

单词 签署
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕The US Senate refused to ratify the agreement on weapons reduction. 美国参议院拒绝签署裁减武器协议。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕Judge Mershon ruled that the agreement was signed under duress, and was therefore null and void. 梅尔尚法官判定该协议是在胁迫下签署的,因而无效。朗文写作活用〔May〕An agreement was signed on 6th May 1977.1977 年 5 月 6 日签署了一份协议。朗文当代〔NEED/NECESSARY〕It is essential to read any document carefully before you sign it. 签署任何文件之前都一定要仔细阅读。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕A formal agreement between the two countries was signed in 1999. 1999年,两国签署了一份正式协议。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Both buyer and seller should agree on the terms before the contract is signed. 买卖双方应该在合同签署以前商定条款。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕The two countries have just signed a new agreement on arms control. 两国刚签署了一份新的军备控制协议。朗文写作活用〔accord〕A peace accord was signed by both leaders.双方领导人签署了和平条约。麦克米伦高阶〔agreement〕The government has entered into/signed an international arms control agreement.政府接受/签署了一项国际军备控制协议。剑桥高阶〔agreement〕The twenty-six countries signed an agreement to cut air pollution.26个国家签署了减少空气污染的协议。麦克米伦高阶〔antiproliferation〕Our country has signed the antiproliferation treaty.我国已签署反核子武器扩散条约。文馨英汉〔appreciate〕He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.他没有完全理解签署这份合同的意义。朗文当代〔armistice〕They signed an armistice with China.他们与中国签署了停战协定。牛津搭配〔assurance〕She gave me her assurance (that) she would sign the contract immediately.她向我保证她会马上签署合同。剑桥高阶〔assure〕The president assured me that he would sign the bill as amended.总统向我保证他会将提案作为修正案签署。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕Activists are pressing the banks to attach political conditions to the signing of any new agreement.激进分子强烈要求银行在签署任何新协议前要考虑政治条件。柯林斯高阶〔ballot〕Only one Republican cast a ballot for ratification.只有一名共和党人对正式签署投了赞成票。外研社新世纪〔call out〕Factory workers are expected to be called out on strike if a new contract isn't signed by tomorrow.如果明天之内不签署新合同,工人可能会奉命举行罢工。韦氏高阶〔conscience〕He refused for reasons of conscience to sign a new law legalising abortion.他出于信仰,拒绝签署使堕胎合法化的新法。柯林斯高阶〔consent〕In 1998 they signed a consent agreement.1998 年他们签署了同意协议。牛津搭配〔consult〕I'll need to consult with my husband before I can sign the papers.签署这些文件之前,我要先和我丈夫商量一下。韦氏高阶〔cooling-off period〕Customers signing new life policies will have a cooling-off period of 14 days in which to cancel.签署新的人寿保险的客户有 14 天的冷却期,这段时间内可以取消保单。朗文当代〔cooperate〕The country agreed to cooperate with the other nations on the trade agreement.这个国家同意与其他国家共同签署贸易协定。韦氏高阶〔country〕The two countries signed a basic treaty of cooperation.两国签署了一个基本的合作条约。牛津搭配〔declaration〕They will sign the declaration tomorrow.他们明天将签署这份公告。柯林斯高阶〔deed of covenant〕Signing a deed of covenant makes £1 worth £1.33.签署一张付款契据就使 1 英镑价值变为 1.33 英镑。牛津高阶〔defense〕They signed a billion-dollar defense contract with the company.他们与这家公司签署了一份价值10亿美元的国防订单。韦氏高阶〔discharge〕The soldier's discharge was frequently signed by a company commander other than his own.士兵的退伍证明通常是由其他连的连长签署的。外研社新世纪〔distribution〕Her company has signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement.她的公司签署了非独家销售协议。牛津搭配〔document〕He refused to sign the documents.他拒绝签署这些文件。麦克米伦高阶〔donate〕Please sign this form if you would like to donate your organs when you die.