

单词 罗布
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕How did two people like Sara and Rob have such beautiful children? 像萨拉和罗布两个这样的人怎么会生出这么漂亮的孩子?朗文写作活用〔BETWEEN〕Rachel got in between Rob and Chris for a better view. 雷切尔插在罗布和克里斯之间想看得更清楚些。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕Oh look -- a present from Rob. I bet it's another bottle of cheap perfume. 哦,瞧——罗布送来的礼物。我敢打赌又是一瓶廉价香水。朗文写作活用〔CONVENIENT〕Robson's resignation comes at an awkward time for the company. 对该公司来说,罗布森辞职不是时候。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕Rob isn't her type at all. 罗布完全不是她喜欢的那种类型。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕The nurse came in with a hypodermic needle, and Rob went white as a sheet. 护士拿着一支皮下注射针进来,罗布吓得脸色发白。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Robson is particularly good at dealing with people, and should make an excellent manager. 罗布森特别擅长跟人打交道,应该能成为一名出色的经理。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Rob is the guy with the blue jacket. 罗布是那个穿蓝夹克的家伙。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕The authorities weren't helpful at all when Rob reported his passport stolen. 罗布报告他的护照被偷,当局一点也帮不上忙。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕Rob went out hours ago, and he's not back yet. 罗布几个小时以前出去了,现在还没回来。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕Robson was trying to be as diplomatic as possible - he didn't want to risk losing a promotion. 罗布森说话办事尽量圆滑—他不想冒险失去升职的机会。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Rob always showered me with compliments and made me feel special. 罗布总对我大加赞赏,令我感觉与众不同。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕Rob's smile was irresistible, and she responded with a grin. 罗布的微笑魅力无法抗拒,她也报以咧嘴一笑。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕The Trobrand islanders are happy, sexually uninhibited people. 特罗布里恩群岛上的居民天性愉快,性行为不受拘束。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕Rob's got a new girlfriend, according to Janine. 据雅妮妮说,罗布有了一个新的女朋友。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕Rob nodded his head in agreement. 罗布同意地点点头。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕I got up off the grass and strolled over to where Rob was sitting. 我从草地上站起来,慢慢走到罗布坐着的地方。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕I take it that you're Rob's sister? 我想你是罗布的妹妹吧?朗文写作活用〔THINK〕Rob just got tired of living with her, I guess. 我估计罗布对和她一起生活感到厌烦了。朗文写作活用〔ace〕Staff ace Robert Robson helped the team to its first win this season.王牌球员罗伯特・罗布森帮助球队赢得了本赛季的第一场胜利。牛津搭配〔assurance〕Despite my repeated assurances, Rob still looked very nervous.尽管我再三保证,罗布看起来还是很紧张。朗文当代〔attention〕Rob loves being the centre of attention (=the person who everyone is interested in, listens to etc) .罗布喜欢成为人们关注的焦点。朗文当代〔badly〕Rob did very badly in the History exam.罗布的历史考得很差。朗文当代〔beeline〕Rob always makes a beeline for beautiful women.罗布总是径直奔向漂亮的女士。朗文当代〔brim〕Rob was brimming with enthusiasm.罗布满腔热情。麦克米伦高阶〔brim〕Rob was just brimming with enthusiasm.罗布就是满腔热情。朗文当代〔carry〕Robson injured his leg in the second half of the match and had to be carried off.罗布森在下半场比赛中腿部受伤,只好被抬到场外。剑桥高阶〔close〕I felt closer to Rob that evening than ever before.那晚我觉得和罗布比以前更亲近了。