂的,精神的:属于或关于灵魂的,精神的美国传统〔poster boy〕He looks like a poster boy for strength and athleticism.他看起来像是力量和运动精神的代言人。外研社新世纪〔professionalism〕She approached the task with a dedicated professionalism.她以带有奉献精神的职业作风对待此项任务。英汉大词典〔psychoactive〕Affecting the mind or mental processes. Used of a drug.作用于心灵的,影响精神的:作用于心灵或精神过程的。用于形容药品美国传统〔psychoactive〕The drug has psychoactive properties.这种药具有影响精神的作用。外研社新世纪〔psychokinesis〕The production or control of motion, especially in inanimate and remote objects, purportedly by the exercise of psychic powers.心灵致动:据称是通过使用精神的力量,使物体特别是无生命的和遥远的物体移动或控制它们运动美国传统〔realism〕It was time now to show more political realism.现在是拿出更多政治务实精神的时候了。外研社新世纪〔realism〕It was time now to show more political realism.现在是拿出更多政治务实精神的时候了。柯林斯高阶〔religious〕Mozart's profoundly religious music 莫扎特浸透宗教精神的音乐作品英汉大词典〔renovatable〕Our school has been renovated by Lei Feng's spirit.我们学校因受到雷锋精神的影响而重整旗鼓振作起来。21世纪英汉〔revive〕It's amazing what a five-star hotel can do to revive your spirits.五星级宾馆能提供的使你恢复精神的服务真是让人惊叹。麦克米伦高阶〔risk-averse〕We live in a risk-averse culture.我们生活在没有冒险精神的文化中。牛津高阶〔root〕She's a dedicated teacher with roots in the community.她扎根社区,是一位富有献身精神的教师。韦氏高阶〔secular〕Worldly rather than spiritual.世俗的:现实的而不是精神的美国传统〔self-starter〕One who displays an unusual amount of initiative.做事主动的人:显示不寻常的主动精神的人美国传统〔sensual〕Physical rather than spiritual or intellectual.肉体上的:肉体的而不是精神的或智力的美国传统〔spirituality〕The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual.精神性:成为精神的状态、性质、方式或事实美国传统〔spiritual〕Traditional ways of life fulfilled both economic and spiritual needs.传统的生活方式满足了经济和精神的双重需求。剑桥高阶〔sportsmanlike〕As a club, we try to encourage sportsmanlike behaviour .作为一家具乐部,我们尽量鼓励有体育精神的行为。朗文当代〔strong〕These adjectives are compared as they mean having or showing vigor, durability, or power of body or spirit.当这些形容词表示有或显示活力、持久性或身体或精神的力量时,它们之间可作比较。美国传统〔trisomy syndrome〕Trisomy 21 syndrome, also called Down's syndrome, affects physical and mental development.21-三体综合征,又称唐氏综合症,影响身体和精神的发育。剑桥高阶〔unadventurous〕Not inclined to undertake new, risky enterprises.不富于冒险精神的:不从事新的冒险性事业的美国传统〔unchristian〕Not in accord with the spirit or principles of Christianity.违反基督教教义的:不符合基督教精神的或原则的美国传统〔underpin〕A competent and co-operative leadership is needed to underpin further growth.称职且富于团队精神的领导层是实现进一步发展所需要的。外研社新世纪〔unorthodox〕Steiner was recognized as an original if unorthodox thinker.斯坦纳被认为是一位离经叛道但富有创新精神的思想家。剑桥高阶〔unworldly〕Not of this world; spiritual.精神的:不属于这个世界的;精神的美国传统〔waiting〕As soon as you get some food inside you, you'll feel more cheerful. Just you wait.吃点儿东西你就会打起精神的。等着瞧吧。柯林斯高阶〔wait〕As soon as you get some food inside you, you'll feel more cheerful. Just you wait.吃点儿东西你就会打起精神的。等着瞧吧。外研社新世纪〔yoga〕A system of exercises practiced as part of this discipline to promote control of the body and mind.瑜伽修行法:作为该训练一部分的修行体系,用以促进对身体或精神的控制美国传统From the spunky look on his face you could tell he must have done well in the test. 从他有精神的表情上可以得知他一定考得不错。译典通He is a man full of adventure. 他是一个充满冒险精神的人。译典通He's a very dedicated father/golfer/teacher.他是个有献身精神的父亲/高尔夫球手/教师。剑桥国际His achievements attest his devotion to science. 他的成就是他对科学的献身精神的明证。译典通She was an imaginative and innovative manager (=full of new ideas).她是一名充满想象力和革新精神的经理。剑桥国际She's a tremendously loyal, self-sacrificing and heroic person who's never betrayed anyone.她是个非常忠诚、有自我牺牲精神的英雄人物,从没背叛过任何人。剑桥国际Six enterprising college students decided to start their own business.六位有创业精神的大学生决定创立自己的公司。牛津商务Temporal power and wealth are more important to many people than a spiritual promise of life after death.现世的权力和财富对许多人来说比死后精神的永生更重要。剑桥国际




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