

单词 肮脏的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DIRTY〕dirty 肮脏的朗文写作活用〔allergy〕have an allergy to big dirty cities 讨厌肮脏的大城市英汉大词典〔battler〕the notorious Montonero guerrilla group who did battle with the army during the dirty war. 曾在那场肮脏的战争中与这支部队交战的臭名昭著的蒙特内罗游击队柯林斯高阶〔battle〕the guerrilla group who did battle with the army during the dirty war在那场肮脏的战争中与军队开战的游击队外研社新世纪〔clap〕a nasty dose of the clap 肮脏的淋病剑桥高阶〔deed〕evil/dirty deeds 邪恶/肮脏的勾当韦氏高阶〔dingy〕a dingy attic 昏暗肮脏的阁楼英汉大词典〔dingy〕a dingy room/corridor 阴暗肮脏的房间/走廊剑桥高阶〔dirty〕a dirty mind 肮脏的灵魂英汉大词典〔dirty〕a dirty street 肮脏的街道英汉大词典〔dirty〕dirty fingernails 肮脏的手指甲麦克米伦高阶〔disreputable〕a disreputable area of the city 城里破旧肮脏的地方牛津高阶〔filthy〕filthy rags/streets 肮脏的破布╱街道牛津高阶〔filthy〕filthy streets 肮脏的街道韦氏高阶〔fleabag〕a fleabag hotel 又廉价又肮脏的旅馆韦氏高阶〔grotty〕a grotty hotel 肮脏的旅馆麦克米伦高阶〔grubby〕a grubby little restaurant 一家肮脏的小饭馆英汉大词典〔grubby〕the grubby business of politics. 肮脏的政治活动柯林斯高阶〔grubby〕the grubby details of his financial dealings 他那些金融交易中肮脏的细节朗文当代〔grunge〕a pair of grungy trainers 一双肮脏的跑鞋朗文当代〔indescribable〕indescribably filthy conditions. 极其肮脏的环境柯林斯高阶〔insanitary〕the insanitary conditions of slums贫民窟肮脏的状况外研社新世纪〔lid〕take the lid off a nasty scandal 揭发一件肮脏的丑闻英汉大词典〔lino〕the dirty lino on the floor of the kitchen厨房地板上肮脏的油地毡外研社新世纪〔messy〕messy hands 一双肮脏的手英汉大词典〔miry〕a miry business 肮脏的买卖英汉大词典〔mucky〕mucky hands 肮脏的手牛津高阶〔nasty〕a nasty mind 卑鄙肮脏的思想 英汉大词典〔rat〕a dirty old building infested by rats and mice 大小老鼠为患的肮脏的旧楼韦氏高阶〔scuzzy〕a scuzzy bathroom 肮脏的卫生间韦氏高阶〔scuzzy〕a scuzzy little restaurant 一个肮脏的小餐馆剑桥高阶〔scuzzy〕scuzzy floors. 肮脏的地板美国传统〔shabby〕one of the shabbiest and poorest areas of London. 伦敦最贫穷、最肮脏的地区之一柯林斯高阶〔slummy〕a slummy street 肮脏的街道英汉大词典〔sordid〕a sordid little room 肮脏的小房间朗文当代〔sordid〕sordid living conditions 肮脏的居住条件韦氏高阶〔squalid〕a squalid affair 肮脏的勾当朗文当代〔squalid〕a squalid political deal 一笔肮脏的政治交易英汉大词典〔squalid〕squalid housing 肮脏的房屋牛津高阶〔squalor〕a beautiful park amid the squalor of the slums 位于肮脏的贫民窟中的美丽公园牛津搭配




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