

单词 耸听
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕I do not wish to be alarmist, but the situation in the region is worse than it has been in many months. 我不想危言耸听,但是该地区的局势比前几个月更糟糕。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕The ambassador dismissed these views as excessively alarmist. 大使认为这些观点过于危言耸听而不予理会。朗文写作活用〔alarmist〕A person who needlessly alarms or attempts to alarm others, as by inventing or spreading false or exaggerated rumors of impending danger or catastrophe.大惊小怪者;危言耸听者:不必要地进行警告或试图警告别人的人,如对即将来临的危险、灾难加以捏造或传播虚假夸张的谣言美国传统〔alarmist〕A spokesperson for the food industry said the TV programme was alarmist.食品工业的一位发言人说这个电视节目危言耸听。牛津高阶〔alarmist〕Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die.那些更加危言耸听的报道说他生命垂危,但事实并非如此。柯林斯高阶〔alarmist〕He claims that alarmists have exaggerated the economy's problems.他声称那些危言耸听的人夸大了经济中存在的问题。韦氏高阶〔alarmist〕He wanted to alert people without sounding like an alarmist.他想让人们保持警觉,但又不想让人觉得他像是个危言耸听的人。韦氏高阶〔alarmist〕The government has dismissed newspaper reports of 200 dead as being alarmist.报纸报导有200人死亡,政府称这是危言耸听。剑桥高阶〔argument〕The company dismissed his arguments as alarmist.公司认为他的观点是危言耸听而不予理会。牛津搭配〔overstate〕It is not an overstatement to say a crisis is imminent.说危机当头绝非危言耸听。牛津高阶〔rag〕Slang A newspaper, especially one specializing in sensationalism or gossip.【俚语】 报纸:报纸,尤指专门危言耸听或传播小道消息的报纸美国传统〔scare story〕Despite the scare stories in the media, no jobs will be lost at the factory.尽管媒体的报道危言耸听,该厂不会有人失业。朗文当代〔scaremongering〕The Government yesterday accused Greenpeace of scaremongering.昨日政府指责“绿色和平”组织危言耸听。柯林斯高阶〔scaremongering〕There has been a lot of scaremongering about possible job losses.有许多有关可能裁员的危言耸听的流言。麦克米伦高阶〔scaremongering〕They used scaremongering about the economy to influence voters.他们对经济发表危言耸听的言论,以此来影响选民。韦氏高阶〔scaremonger〕One who spreads frightening rumors; an alarmist.散布骇人谣言的人;危言耸听者美国传统〔scaremonger〕She always likes scaremongering.她总是爱危言耸听。21世纪英汉〔sensationalism〕Interest in or the effect of such subject matter.哗众取宠,危言耸听:由耸人听闻的题材所产生的兴趣或效果美国传统All these stories in the papers about dogs attacking children are just scaremongering.报上所有那些关于狗袭击儿童的报导只是危言耸听而已。剑桥国际Don't listen to the alarmists in the City--I am positive that we will double our profits this year.不要听信伦敦城中危言耸听者的话----我确信我们今年的利润将会翻一番。剑桥国际Eventually, the scaremongers were taken seriously and the mineral water was removed from the shops and tested.终于,危言耸听者被人们认真对待,那种矿泉水被从商店里取走送去检验了。剑桥国际Over the last few years, there have been some alarmist predictions that the World War III will happen very soon. 在最近几年,有些危言耸听的预测说第三次世界大战就要发生。译典通Some of the more sensational Japanese newspapers have given a lot of coverage to the scandal.一些更加危言耸听的日本报纸对丑闻作了许多报道。剑桥国际The government has dismissed newspaper reports of 200 dead as being alarmist.政府认为报纸上200人死亡的报道是危言耸听,不予理睬。剑桥国际




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