

单词 群落
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anthozoan〕Any of a class (Anthozoa) of marine organisms, such as the corals and sea anemones, that have radial segments and grow singly or in colonies.珊瑚虫:一种(珊瑚纲)海洋生物,如珊瑚和海葵,有辐射状体节,单独或在群落中生长美国传统〔biocenology〕The study of communities in nature and of interactions among their members.生物群落学:研究自然界群落和其成员间相互作用的学说美国传统〔biocenosis〕A group of interacting organisms that live in a particular habitat and form an ecological community.生物群落:一组生活在特定栖息地且形成一生态群落的一组相互影响的生物美国传统〔biology〕The plant and animal life of a specific area or region.生物群落:生于某一特定地区或区域中的动物和植物美国传统〔biotope〕An area that is uniform in environmental conditions and in its distribution of animal and plant life.群落生境:环境条件和其动植物分布一致的地区美国传统〔coaction〕Ecology Any of the reciprocal actions or effects, such as symbiosis, that can occur in a community.【生态学】 (种间)相互作用:出现在群落中的相互作用和效应,例如共生现象美国传统〔coadapted〕Of or relating to characteristics that have become established through mutually beneficial interaction between organisms in a community.相互适应的:群落中组织间相互有益的作用建立起来的特性的,或与其有关的美国传统〔codominant〕Ecology Being one of two or more of the most characteristic species in a biotic community.【生态学】 等优势的:在一生物群落中有两个或更多最有特征的类别之一的美国传统〔codominant〕Influencing the presence and type of other species in the community.在生物群落中影响其它类别的存在和类型的美国传统〔codominant〕One of the most characteristic species in a biotic community.在生物群落中最有特征的别类之一美国传统〔colored〕A person of a racial group not regarded as white.不被认为是白人的群落的一员美国传统〔crypto-Jew〕A member of a Jewish community forced to convert to another religion and outwardly embracing it while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.秘密犹太人:犹太群落的成员,被迫要改信其它宗教,在外在要信奉它,然而还是秘密地维持犹太教习规美国传统〔culture〕Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria.培养菌:该种生长物或群落,如培养菌美国传统〔dead language〕A language, such as Latin, that is no longer learned as a native language by a speech community.死语:不再被一个语言群落当作母语来学习的语言,例如拉丁语美国传统〔development〕A group of dwellings built by the same contractor.开发区,新社区:由同一个营造商修建的房屋群落美国传统〔die-off〕The elimination of a species, population, or community of plants or animals as a result of natural causes.顺次死亡:由于大自然的原因造成植物或动物的物种、人口或群落的逐渐减少美国传统〔ecosystem〕An ecological community together with its environment, functioning as a unit.生态系统:生物群落及其环境形成的生态单位,它作为一个整体发挥作用美国传统〔ecotone〕A transitional zone between two communities containing the characteristic species of each.群落交错区:两个群落之间的交错地带,同时带两个群落特征的物种美国传统〔edge effect〕The occurrence of greater species diversity and biological density in an ecotone than in any of the adjacent ecological communities.边界效应:群落交错区中产生的现象,其中的物种和生物密度大于任何邻近的生态群落美国传统〔experimentally〕In the ecology laboratory, communities of species can be studied experimentally under controlled conditions.在生态实验室, 能够对物种群落在受控环境中进行实验研究。外研社新世纪〔flora〕A treatise describing the plants of a region or time.植物志:一本专门描写一个地区或一段时间内的植物群落的书美国传统〔flora〕Plants considered as a group, especially the plants of a particular country, region, or time.植物群:尤指某一特定国家、地区或时间被认为是一群落的植物美国传统〔grouping〕During this period the family unit becomes the natural social grouping.在这一时期里,家庭成了自然的社会群落。朗文当代〔phytoplankton〕Minute, free-floating aquatic plants.浮游植物群落:自由浮动的微小水生植物群美国传统〔phytosociology〕The branch of ecology that deals with the characteristics, classification, relationships, and distribution of plant communities.植物社会学:研究植物群落的特点、分类、关系和分布的社会生态学分支美国传统〔radiate〕Ecology To spread into new habitats and thereby diverge or diversify. Used of a group of organisms.【生态学】 分散,扩展到新的聚居地:传到新的产地从而分散或变化。用于组织群落美国传统〔radiation〕Ecology The spread of a group of organisms into new habitats.【生态学】 分散:组织群落新的产地的扩展美国传统〔radioecology〕The study of the effects of radiation and radioisotopes on an ecological population or community.放射性生态学:对放射性和放射性同位素对生态群落的影响的研究美国传统〔satellite〕Microbiology A colony of microorganisms whose growth in culture medium is enhanced by certain substances produced by another colony in its proximity.【微生物学】 卫星细胞:一个微生物群落中,微生物在培养基中的生长由于其邻近的另一个菌落分泌出的某些物质而得到加强美国传统〔sea whip〕Any of various gorgonian corals forming flexible colonies with few or no branches and commonly found on coral reefs of the Atlantic.柳珊瑚:任一种出现于大西洋的珊瑚礁上的柳珊瑚,常形成不分枝或少分枝的灵活的群落美国传统〔sere〕The entire sequence of ecological communities successively occupying an area from the initial stage to the climax.演替系列:从开始阶段到演替顶极地区,连续拥有生态群落的整个顺序美国传统〔stolon〕Zoology A stemlike structure of certain colonial organisms from which new individuals arise by budding.【动物学】 生殖根:特定的群落生物的枝形结构,新个体以芽体方式从其上长出美国传统〔subdominant〕Ecology Prevalent in a community but below the dominant in importance. Used of a species.【生态学】 亚伏势种:指一个种在一群落中为主要的,但在重要性上又次于优势种的美国传统〔synecology〕The study of the ecological interrelationships among communities of organisms.群体生态学:研究有机体群落中相互间生态关系的学科美国传统〔taiga〕A subarctic, evergreen coniferous forest of northern Eurasia located just south of the tundra and dominated by firs and spruces.泰加群落, 西伯利亚针叶林:欧亚大陆北部冻土地带以南的亚寒带常绿针叶林,主要树种为杉树和柏树美国传统〔village〕A group of bird or animal habitations suggesting a village.鸟禽:让人联想到村庄的鸟类或动物的群落美国传统〔xerosere〕A succession of ecological communities originating in a dry habitat.旱生演替系列:在干燥的地面上繁衍的一个生态群落的自然演化美国传统Many generations of inbreeding have made this remote community susceptible to hereditary disorders such as dwarfism and mental retardation.许多代的近亲交配使这偏远地区的群落容易得诸如侏儒症或智力迟钝之类的遗传疾病。剑桥国际




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