

单词 缝隙
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-trimmed〕Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places.除草剪刀专门用于修剪缝隙角落里的青草。柯林斯高阶〔Cassini division〕The large gap between the two most prominent of Saturn's rings, caused by the gravitational pull of the moon Mimas.卡西尼环缝:在两条最显著的土星环间的巨大缝隙,由于土卫一米马斯的引力牵引所造成美国传统〔admit〕A gap between the curtains admitted the faint glimmer of a street lamp.街灯那微弱的光从窗帘间的一道缝隙透了进来。剑桥高阶〔aperture〕An opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit.孔,洞:开口,如洞、缝隙或缺口美国传统〔aperture〕Through the aperture he could see daylight.他可以通过缝隙看到阳光。外研社新世纪〔aperture〕Through the aperture he could see daylight.透过缝隙,他能看见日光。柯林斯高阶〔band〕A band of light glowed in the space between floor and door.一束阳光透过地板和门之间的缝隙照了进来.外研社新世纪〔band〕A band of light glowed in the space between floor and door.一束阳光透过地板和门之间的缝隙照了进来柯林斯高阶〔beam〕All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof.而外面的世界,你所能看见的就只是透过房顶缝隙射进来的阳光。柯林斯高阶〔between〕The paper had fallen down between the desk and the wall.那张纸掉在桌子和墙壁之间的缝隙里。牛津高阶〔breach〕The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave.石灰岩上有许多缝隙,故而树根能从岩洞顶部长出来。柯林斯高阶〔break〕The sun shone through a break in the clouds.太阳光透过云层的缝隙照射下来。朗文当代〔burrow〕The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.幼虫钻进了地板的缝隙里。柯林斯高阶〔bushing〕Electricity An insulating lining for an aperture through which a conductor passes.【电学】 绝缘套管:为导体的通过提供缝隙的绝缘套管美国传统〔caulk〕He carefully caulked the area around the windows.他仔细地把窗户周围的缝隙填补上。韦氏高阶〔chasm〕A deep, steep-sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or a gorge.裂缝:土地表面上深的、陡峭的缝隙;深渊或峡谷美国传统〔chink〕A light shone through a chink in the curtains.光线从窗帘的缝隙中照射进来。麦克米伦高阶〔chink〕A narrow opening, such as a crack or fissure.裂缝:如裂缝或缝隙之类狭窄的裂口美国传统〔chink〕He peered through a chink in the curtains.他透过帘子之间的缝隙偷看。柯林斯高阶〔chink〕He peered through a chink in the curtains.他透过窗帘间的一条缝隙偷看。外研社新世纪〔chink〕I peered through a chink in the curtains and saw them all inside.我透过窗帘的缝隙往里瞧,看见他们都在里面。剑桥高阶〔chink〕The sun came through a chink in the curtains.阳光从窗帘的缝隙中照了进来。朗文当代〔chink〕We peeked through a chink in the fence.我们从围栏的缝隙中窥视。韦氏高阶〔crack〕He looked through a crack in the curtains.他透过帘子的缝隙窥看。文馨英汉〔crack〕He squeezed into a crack between two rocks.他挤入两块岩石之间的缝隙中。朗文当代〔crack〕I could see them through the crack in the doorway.我能从门道的缝隙中看到他们。韦氏高阶〔crack〕Kathryn had seen him through a crack in the curtains.凯瑟琳透过窗帘的缝隙看见了他。外研社新世纪〔crack〕Light came through the cracks in the walls of the barn.光线从畜棚墙上的缝隙中透进来。韦氏高阶〔crack〕She peered out through the crack in the curtains.她透过窗帘的缝隙往外看。麦克米伦高阶〔crack〕There's a crack in the fence big enough to look through.篱笆上的缝隙大得可以看到里面。牛津搭配〔crack〕We filled the cracks in the plaster before hanging the wallpaper.我们把灰泥上的缝隙填上后才贴壁纸。牛津搭配〔crack〕We peered through the crack in the floorboards.我们透过地板块之间的缝隙使劲看。剑桥高阶〔crack〕Wide cracks appeared in the ground during the drought.干旱期间,地面出现了很宽的缝隙。牛津搭配〔cranny〕There were small plants growing in every nook and cranny of the wall.墙上每道缝隙里都长着低矮的植物。剑桥高阶〔cranny〕We saw strange, colorful creatures in the crannies of the reef while scuba diving.戴水肺潜水时我们看见了暗礁缝隙中色彩斑斓的奇妙生物。韦氏高阶〔eyes meet〕Their eyes met across a crowded room.