

单词 简单的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕She was writing simple computer programs when she was eight years old. 她八岁时编写简单的电脑程序。朗文写作活用〔EASY〕She drew us a simple map so that we wouldn't get lost. 她画了个简单的地图,免得我们迷路。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕Ted enjoyed the simple pleasures of life: his family, his home, and his garden. 特德享受着生活中简单的乐趣:他的家庭、居所和花园。朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕In one case a man was charged $2000 for a simple medical check-up. 有一回,有个男人做了一个简单的体检就被收了2,000美元。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕He attributes his longevity to ‘a simple diet and a glass of wine every day’. 他把自己的长寿归功于“简单的饮食和每天一杯葡萄酒”。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕If you follow the easy step-by-step instructions, you really can't go wrong. 按照简单的说明一步一步地去做,你不可能出错。朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕You can teach most dogs to obey simple commands. 大多数狗都可以学会服从简单的命令。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕The professor became frustrated by his students’ seeming inability to understand simple questions. 学生连简单的问题都似乎理解不了,教授对此颇为沮丧。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕This point can be illustrated by two brief examples. 这一点可以用两个简单的例子来说明。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕She had difficulty with even the most elementary tasks. 她甚至做最简单的工作都有困难。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕The students should get the idea that this is a complex issue, with no easy answers. 学生应该明白,这是个复杂的问题,没有简单的解决办法。朗文写作活用〔accustom to〕I am accustomed to a spare diet.我习惯于简单的饮食。21世纪英汉〔answer〕There is no easy answer to the problem.这个问题没有简单的解决办法。牛津搭配〔appearance〕The case had all the appearances of a straightforward murder.从所有迹象来看,这个案件都像一宗简单的谋杀。朗文当代〔arpeggio〕The guitarist warmed up with a few simple arpeggios.吉他手弹了几个简单的琶音和弦热身。韦氏高阶〔ask〕Asking around, he discovered that land speculators were buying land from innocent crofters.各处调查后,他发现土地投机商正向头脑简单的佃户购进田地。英汉大词典〔assembly〕Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job.组装书橱应该是个简单的装配活。牛津高阶〔bald〕There was just this bald statement of resignation - no explanation or anything.只有简单的辞职声明——没有解释之类的东西。剑桥高阶〔band〕A simple ungrooved ring, especially a wedding ring.结婚戒指:一种简单的未刻花纹的戒指,尤指结婚戒指美国传统〔callisthenics〕Callisthenics are simple exercises that you do to keep fit and healthy.柔软体操是简单的健身运动。文馨英汉〔circumscribe〕The artist will circumscribe the painting with just one red line.这位艺术家将会画一条简单的红线, 把这幅画框起来。外研社新世纪〔civil〕We were married in a simple civil ceremony.我们举行的是简单的世俗婚礼。麦克米伦高阶〔concept〕Some students failed to grasp even the simplest mathematical concepts.一些学生连最简单的数学概念都没掌握。麦克米伦高阶〔construction〕The summer house was a simple wooden construction.那座避暑别墅是简单的木结构建筑。牛津高阶〔contentment〕They finally found contentment in living a simple life.他们终于在简单的生活中得到了满足。牛津搭配〔conversation〕When you are struggling with an unfamiliar language, the simplest conversations can be misinterpreted.如果不熟悉一种语言,最简单的谈话都可能被误解。牛津搭配〔convey〕All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram.所有这些信息可以通过一张简单的图表来表示。朗文当代〔cyanogen〕A univalent radical, CN, found in simple and complex cyanide compounds.氰基:一种单价基因,氯化苯乙酮,存在于简单的和复杂的氰化物中美国传统〔device〕Secure your bike with this simple locking device.用这种简单的锁把自行车锁起来。麦克米伦高阶〔dimer〕A molecule consisting of two identical simpler molecules.