

单词 耶诞节
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Easter〕School holidays are at Christmas, Easter and during the summer.学校的假期是在耶诞节、复活节及暑假。文馨英汉〔Xmas〕Happy Xmas! 耶诞节快乐!文馨英汉〔abubble〕The department store was abubble with Christmas shoppers.那家百货公司由于耶诞节的购物客而热闹。文馨英汉〔adazzle〕The store was adazzle with Christmas displays.那家商店闪耀著耶诞节的展示品。文馨英汉〔around〕The task will be finished around Christmas.这件工作将在耶诞节左右完成。文馨英汉〔goose〕They often have goose at Christmastime.他们常在耶诞节时吃鹅肉。文馨英汉〔it〕It will soon be Christmas.耶诞节就要到了。文馨英汉〔largess〕Christmas is a day of largess.耶诞节是慷慨赠送礼物的日子。文馨英汉〔present〕I gave her a dictionary as a birthday [Christmas] present.我给她一本辞典做为生日[耶诞节]礼物。文馨英汉〔soon〕It will soon be Christmas.不久就是耶诞节。文馨英汉Christmas Day is the 25th of December. 耶诞节是十二月二十五日。译典通Christmas is a gala day. 耶诞节是个喜庆的日子。译典通Christmas is an important feast for Christians. 耶诞节是基督徒的重要节日。译典通Christmas is one of the major festivals in the United States of America. 耶诞节是美国的主要节日之一。译典通Christmas will soon come round. 耶诞节就要到了。译典通It will soon be Christmas. 耶诞节很快就要到了。译典通Jane will meet her boy friend at Christmas. 珍将在耶诞节和她男友见面。译典通My grandchildren will stay over Christmas. 我的孙儿孙女们耶诞节期间将待在这儿。译典通My mind flashed back to last Christmas. 我忽然回想起去年耶诞节的情景。译典通On Christmas she got a new pair of skates. 耶诞节时她得到一双新溜冰鞋。译典通Some people observe Christmas here. 在这儿有些人过耶诞节。译典通The barman gave free drinks to the regulars at Christmas. 耶诞节酒吧男侍者免费给老顾客酒喝。译典通The boy gorged on turkey on Christmas Day. 这男孩耶诞节那天大吃火鸡。译典通The celebration of Christmas is a custom. 庆祝耶诞节是一种风俗。译典通The store is underhanded in the Christmas season. 该商店在耶诞节期间缺少人手。译典通The workers are expecting a large Christmas bonus. 工人们期待著在耶诞节得到一大笔奖金。译典通They had red tapers on the table at Christmastime. 在耶诞节期间他们在桌子上点红色的细蜡烛。译典通They keep Christmas as well as Spring Festival in their house. 他们家既过春节,也过耶诞节。译典通They plan on coming at Christmas. 他们计划耶诞节来。译典通They will vacation in Hawaii during Christmas. 他们耶诞节期间将到夏威夷度假。译典通




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