

单词 耸起
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arch〕Scully arched an eyebrow in surprise.斯库利惊异地耸起眉毛。麦克米伦高阶〔bristle〕The hedgehog's quills bristled in all directions.刺猬周身的硬刺四散耸起。英汉大词典〔draw〕He sat with his knees drawn up.他两膝耸起坐着。英汉大词典〔ease〕Roselli hunched his shoulders, perfectly at ease.罗塞利耸起双肩, 完全是一副悠然自得的样子。外研社新世纪〔eyebrow〕Her eyebrows arched quizzically.她疑惑地耸起眉毛。牛津搭配〔hump〕He humped his shoulders.他耸起双肩。英汉大词典〔hunch〕She hunched her shoulders in the cold.她在寒冷中耸起双肩。麦克米伦高阶〔hunch〕Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.韦斯耸起双肩, 身体前倾靠在柜台边上。外研社新世纪〔hunch〕Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.韦斯耸起双肩,身体前倾靠在柜台边上。柯林斯高阶〔shoulder〕He hunched his shoulders against the cold wind.他耸起肩膀抵御寒风。牛津搭配〔skyscraper〕On all sides, skyscrapers rose like jagged teeth.四周耸起的摩天大楼参差不齐。牛津搭配〔strike〕Malcolm struck his usual pose: hands in pockets, shoulders hunched.马尔科姆摆出惯常的姿势: 双手插在口袋里,肩膀耸起。朗文当代〔white〕Beat four egg whites into stiff peaks.搅打4个蛋清,直到打得稠稠地耸起来为止。剑桥高阶Beat the egg whites until they peak. 把蛋白打到他们耸起。译典通He humped his shoulders. 他耸起双肩。译典通Her eyebrows arched in contempt.她蔑视地耸起双眉。剑桥国际




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