他们身处一个拥挤的房间,两人的目光穿过人群的缝隙,互相对视。剑桥高阶〔floorboard〕She could hear voices through the gaps in the floorboards.她透过地板间的缝隙能听见人说话的声音。牛津搭配〔gap〕Fill in any gaps around windows and doors.把窗边和门边的所有缝隙都堵上。麦克米伦高阶〔gap〕He pulled the thick curtains together, leaving just a narrow gap.他拉上厚厚的窗帘,仅留下一条狭窄的缝隙。柯林斯高阶〔gap〕Position the tiles, leaving a narrow gap between the edges.放好瓦片,边缘之间留一条缝隙。牛津搭配〔gap〕Seal the gaps around the windows with a sealant.用密封条把窗子周围的缝隙封上。牛津搭配〔gap〕Through the gaps between the trees I could see a river in the distance.通过树间的缝隙我能看到远方的河流。麦克米伦高阶〔get〕I managed to get a glimpse of him (= see him for a moment) through the crowds.我从人群的缝隙中看了他一眼。剑桥高阶〔grout〕A thin mortar used to fill cracks and crevices in masonry.薄灰浆:用来填充砖石建筑中缝隙的薄灰浆美国传统〔grout〕Make sure that your tiles are thoroughly grouted and sealed.要确保这些瓷砖经过仔细勾缝, 堵上缝隙。外研社新世纪〔insert〕The gap was large enough for him to insert a finger.缝隙足够大, 他可以插进去一根手指头。外研社新世纪〔joint〕Geology A fracture or crack in a rock mass along which no appreciable movement has occurred.【地质学】 裂缝,裂口:岩石块中的碎片或缝隙,在其周围未发生过可被觉察到的运动美国传统〔keep back〕He kept back the smoke by covering gaps in the doors and air vents.他遮住门的缝隙和通风口以防烟雾进屋。外研社新世纪〔light〕Light from the street lamps was shining through a gap in the curtains.街灯的亮光从窗帘上的一条缝隙射了过来。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕A similar mark cut or scratched into a surface.缝隙:在表面留下的切痕或刮痕美国传统〔measure〕Measure the length and width of the gap.测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。柯林斯高阶〔moonbeam〕Moonbeams shone through the leaves of the trees.缕缕月光穿透树叶的缝隙。韦氏高阶〔niche〕Doubtless there will be niches in which new services establish themselves.毫无疑问, 新型服务行业将会有可立足的缝隙市场。外研社新世纪〔note〕Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path.从铺路石缝隙间长出的植物恰好营造出乡间农舍花园小径的感觉。外研社新世纪〔note〕Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path.从铺路石缝隙间长出的植物恰好营造出乡间农舍花园小径的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔opening〕They squeezed through a narrow opening between the fence and an oak tree.他们勉强挤过篱笆和橡树之间的狭窄缝隙。韦氏高阶〔operculum〕A lid or flap covering an aperture, such as the gill cover in some fishes or the horny shell cover in snails or other mollusks.鳃盖:覆盖在一孔或缝隙上的盖,如一些鱼类的鳃或覆盖在蛇或其它软体动物身上的角质壳美国传统〔overlap〕The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps.边缘必须互搭在一起,否则杂草会从缝隙中钻出来。柯林斯高阶〔paving〕Weeds grew through the cracks in the paving.杂草从铺石路面的缝隙中长出来。牛津高阶〔peep〕The child peeped through a crack in the door.小孩子透过门上的缝隙偷看。牛津搭配〔plug〕He plugged up the spaces between the stones with mud.他用泥填满了石块间的缝隙。韦氏高阶〔poke〕Weeds had started poking through the cracks in the patio.院子里已经有杂草开始从缝隙里钻出来。朗文当代〔porous〕Admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices.能渗透的:允许气体或液体从孔中或缝隙中通过的美国传统〔rift〕We could see some stars through the rifts in the clouds.我们可以透过云层的缝隙看到一些星星。韦氏高阶〔scour off〕He scoured the crud off the grout in the shower stall.我们擦掉了淋浴间缝隙中的污垢。外研社新世纪〔seal〕The caulk gives the window an airtight seal.缝隙填充材料把窗户封得密不透风。韦氏高阶〔seed〕The plants have seeded themselves (= their seeds have fallen) into the cracks between the paving stones.植物的种子在铺路石的缝隙中落地生根。