

单词 站岗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assign〕The company commander assigned me to stand guard.连长派我去站岗。英汉大词典〔chain〕The authorities had chained off the access road and positioned police in strategic places.当局用链条把进路拦断,并在要害地点布置警察站岗。英汉大词典〔couple〕Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。柯林斯高阶〔detail〕Four soldiers were detailed to guard duty.四名士兵被派去站岗。朗文当代〔detail〕The officer detailed a man for sentry duty.军官派一名战士站岗。21世纪英汉〔duty〕He fell asleep while on guard duty.他在站岗时睡着了。麦克米伦高阶〔duty〕Twelve guards stood duty each night.每夜有12名卫兵值勤站岗。英汉大词典〔guard〕A solider stood guard outside the palace.一个士兵在宫殿外站岗。牛津搭配〔guard〕One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates.一位年轻的警察在大门紧闭的使馆外站岗。柯林斯高阶〔guard〕One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates.一位年轻的警察在紧锁的大使馆门外站岗。外研社新世纪〔guard〕Police were on guard at Barnet Town Hall.警察在巴尼特市政大厅站岗执勤。外研社新世纪〔guard〕They've even mounted guard outside the main hotel in the capital.他们甚至派人在首都的大饭店外面站岗。柯林斯高阶〔guard〕They've even mounted guard outside the main hotel in the capital.他们甚至派人在首都这家主要饭店外面站岗。外研社新世纪〔mount〕He mounted sentries on the wall.他派哨兵在城墙上站岗。文馨英汉〔mount〕Sentries are mounted outside the palace at all times.宫殿外一直有警卫站岗。剑桥高阶〔on watch〕Two guards were on watch. = Two guards were standing watch.两名警卫在站岗。韦氏高阶〔picket〕He's on picket duty tonight.今晚他当哨兵站岗。朗文当代〔post〕An assigned position or station, as of a guard or sentry.哨站,岗位:如卫兵或哨兵的指派的站岗位置美国传统〔post〕By 5 am the soldiers were already at their posts.清晨 5 点士兵们已经在哨位上站岗了。朗文当代〔post〕Extra guards were posted at the border crossing.边界的交叉口处增派了几名卫兵站岗。麦克米伦高阶〔post〕The general posted a guard outside the door to his tent.将军在帐篷门外安排了一名警卫站岗。韦氏高阶〔post〕The guard took up his post at the gate.卫兵在门口站岗。牛津搭配〔sentinel〕One of the campers stood sentinel while the others slept.在其他露营者睡觉时,有一名露营者站岗守卫。英汉大词典〔sentinel〕To provide with a guard.站岗:派一名守卫美国传统〔sentry box〕A small shelter for a posted sentry.岗亭:站岗哨兵用的一种小型掩蔽物美国传统〔sentry〕A guard, especially a soldier posted at a given spot to prevent the passage of unauthorized persons.消兵:一名守卫,尤指在某一给定位置站岗防止未批准人员通行的士兵美国传统〔sentry〕My squad were on sentry duty last night.我的班昨天晚上站岗放哨。剑桥高阶〔sentry〕We stood sentry over the sleepers.我们站岗守卫那些睡觉的人。英汉大词典〔stand guard/watch〕A soldier stood guard by the door.一名士兵在门口站岗。韦氏高阶〔stand〕He instructed me to stand watch to ensure that the place of meeting was safe.他命令我站岗以保证会场安全。英汉大词典〔stand〕Security guards stand watch at the press baron's home.安保人员在这位报业大王家站岗。外研社新世纪〔station〕A security guard was stationed near the door.近门处有一名保安站岗。朗文当代〔volunteer〕Sidcup volunteered for guard duty.西德卡普自告奋勇去站岗。朗文当代〔watchman〕A man who is employed to stand guard or keep watch.看守者:被雇佣来站岗或放哨的人美国传统〔watch〕A policeman stood watching.一个警察站岗放哨。外研社新世纪〔watch〕Everything was peaceful during his watch.他站岗期间,一切都很平静。韦氏高阶〔watch〕That night they posted watches.他们那天晚上站岗。牛津搭配〔watch〕The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.放哨,站岗:警卫、哨兵或观望哨的责任岗位或时段美国传统〔watch〕The soldiers slept at night, except for one who stayed awake on watch/to keep watch.夜里除了一个人站岗之外,其他的士兵都睡觉了。剑桥高阶A sentry stood on guard at the corner. 一个哨兵在角落里站岗。译典通Armed guards are posted around the site.武装警卫围绕着现场站岗。剑桥国际The soldiers slept at night, except for one who stayed awake on watch.晚上,除了一个士兵站岗警戒之外,其他的人都睡觉了。剑桥国际There are guards posted (= standing and watching) at every entrance.在每个入口处都有卫兵站岗。剑桥国际Two guards were stationed at the gate. 在大门口有两名警卫站岗。译典通Two soldiers permanently stand guard outside these barracks (= guard them).这些兵营外一直有两个士兵在站岗。剑桥国际




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