二聚物:由两个较简单的相同分子形成的聚合物美国传统〔follow〕He has trouble following simple instructions.简单的指示他都难以照办。牛津高阶〔get beyond〕Even the best teacher cannot get him beyond simple piano exercises.即使是最好的教师,也无法使他超出最简单的钢琴练习曲程度。21世纪英汉〔get your feet wet〕She got her feet wet at her new job by doing some simple filing tasks.她通过做一些简单的文案工作慢慢熟悉新工作。韦氏高阶〔graphics〕The screen can display simple graphics as well as text.屏幕能显示简单的图形及文本。牛津搭配〔guesstimate〕He used a simple formula to guesstimate the amount of material he would need for the job.他用一个简单的公式大致估算了他工作所需的材料用量。韦氏高阶〔hack up〕I hacked up on the editor.我对编辑程序做了简单的修改。21世纪英汉〔in principle〕In principle, making the changes should be a simple matter, but there may be problems we haven't thought of.按常理,做出改变应该是件简单的事,但是也可能出现我们始料未及的问题。韦氏高阶〔in words of one syllable〕Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works? 你能用简单的话给我解释一下电子显微镜的工作原理吗?剑桥高阶〔indicatable〕In his case a simple surgical operation is indicated.他的病情表明需要做一次简单的外科手术。21世纪英汉〔jump〕There may be a simple explanation. Let's not jump to conclusions.可能有个简单的解释,我们不要仓促下结论。朗文当代〔lay out〕Cuomo laid it out in simple language.科莫用简单的语言作了解释。外研社新世纪〔listen〕Listen to this! You can win a car just by answering three simple questions.听听这个!只要回答出3个简单的问题你就有可能赢得法国南部双人度假游。剑桥高阶〔manage〕The condition can be easily managed by simple dietary adjustments.这种情况可以通过简单的饮食调整轻松加以调控。牛津搭配〔manually〕The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.这个装置是用一个简单的手柄手动操作的。外研社新世纪〔maze〕The rats were trained to find their way through a simple maze.这些老鼠经过训练, 能在简单的迷宫里找到路。外研社新世纪〔merry〕In the merry world of American lawyers it is the simplest thing in the world to start an action.在无忧无虑的美国律师界,世上最简单的事情就是提出诉讼。柯林斯高阶〔now for〕That was an easy question. Now for something a bit more challenging.这是个简单的问题。下面问点更有挑战性的问题。韦氏高阶〔occur to〕It suddenly occurred to me that there was a simpler way to deal with the problem.我忽然想到一个更简单的方法来处理这个问题。韦氏高阶〔old〕Having become simpler in form and of lower relief. Used of a landform.地形起伏缓和的:较为简单的、起伏较平的。用于形容地形美国传统〔organism〕These creatures are descended from simpler organisms like corals.这些生物源于珊瑚虫之类更为简单的生物。外研社新世纪〔ornate〕The gold frame is much too ornate for that simple picture.对那幅简单的图画用金框是装饰过于华丽了。英汉大词典〔out〕They had constructed a simple shelter out of bamboo and palm leaves.他们用竹子和棕榈树叶搭了个简单的遮棚。麦克米伦高阶〔palette〕Restrict yourself to a simple palette.你应该只用一组简单的颜色。外研社新世纪〔pity〕I pity you if you can't answer such a simple question.如果你连如此简单的问题都回答不出,那你真是太可怜了。英汉大词典〔plain〕The document, written in plain English, tells you about your new policy.这份文件用简单的英语写成,说明了关于你们的新政策的情况。朗文当代〔portraiture〕This insightful book transcends simple portraiture.这本书富有洞见, 而不仅仅是简单的描写。外研社新世纪〔quickie〕I've got a question for you – it's just a quickie.我有个问题要问你 — 很简单的问题。朗文当代〔represent〕The article represents the millionaire as a simple family man.文章把这位百万富翁描述成一个简单的家庭男人。朗文当代〔respect〕His children respected his last wishes and held a simple funeral for him.他的子女尊重他的遗愿,为他举行了简单的葬礼。剑桥高阶〔rustic〕A person regarded as crude, coarse, or simple.乡巴佬:被认为粗鄙、粗俗或头脑简单的人美国传统〔sensillum〕A simple sensory receptor consisting of one cell or a few cells, especially a hairlike epithelial cell projecting through the cuticle of arthropods.感觉器:由一个或少数细胞构成的简单的感受器,尤指突出于节肢动物表皮的发状的上皮细胞美国传统〔simpleton〕He was a lightweight, a political simpleton.他是个无名之辈,头脑简单的政客。柯林斯高阶〔simple〕A fool; a simpleton.