朗文当代〔compliment〕Rob Andrew had a quiet game, which is meant as a compliment .罗布‧安德鲁的比赛波澜不惊,这话是说他打得好。朗文当代〔county〕Trowbridge is the county town of Wiltshire.特罗布里奇是威尔特郡的首府。牛津搭配〔devastate〕Rob was devastated by the news of her death.罗布听到她死去的消息悲痛欲绝。朗文当代〔devoid〕Rob's face was devoid of any warmth.罗布的脸上没有任何热情。麦克米伦高阶〔disheartened〕Robson was far from disheartened by his team's showing.罗布森根本没有对他团队的表现感到灰心丧气。外研社新世纪〔dual〕Rob may be entitled to dual nationality.罗布或许有资格获得双重国籍。外研社新世纪〔dual〕Rob may be entitled to dual nationality.罗布或许能拥有双重国籍。柯林斯高阶〔eat〕Does Rob eat fish? 罗布吃鱼吗?朗文当代〔ethnography〕Malinowski wrote several ethnographies of the Trobriand Islands.马林诺夫斯基著有数部有关特罗布里恩德岛的人种志著作。剑桥高阶〔fall〕Rob fell down the stairs.罗布从楼梯上跌了下来。朗文当代〔find〕Rob is still finding his feet as a coach.罗布当教练还在适应过程中。朗文当代〔football〕Rob's going home to watch the football on TV.罗布打算回家看足球赛的电视转播。麦克米伦高阶〔glance〕Rob turned and marched off without a backward glance.罗布转过身头也不回地大踏步走了。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕How long have Rob and Sue been going out? 罗布和休交往有多久了?麦克米伦高阶〔guess〕So it was Rob who broke the window? I might have guessed! 这么说是罗布打碎了窗玻璃?我早就应该猜到的!牛津搭配〔jawbone〕Congresswoman Weintrob jawboned local officials about their responsibilities toward the immigrant community.国会议员温特罗布女士强烈呼吁当地官员要关注移民社区。剑桥高阶〔joke〕I hope Rob doesn't tell any of his dirty jokes (= jokes about sex) when my mother's here.我希望我母亲在场时罗布不要讲黄色笑话。剑桥高阶〔kind〕Rob isn't the kind of person to worry.罗布不是会发愁的那种人。朗文当代〔knock up〕He went to knock Rob up at 4.30 am.他凌晨四点半去敲门唤醒罗布。外研社新世纪〔knock up〕He went to knock Rob up at 4.30am.他凌晨4:30去敲门唤醒罗布。柯林斯高阶〔latch onto〕Rob had latched onto me. He followed me around, sat beside me at lunch, and usually ended up working with me.罗布缠上了我,我去哪儿他都跟着,吃午饭时就坐我身边,最后还往往和我一起工作。柯林斯高阶〔lateness〕Strobe Talbott, late of Time magazine.刚离开《时代》杂志不久的斯特罗布·塔尔博特柯林斯高阶〔late〕Strobe Talbott, late of Time magazine曾在《时代》周刊就职的斯特罗布·塔尔博特外研社新世纪〔meditation〕Rob interrupted his father's meditations.罗布打断了他父亲的沉思。朗文当代〔misgiving〕I have serious misgivings about my relationship with Rob.我非常担心自己和罗布的关系。麦克米伦高阶〔nature〕Rob has a very sweet nature.罗布本性非常善良。外研社新世纪〔object〕Robson strongly objected to the terms of the contract.罗布森强烈反对合同中的条款。朗文当代〔on board〕Let's bring Rob on board for the Saudi deal - he's the expert.让罗布也参与跟沙特做的这笔交易吧——他是这方面的专家。剑桥高阶〔on〕Jimmy was on mornings this week; Rob was on afternoons and evenings.吉米这个星期上早班,罗布上中班和晚班。英汉大词典〔pale〕Kent's face paled when he saw that Rob had a knife.肯特看到罗布有把刀子,顿时面无血色。朗文当代〔pass〕Robson had pounced on a dropped pass.罗布森猛扑向落地传球。牛津搭配〔peer〕Few players have gained as much respect from their peers as Bobby Robson.很少有运动员能像博比·罗布森那样赢得如此多同龄人的尊敬。麦克米伦高阶〔pencil〕Pickford has been pencilled in as Robson's replacement.皮克福德被暂定为罗布森的接替者。朗文当代〔perch〕Rob came over to perch on the corner of her desk.罗布走过来,在她的桌角靠了一会儿。麦克米伦高阶〔picture〕Rob had pictured her as serious, but she wasn't like that.罗布原本想象她是个严肃的人,不过她不是那样的。朗文当代〔quicken〕She caught sight of Rob and felt her heart quicken.她看到了罗布,感觉自己心跳加快了。朗文当代〔resign〕Mr Robb resigned his position last month.罗布先生上个月辞职了。柯林斯高阶〔resign〕Mr Robb resigned his position last month.罗布先生上月辞去了职位。外研社新世纪〔ring〕Rob's laughter rang out in the large room.罗布的笑声响彻这个大房间。麦克米伦高阶〔rob roy〕A cocktail made with Scotch whisky, sweet vermouth, and bitters.