

单词 经由
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔come〕come at an education through study. 经由研究得到教育美国传统〔factual〕the speculative nature of the supposedly factual information conveyed through the media 经由媒体传播、被称为事实的信息的臆测性质牛津搭配〔go〕go by land (sea) 经由陆路(海路)去英汉大词典〔hype〕media hype 经由媒体的大事宣传文馨英汉〔jury〕the right to trial by jury 经由陪审团审判的权利牛津高阶〔overland〕an overland journey 经由陆路的旅行麦克米伦高阶〔overland〕traveled overland to the ranch. 经由陆路到大牧场美国传统〔penetration〕peaceful penetration 和平的渗透(经由贸易、投资等)文馨英汉〔per〕per , per- ; paramount , paramour , parget , parvenu , from Latin per , through, for, by. per , per- ; paramount , paramour , parget , parvenu , 源自 拉丁语 per , 经过, 由于, 经由. 美国传统〔way〕flew to the Far East by way of the polar route. 经由极地航线飞往远东美国传统




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