如果您愿意死后捐献器官,请签署这张表格。韦氏高阶〔do〕I just need to sign one more letter…There, that does it.我只需再签署一封信件…好了,完成了。韦氏高阶〔drink〕The documents were signed over a friendly drink.这些文件是在友好小酌时签署的。英汉大词典〔ds.〕Document signed.文件已签署美国传统〔duplicate〕The contract is prepared in duplicate, so that both parties can sign it.这份合同一式两份,这样双方都可以签署。牛津搭配〔effect〕Signing the agreement was one thing, putting it into effect was another.签署协议是一回事, 付诸实施又是另一回事。外研社新世纪〔endorse〕To acknowledge (receipt of payment) by signing a bill, draft, or other instrument.开发票,开证明文件:通过签署帐单、汇票或其它正式文件而承认已收到付款美国传统〔even〕Even as we speak, a ceasefire agreement is being signed in Geneva.就在我们谈话的时候,一项停火协议在日内瓦签署了。麦克米伦高阶〔explain〕Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.在律师向你解释清楚合同之前,不要签署任何东西。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕Most EU countries have signed the agreement and the US is expected to follow shortly (=soon) .大多数欧盟国家已签署这个协议,预计美国也会很快跟上。朗文当代〔force〕The contract was not signed and has no binding force.合同没有签署因而没有约束力。牛津搭配〔guarantee〕They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty.他们要求得到某些保证后才签署条约。牛津高阶〔high tide〕The signing of the peace treaty was the high tide of her presidency.那项合约的签署是她任总统期间的最大成就。剑桥高阶〔honor system〕Previously, we operated an honor system, where employees signed statements of residency but these were not verified. 过去我们实行一套无监督系统,员工签署居住声明,但并无人核实。剑桥高阶〔hurry〕Don't let them hurry you into signing anything.别在他们的催促之下匆忙签署任何东西。麦克米伦高阶〔implementation〕Very little has been achieved in the implementation of the peace agreement signed last January.去年1月签署的和平协议几乎没有落实。外研社新世纪〔intimidate〕The police had tried to intimidate him into signing a confession.警方曾试图胁迫他签署认罪书。牛津搭配〔legislation〕Governor Bradbery signed legislation for $20 million in municipal relief.布拉德伯里州长签署了 2,000 万美元的城市救济法案。牛津搭配〔maker〕Law A party that signs a promissory note.【法律】 签署本票的一方美国传统〔mark〕The signing of the treaty marked a major milestone on the road to European union.该条约的签署是欧洲一体化进程中的一个重要里程碑。剑桥高阶〔memorandum〕He signed a memorandum of understanding with the UK.他和英国签署了一份谅解备忘录。外研社新世纪〔negotiation〕They signed the treaty after several years of negotiation.经过几年的谈判他们签署了协约。牛津搭配〔non-aggression〕The two countries have just signed a non-aggression pact.这两个国家刚刚签署了一项互不侵犯条约。麦克米伦高阶〔omnibus〕To nearly everyone's amazement, the president signs the omnibus package.令几乎所有人吃惊的是, 总统签署了这项综合性的一揽子协议。外研社新世纪〔originally〕France originally refused to sign the treaty.最初法国拒绝签署该条约。柯林斯高阶〔pact〕After WWII he made a pact with the USA for military bases in Spain.二战后, 他与美国签署协定在西班牙境内设立美军基地。外研社新世纪〔peruse〕The agreement was signed after careful perusal.合同是仔细阅读以后才签署的。牛津高阶〔protectorate〕The agreement ending the protectorate was signed in Paris.终结保护国关系的协议在巴黎签署。外研社新世纪〔railroad〕He railroaded her into signing the contract.他迫使她仓促签署了合同。韦氏高阶〔ratification〕The act of ratifying or the condition of being ratified.签署:认可的行为或正式签署以后的状况美国传统〔ratify〕Many countries have now ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child.很多国家现在已经正式签署了联合国儿童权利公约。剑桥高阶〔shanghai〕The two groups were shanghaied into signing the agreement, despite their objections.这两个小组尽管反对,但还是被迫签署了协议。剑桥高阶〔signatory〕The Convention requires signatories to punish genocide when it occurs.会议要求签署方在种族大屠杀发生时进行制裁。牛津搭配〔signee〕One who has signed a document, such as a contract or petition.