罗布伊酒:一种用苏格兰威士忌、甜苦艾酒和苦味液酿制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔slack〕Rob suddenly slacked off when he entered the sixth form.罗布升到六年级的时候,忽然变得懒惰。文馨英汉〔sociable〕Rob's very sociable - he likes parties.罗布非常喜欢社交——他喜欢聚会。剑桥高阶〔solace〕She turned to Rob for solace.她到罗布那儿寻求慰藉。牛津高阶〔sprint〕Rob Harmeling won the sprint in Bordeaux.罗布·哈梅林在波尔多获得短跑冠军。柯林斯高阶〔sprint〕Rob Harmeling won the sprint in Bordeaux.罗布•哈梅林在波尔多获得短跑冠军。外研社新世纪〔stalwart〕Rob's a stalwart of the school's chess club.罗布是学校国际象棋俱乐部的坚定分子。朗文当代〔stomach〕Rob found Cathy's attitude hard to stomach.罗布觉得凯茜的态度令人难以容忍。朗文当代〔storm〕Rob stormed out of the house and slammed the door.罗布气冲冲地走出屋子,砰的一声关上了门。麦克米伦高阶〔style〕Rob has a very different style, relaxed and slow.罗布的做事方式非常与众不同,慢腾腾,悠哉悠哉的。麦克米伦高阶〔support〕I couldn't have made it through those times without the support of my boyfriend, Rob.没有男朋友罗布的支持,我是不可能熬过那些日子的。朗文当代〔system〕Rob just let her talk and get it all out of her system.罗布只是听任她诉说着,让她尽情宣泄自己的情绪。麦克米伦高阶〔take sb up on sth〕Could I take you up on that offer of a lift, Rob? 罗布,我现在同意搭你的车,还可以吗?剑桥高阶〔take〕Rob took up the invitation to visit.罗布接受了访问的邀请。朗文当代〔talk〕Rob! I'm talking to you! 罗布! 我在和你说话呢!朗文当代〔testimony〕Prosecutors may try to determine if Robb gave false testimony when he appeared before the grand jury.控方可能要努力查明罗布是否在大陪审团面前作了伪证。外研社新世纪〔testimony〕Prosecutors may try to determine if Robb gave false testimony when he appeared before the grand jury.检方可能要努力查证罗布在大陪审团面前是否作了伪证。柯林斯高阶〔therapy〕Rob was in therapy for several years.罗布接受过几年的心理治疗。朗文当代〔torn〕Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics.罗布在做医生还是当运动员之间痛苦抉择,左右为难。柯林斯高阶〔trip〕He was sent off for deliberately tripping Robson when he was about to score.他因故意绊倒正要起脚射门得分的罗布森而被罚下场。剑桥高阶〔um〕She felt her face going red — 'I'm sorry Rob, it's just that I'm, um, overwhelmed.' 她感到自己的脸变红了——“对不起,罗布,我只是,呃,一时情绪失控。”柯林斯高阶〔we〕How are we feeling today, Mr. Robson? 我们今天感觉怎样,罗布森先生?朗文当代〔wheel〕It was Rob's idea. I merely set the wheels in motion(= started the process).这是罗布的主意。我只不过是让它运作起来而已。牛津高阶He was sent off for deliberately tripping Robson when he was about to score a goal.他被罚下场,因为当罗布森要射门得分的时候他故意把他绊倒了。剑桥国际I hope Rob doesn't tell any dirty jokes (= offensive jokes about sex) at the party, because my grandmother's going to be there.我希望罗布别在晚会上讲下流笑话,因为我奶奶要去。剑桥国际Irving is a consultant with accountancy firm Robson Rhodes.欧文是罗布森·罗德会计师事务所的顾问。剑桥国际Rob is a nickname for Robert. 罗布是罗伯特的暱称。译典通Robson injured his leg in the second half of the match and had to be carried off.罗布森在下半场比赛中伤了腿,只得被抬出场外。剑桥国际The famous anthropologist, Malinowski, wrote several ethnographies of the Trobriand Islands.著名的人类学家马林诺夫斯基写过几部特罗布里恩群岛的人种志。剑桥国际The teams were evenly matched until two quick goals from Robson tipped the balance in favour of England.在罗布森迅捷地踢入决定性的两球之前两队势均力敌,这两球使得形势对英国队有利。剑桥国际We are keen to see if Robley still has the international qualities to justify selection (= being chosen) for the national team.我们急切地想知道罗布利是否仍有国际水准能入选国家队。剑桥国际We're all going to Oxford on Saturday for Rob's graduation (ceremony) (= a ceremony at which an official document saying that he has got a degree will be given to him).我们星期六都去牛津大学参加罗布的毕业典礼。剑桥国际




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