

单词 竞赛者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agonist〕One involved in a struggle or competition.竞争者;竞赛者:进行斗争或竞争的人美国传统〔bet〕To make a bet on (a contestant or an outcome).下赌注:对某事(一个竞赛者或一个结果)打赌美国传统〔field〕All the contestants or participants in an event, especially all the contestants except the favorite or the winner in a contest of more than two.竞赛者全体:参加比赛的所有竞争者或选手,尤其是在超过两人的竞争中除热门人物或赢家外的所有竞争者美国传统〔freestyle〕A swimming event in which the contestants may choose any stroke.自由泳:竞赛者可以选择任何泳姿的游泳比赛美国传统〔front-runner〕A competitor who performs best when in the lead.竞争领先者:领先时有最佳表现的竞赛者美国传统〔handicap〕A race or contest in which advantages or compensations are given different contestants to equalize the chances of winning.障碍赛:在速度方面的比赛或对抗中为了给竞赛者以相同的获胜机会, 给他们规定不同的条件的比赛美国传统〔lane〕Sports One of a set of parallel courses marking the bounds for contestants in a race, especially in swimming or track.【体育运动】 跑道:在比赛中表明竞赛者界线的一组平行路线,尤其是游泳或田径运动中美国传统〔lap〕The racer lapped in 1 minute 43 seconds.竞赛者用了1分43秒跑完了一圈。21世纪英汉〔lap〕The racers have to lap the course six times.竞赛者必须在跑道上跑6圈。英汉大词典〔marathoner〕One that participates in a marathon, especially a marathon runner.马拉松赛跑者:参加马拉松竞赛者,尤指马拉松赛跑者美国传统〔prostrate〕The competitors were prostrated by the heat.竞赛者们由于天气炎热而力不从心。21世纪英汉〔regularly〕The competitors set off at regularly spaced intervals.竞赛者每隔相同的时间出发。剑桥高阶〔repechage〕A trial heat, especially in rowing, allowing competitors who have already lost a heat another chance to qualify for the semifinals.补充赛:尤指划船赛中的预赛,让已经输掉一场比赛的竞赛者有另一次机会,来获得准决赛的资格美国传统〔score〕The number of points attributed to a competitor or team.总分:某一竞赛者或团队的得分美国传统〔scratch line〕A line beyond which a contestant must not step.禁线:竞赛者一定不能迈过的线美国传统〔starting gate〕A movable barrier that starts an automatic timer when pushed aside by a competitor, such as a skier.活动门:当被竞赛者,如滑雪运动员推开时则启动自动计时器的活动门美国传统Both competitors exchanged/had words (= argued) after the match.两名竞赛者在赛后争论了起来。剑桥国际Words passed between both competitors (= They argued) after the match.两名竞赛者在赛后争论了起来。剑桥国际




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