剑桥高阶〔shim〕A thin, often tapered piece of material, such as wood, stone, or metal, used to fill gaps, make something level, or adjust something to fit properly.垫片:一种一端比另一端薄的薄片,由木头、石头或金属等材料制成,用于填补缝隙,使物体保持水平或调整某物使之能正好被容纳美国传统〔slit〕I could see them through the slit in the curtains.我可以透过窗帘的缝隙看见他们。麦克米伦高阶〔slit〕You could see through the slit in the fence.可以透过栅栏缝隙看到里面。韦氏高阶〔space〕He looked cautiously through a half-inch space between the curtains and saw an empty bedroom.他小心翼翼地透过窗帘上的一条半英寸的缝隙望去,看见了一个空荡荡的卧室。柯林斯高阶〔space〕She has a space between her front teeth.她的门牙之间有缝隙。韦氏高阶〔spark gap〕A gap in an otherwise complete electric circuit across which a discharge occurs at a prescribed voltage.火花隙:按规定电压产生放电的完整电路圈的缝隙美国传统〔squeak through〕You can squeak through a crack if your head could.如果你的头可以过去,那你整个身子就可以穿过这道缝隙。21世纪英汉〔sunburst〕A sudden burst of sunlight, as through broken clouds.阳光乍现:阳光突然出现,如穿过云层的缝隙美国传统〔torch〕I shone my torch through the crack.我用手电筒透过缝隙照过去。牛津搭配〔transude〕To pass through pores or interstices in the manner of perspiration.渗漏:用出汗的方式通过毛孔或缝隙美国传统〔vein〕A fissure, crack, or cleft.裂缝;缝隙;裂纹美国传统〔vent〕The gases found vent through the fissures in the rock.气体透过岩石的缝隙冒出。英汉大词典〔weather-beaten〕They would look out through the cracks of their weather-beaten door.他们会透过那扇经受风吹日晒的老木门的缝隙向外张望。柯林斯高阶〔wedge〕She wedged her foot into the crack.她把脚插入缝隙中。韦氏高阶〔whistle〕To produce a clear musical sound by forcing air through the teeth or through an aperture formed by pursing the lips.吹口哨:通过迫使空气穿过牙齿间隙或穿过由噘嘴形成的小缝隙而发出清晰的乐音美国传统〔windshake〕A crack or separation between growth rings in timber, attributed to the straining of tree trunks in high winds.风裂:强风引起树干绷紧而造成的成木生长轮的缝隙或裂开美国传统〔wriggle〕Pete attempted to wriggle through the gap.皮特试图扭动身体穿过缝隙。牛津搭配〔wriggle〕With a wriggle, she managed to crawl through the gap.她身子一扭,设法爬过了缝隙。剑桥高阶A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below.云层中的一道缝隙露出了远在下面的大西洋。剑桥国际A keen north wind blew through the gaps around the door.寒冷刺骨的北风从房门周围的缝隙中吹进来。剑桥国际A lizard darted into a crevice between two stones.一条蜥蜴飞快地窜入两块石头之间的缝隙里。剑桥国际Before painting, fill (in) all the cracks in the plaster.在刷油漆前,先用灰泥填塞所有缝隙。剑桥国际I could see that it was getting light through the slits in the blind.通过百叶窗的缝隙,我能看到天逐渐变亮。剑桥国际It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the forest, with the sun streaming through the leaves.这是个森林中美丽的星期六下午,阳光从树叶的缝隙中泻下。剑桥国际The agency was running out of storage space, and every nook and cranny was filled.这家代理行用尽了所有的储存空间,每个角落和缝隙都塞满了东西。剑桥国际The plants have seeded themselves (= their seeds have fallen) into the cracks between the paving stones.植物的种子落进了铺路石的缝隙中。剑桥国际The sun's rays streamed through the gap in the clouds.阳光穿过云朵缝隙照下来。剑桥国际There were small plants growing in every nook and cranny of the wall.墙上每个缝隙里都长满了低矮的植物。剑桥国际They spotted a niche in the ice cream market for a high-quality, luxury product.他们在冰淇淋市场上找到了出售高质、奢侈产品的市场缝隙。牛津商务Thread the rope slowly through the gap.把绳子慢慢地穿过缝隙。剑桥国际We stopped (up) the gap with some rags.我们用一些破布将缝隙堵住。剑桥国际With a wriggle, she managed to crawl through the gap.她身子一扭,设法爬出了缝隙。剑桥国际You should smooth the cracks over with some filler before you paint the wall.你在粉刷墙面之前,应该先用一些填料把缝隙填平。剑桥国际




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