签署人:已经签署文件的人,例如签署一份契约或是请愿书美国传统〔signer〕He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.他是《独立宣言》的签署人之一。韦氏高阶〔signing〕Spain's top priority is the signing of an EMU treaty.西班牙的当务之急是签署《欧洲经济和货币联盟条约》。柯林斯高阶〔signing〕Spain's top priority is the signing of an EMU treaty.西班牙的当务之急是签署欧洲经济货币联盟条约。外研社新世纪〔signing〕Two people witnessed the signing of the will.有两个人见证了遗嘱的签署。韦氏高阶〔sign〕France has just signed a new trade deal with Japan.法国刚刚和日本签署了一项新的贸易协定。朗文当代〔sign〕He was forced to sign the confession.他被迫签署了认罪书。韦氏高阶〔sign〕She has signed the house over to her daughter.她签署了转让手续,把房子过到女儿名下。牛津高阶〔sign〕The rebels have now signed the ceasefire agreement.叛乱者现在已经签署了停火协定。麦克米伦高阶〔spring〕The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal.两个超级大国的领导人昨天在白宫的一个仪式上突然签署了一项贸易协定,令人倍感意外。柯林斯高阶〔square away〕Negotiators have already squared away a lot of the agreements that will be signed at the Earth Summit.谈判人员已经把很多将在地球峰会上签署的协议准备妥当。柯林斯高阶〔stipulate〕We have signed a contract which stipulates when the project must be completed.我们已签署合同,规定了项目必须完成的时间。剑桥高阶〔stockpile〕The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.两位领导人还同意签署削减化学武器储备的几项条约。柯林斯高阶〔subscription〕The signing of one's name, as to a document.签署:如在文件上签名美国传统〔support〕Her friends supported her by signing her petition.她的朋友通过签署请愿书支持她。韦氏高阶〔the ink is not dry/still wet〕The ink was barely dry on the peace agreement when fighting broke out again.才刚刚签署和平协议,战斗又再发生了。剑桥高阶〔treaty〕A multilateral nuclear non-proliferation treaty was to be signed.将签署一项防止核扩散的多边条约。牛津搭配〔treaty〕Both sides have agreed to sign the treaty .双方都同意签署条约。朗文当代〔turn back〕The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.政府部门如今已经签署了那项法案,没有挽回的余地。柯林斯高阶〔undersigned〕The undersigned declare that ...下面签署者宣布…。文馨英汉〔underwrite〕To sign (an insurance policy) so as to assume liability in case of specified losses.通过保单承担:签署(一保险单)以便承担一定损失情况下的责任美国传统〔underwrite〕To subscribe to, especially to sign or endorse (a document).在(文件)上签署:对…签名,尤指签署(文件)美国传统〔witness〕He witnessed the signing of her will.他见证了她签署遗嘱。韦氏高阶An international agreement has been signed to control the trade in ivory.签署了一项国际协定来控制象牙交易。剑桥国际Don't sign anything until you've read the small print.在你详读附属细则之前不要签署任何东西。剑桥国际He has signed a one-year rolling contract.他签署了一年期滚动合同。牛津商务He was dismissed for signing documents without the authority of his manager.他未经经理授权签署文件,所以被解雇了。牛津商务He was pressurized into signing the agreement.他被迫签署这个协议。剑桥国际I want time to study this contract thoroughly before signing it.我需要时间在签署合同之前将它彻底研究一下。剑桥国际My lawyer countersigned the will after I had signed it.在我签署了遗嘱之后,律师进行了副署。剑桥国际Our rental contract states that we are not allowed to sublet the house.我们签署的租房合同中写明不允许我们将房子转租。剑桥国际The United States and Canada have signed a free-trade pact.美国和加拿大签署了自由贸易的条约。剑桥国际The executor of the document must be present at the close of the deal. 在这笔交易签署时,文件的执行者必须在场。译典通The signing of the peace treaty was the high tide of her presidency.和平条约的签署是她担任总统期间的最大成就。剑桥国际The two companies signed a non-disclosure agreement in order to protect their confidential information.两家公司签署了一项保密协议以保护他们的机密资料。牛津商务They signed a sworn affidavit.他们签署了宣誓书。剑桥国际We've signed/concluded a treaty with neighbouring states to limit emissions of harmful gases.我们已和邻国签署/缔结条约,限制排放有害气体。剑桥国际




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