傻瓜;头脑简单的人美国传统〔simple〕A hammer is a simple tool.锤子是一种简单的工具。剑桥高阶〔simple〕There are three simple steps/rules to follow.接下来要遵循三个简单的步骤/规则。韦氏高阶〔simple〕There were pages of simple advice on filling in your tax form.针对如何填报税表有几页简单的建议。外研社新世纪〔simple〕They evolved from simple life forms that existed millions of years ago.它们是从几百万年前就存在的简单的生命形式进化而来的。朗文当代〔sim〕The game is a simple sports sim.这是一款简单的模拟体育运动的电脑游戏。柯林斯高阶〔slapjack〕Games A simple game of cards.【游戏】 儿童纸牌戏:一种简单的牌戏美国传统〔snooper〕The second house that Grossman had a snoop around contained 'strong simple furniture'.格罗斯曼打探过的第二座房子有着“结实而简单的家具”。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕The interior is spare, almost minimalist.内部是简朴的,几乎是最简单的。剑桥高阶〔spot〕What about a spot of lunch?要不要吃点简单的午餐?外研社新世纪〔start off〕The game-show host started her off with some easy questions.电视有奖竞赛节目主持人以几个简单的问题开始向她提问。韦氏高阶〔step〕Follow our simple step-by-step instructions.按照我们简单的说明,一步一步来。柯林斯高阶〔straightforward〕The question seemed straightforward enough.这个问题看起来够简单的。柯林斯高阶〔task〕Monkeys can be taught to do simple tasks .猴子能被教会做一些简单的事。朗文当代〔term〕The video explains in simple terms how the new tax works.录像用简单的语言解释了新税法。外研社新世纪〔term〕We explain in simple terms what the treatment involves.我们用简单的语言来解释治疗的内容。朗文当代〔torchon lace〕Lace made of coarse linen or cotton thread twisted in simple geometric patterns.粗质花边:将粗糙的尼龙或棉线弯曲成简单的几何图案而形成的花边美国传统〔translate〕The principle of relativity can be translated into simpler terms.相对论原理能用较为简单的措辞加以说明。英汉大词典〔translate〕To put into simpler terms; explain or interpret.解释:用更简单的语言表达;解释或阐释美国传统〔turf war〕Both sides say this is more than just a turf war between big and small banks.双方都称这不仅仅是大小银行争地盘这么简单的问题。柯林斯高阶〔turf war〕Both sides say this is more than just a turf war between big and small banks.双方都称这不仅仅是大银行和小银行之间争夺地盘这么简单的问题。外研社新世纪〔unadorned〕Without adornment or embellishment; simple or plain.未装饰的:未加装饰的;简单的,朴素的美国传统〔undissociated〕Chemistry Not dissociated into simpler groups of atoms, single atoms, or ions.【化学】 未离解的:未分离成更简单的原子群、单一原子或离子的美国传统〔use〕They used simple behavioural methods to help them overcome their fear.他们采用了简单的行为疗法帮助他们克服恐惧。外研社新世纪〔vamp〕To improvise simple accompaniment or variation of a tune.即席伴奏:即兴做出简单的伴奏或音调的变化美国传统〔view〕There is, in my view, a simple explanation.在我看来,有一个简单的解释。柯林斯高阶〔view〕There is, in my view, a simple explanation.我认为有一种简单的解释。外研社新世纪〔world〕In the real world, things are never quite so simple.现实生活中事情从来都不是那么简单的。朗文当代A few simple shapes are the irreducible forms from which all of the patterns are generated.一些简单的形状是所有这些图形从中产生的不可简化的形状。剑桥国际Even the best of men ignored that simple rule. 甚至最优秀的人也忽略了那条简单的规则。译典通I reduced the problem to a few simple questions.我把难题简化为几个简单的问题。剑桥国际I'll try to explain in simple terms.我将设法用简单的语言解释。牛津商务No brief summary can possibly do justice to the depth of this report.简单的概括不可能公正地反映这一报告的深度。剑桥国际Pie charts are often the simplest way to show statistics.饼形图通常是显示统计数据的最简单的途径。牛津商务She made some simple shelves by fixing a couple of planks of wood to the wall.她将几块木板固定在墙上,做了一些简单的架子。剑桥国际Simple repetitive tasks can be very wearisome.简单的重复性工作会非常乏味。剑桥国际The entire system of belief is based on a few simple truths.整个信仰系统是建立在几条简单的原则基础之上的。剑桥国际There isn't a straight answer to the problem because it just isn't that simple.这问题没有一个简单的答案,因为它本身并不是那么简单。剑桥国际




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