

单词 移向
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOK〕Toni turned her gaze back to the fireplace. 托妮把目光移向壁炉。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕She moved towards Andrew, seeking his arm for support. 她移向安德鲁,想借他的胳膊撑一撑。朗文写作活用〔WHEN〕Every time she sees me she says looks away. 她每次看见我都把目光移向别处。朗文写作活用〔aerotaxis〕Movement of an organism, especially a bacterium, toward or away from air or oxygen.趋氧性:有机体,特别是细菌移向或离开空气或氧气的运动美国传统〔cut〕His eyes cut from the old man to the boy.他的目光迅速从老人身上移向那男孩。英汉大词典〔disperse〕To move in different directions; scatter.散布,散开:移向不同的方向;散布美国传统〔distance〕He raised his eyes from her to the distance.他把视线从她身上移向远方。英汉大词典〔forward〕Sports Advancing toward an opponent's goal.【体育运动】 移向对方球门线的美国传统〔gaze〕She deliberately averted her gaze when he came in.他进来时她故意把目光移向了别处。牛津搭配〔gravitate〕If you all gravitate to one side, you'll upset the boat.如果你们都移向一边,船就要翻了。21世纪英汉〔hook shot〕A shot made by arcing the far hand upward while being positioned or moving sideways to the basket.钩手投篮:处于或移向篮板一侧时,较远的一手向上弯成弧状投出的球美国传统〔locomotion〕The act of moving from place to place.移动:从地方移向地方的行为美国传统〔phototaxis〕The movement of an organism or a cell toward or away from a source of light.趋光性:有机物或细胞移向或躲避光源的运动美国传统〔prone〕His eyes shifted to the prone body on the floor.他的视线移向了趴在地上的尸体。朗文当代〔retrogress〕To go or move backward.向后去或移向后美国传统〔set〕To move toward the shore. Used of wind or water.(风)水向岸(吹)流:移向岸边。用于风和水美国传统〔stray〕Her eyes strayed to the clock on the wall.她的双眼不由自主地移向墙上的时钟。麦克米伦高阶〔toggle〕Select the function you require by pointing to the toggle (= image of a button on the screen) with the mouse and then clicking.将鼠标移向切换图标并点击,选择你所需要的功能。剑桥高阶〔translocation〕A transfer of a chromosomal segment to a new position, especially on a nonhomologous chromosome.染色体易位:一个染色体向一个新位置的易位,尤指移向一个非同源染体美国传统〔turn〕Phil turned his gaze towards the older man.菲尔把视线移向那个年长的男子。朗文当代〔twist〕To move so as to face in another direction.移向另一个方向美国传统〔upstage〕To distract attention from (another performer) by moving upstage, thus forcing the other performer to face away from the audience.抢戏:移向舞台后部迫使另一演员无法面对观众从而分散观众(对另一演员的)注意力美国传统〔versatile〕Biology Capable of moving freely in all directions, as the antenna of an insect, the toe of an owl, or the loosely attached anther of a flower.【生物学】 能转动的:能自由移向各种方向的,如昆虫的触角、鸟的足趾或者松散附属的花药美国传统〔wander〕His eyes wandered towards the photographs on the wall.他的目光慢慢地移向墙上的照片。牛津高阶I can feel myself gravitating towards the food table! 我可以感觉到自己移向放食物的桌子!剑桥国际In their search for work, people are gravitating to the cities.人们在寻找工作中移向城市。剑桥国际




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