

单词 站着
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abash〕stand abashed at a sight 面对一种景象困窘地站着发呆英汉大词典〔akimbo〕children standing with arms akimbo. 双手叉腰站着的孩子们美国传统〔astraddle〕stand astraddle 两脚叉开站着英汉大词典〔astride〕three youths who stood astride their bicycles and stared. 站着跨在自行车上凝视的3个年轻人柯林斯高阶〔attention〕stand at (或 to) attention 立正站着英汉大词典〔attention〕to stand at/to attention 立正站着;立正牛津高阶〔balance〕balance on one foot 独脚站着保持平衡英汉大词典〔bunch〕a bunch of keys on a ring; people standing around in bunches. 环上的一串钥匙;围圈站着的人们美国传统〔catnap〕the fisherman's capacity to catnap standing up 渔夫站着打盹儿的本事英汉大词典〔chock〕had to stand chock up against the railing. 不得不紧紧挨着栏杆站着美国传统〔circle〕stand in a circle 围成一个圆圈站着英汉大词典〔corner〕in the red corner, the heavyweight champion of the world在红色场角站着的, 是世界重量级拳击冠军外研社新世纪〔erectly〕standing/sitting erectly 直挺挺地站着/坐着韦氏高阶〔erect〕stand (sit) erect 笔挺地站着 (坐着) 英汉大词典〔face〕stood and faced the audience. 面对观众站着美国传统〔flap〕stand with one's ears flapping 站着竖耳谛听英汉大词典〔hawker〕as soon as she saw that it was a visitor and not a hawker or tramp at her door. 她一看到门口站着的是位访客而不是街头小贩或流浪汉…柯林斯高阶〔immovable〕stand immovable 一动不动地站着英汉大词典〔motionless〕stand motionless against the wall 背靠墙一动不动地站着英汉大词典〔paradox〕the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking. 站着比走路还累这一似非而是的说法美国传统〔remain〕to remain silent/standing/seated/motionless 依然沉默╱站着╱坐着╱一动不动牛津高阶〔skin〕stand in one's skin for health checkup 赤条条站着接受体格检查 英汉大词典〔slouch〕stand at a slouch 没精打采地站着英汉大词典〔stand-up〕a stand-up dinner 站着吃的宴会英汉大词典〔stand-up〕a stand-up lunch counter 供人站着进食的快餐柜英汉大词典〔stand-up〕a stand-up lunch/bar 站着吃的午餐;站着喝酒的酒吧韦氏高阶〔standing〕the standing audience 站着的观众英汉大词典〔standup〕a standup supper; a standup bar. 站着吃晚饭;站着喝的酒吧美国传统〔stone〕stone cold; standing stone still. 彻骨之寒;纹丝不动地站着美国传统〔to〕stand face to face 面对面站着英汉大词典〔to〕stood face to face. 面对面地站着美国传统〔with〕stand with one's hands in one's pockets 两手插在口袋里站着英汉大词典〔wordless〕stand wordless 默默无言地站着英汉大词典




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