

单词 精炼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Spartan〕Marked by brevity of speech; laconic.精炼的: (语言)简短为特征的;精炼的美国传统〔aphorize〕To express oneself in or as if in aphorisms.用格言写作:用格言或警句精炼地陈述美国传统〔bilbo〕A sword, especially one having a well-tempered blade.精炼过的好剑:一种剑,尤指带精炼刀刃的剑美国传统〔classic〕Formal, refined, and restrained in style.拘谨的,精炼的:风格正式、精致和克制的美国传统〔concentrated〕This book tells us in concentrated form of the history of China.这本书以精炼的形式向我们介绍中国的历史。英汉大词典〔crack cocaine〕Chemically purified, very potent cocaine in pellet form that is smoked through a glass pipe and is considered highly and rapidly addictive.快克古柯碱:化学上被精炼、效力强的古柯碱,成颗粒状,透过玻璃管来吸食,也被认为是非常快速上瘾的美国传统〔cultivated〕Educated; polished; refined.有教养的;文雅的;精炼的美国传统〔digestibility〕Processing and refining can alter digestibility.加工和精炼可以改变食物的可消化性。外研社新世纪〔digestible〕Processing and refining can alter digestibility.通过加工处理和精炼可以改变食物的可消化性。柯林斯高阶〔distill〕To increase the concentration of, separate, or purify by or as if by distillation.精炼:用蒸馏法或好象用蒸馏法增加浓度、分离或净化美国传统〔distill〕To undergo or be produced by distillation.蒸馏;精炼;浓缩:进行蒸馏或用蒸馏生产美国传统〔fill-in〕A short, informative summary.摘要,总结:精炼且信息量大的总结美国传统〔freebase〕Cocaine purified by this method.以此法精炼而成的可卡因美国传统〔freebase〕To prepare or use cocaine purified in this way.制作或使用精炼的可卡因美国传统〔freebase〕To purify (cocaine) by dissolving it in a heated solvent and separating and drying the precipitate.加热吸用精炼可卡因:通过溶解(可卡因)于热熔溶剂提炼分离,分离出沉积物并使之干燥来净化(可卡因)美国传统〔freebase〕To use (cocaine purified in this way) by burning it and inhaling the fumes.加热吸用:通过加热或吸入烟雾来使用(以此种方法精炼的可卡因)美国传统〔from〕A refining process is used to extract usable fuel from crude oil.为从原油中提取可用的燃料,使用了一道精炼工序。剑桥高阶〔jaggery〕Unrefined sugar made from palm sap.棕榈糖,粗糖:用棕榈树液制成的未经精炼的糖美国传统〔mineral oil〕A refined distillate of petroleum, used as a laxative.石蜡油:一种石油的精炼蒸馏物,用作泻药美国传统〔neroli oil〕An essential oil distilled from orange flowers and used in perfumery.橙花油:从橙花中精炼出的一种精油,可用于制香水美国传统〔netback〕Linkage of the price of crude oil to the market price of products refined from it.原油价格随原油精炼的产品市场价格而波动美国传统〔overrefine〕To refine beyond a desired or appropriate point.使过分精炼:精炼得超过了理想的或适合的限度美国传统〔palm sugar〕Sugar made from the sap of various palm trees.棕榈红糖:从棕榈树液中精炼出的糖美国传统〔pithily〕Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。柯林斯高阶〔pithy〕Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。外研社新世纪〔purify〕To rid of foreign or objectionable elements.精炼:除去异物或相抵触的物质美国传统〔rabble〕Any of various similar tools or mechanically operated devices used in roasting or refining furnaces.拨火棒:用于烧烤或精炼炉中的相似工具或机械操作装置美国传统〔rarefy〕To purify or refine.精炼:使变纯或变精美国传统〔refinable〕Their daily work is to refine crude oil.他们每天的工作是精炼原油。21世纪英汉〔refinement〕The details of the plan need considerable refinement.计划的细节需作相当的精炼。英汉大词典〔refinery〕An industrial plant for purifying a crude substance, such as petroleum or sugar.精炼厂:如提炼石油或糖等原料的工厂美国传统〔render〕To reduce, convert, or melt down (fat) by heating.熔解,精炼:通过加热减少、转化或熔化(脂肪)美国传统〔sensibility〕Refined awareness and appreciation in matters of feeling.鉴赏力:在感情方面精炼的意识和欣赏能力美国传统〔spiritous〕Archaic Highly refined; pure.【古语】 精炼的;纯粹的美国传统〔strip〕To remove all excess detail from; reduce to essentials.删除:除去一切不必要的细节;使精炼美国传统〔sugarhouse〕A sugar refinery or processing plant, especially a building in which maple sap is boiled down to yield maple syrup and maple sugar.制糖厂:精炼糖或加工糖的工厂,尤指煮熬槭树液制造槭糖浆和槭糖的厂棚或建筑美国传统〔vetivert〕The essential oil of the vetiver.香根草的精炼油美国传统〔virgin〕Existing in native or raw form; not processed or refined.原始的:以自然的或原始的形式存在的;未进化或精炼的美国传统A refining process is used to extract usable fuel from crude oil.精炼工序用于从原油中提炼出有用的燃料。剑桥国际He is of the opinion that compression in writing (=using few words) is a form of elegance.他认为措词精炼是优美文风的表现形式之一。剑桥国际Her poems are well-wrought and intensely personal.她的诗非常精炼,并且极具个性。剑桥国际The company produced 35 000 tonnes of refined copper under tolling agreements in the first half of the year.这家公司根据今年上半年的设施使用协议生产了 3.5 万吨精炼铜。牛津商务The refinement of raw opium yields other drugs, such as morphine.生鸦片经精炼制出其它毒品如吗啡等。剑桥国际




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