

单词 羊皮
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔a wolf in sheep's clothing〕He turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.他原来是只披着羊皮的狼。韦氏高阶〔aegis〕Greek Mythology The shield or breastplate of Zeus, later an attribute of Athena, carrying at its center the head of Medusa.【希腊神话】 羊皮盾:宙斯的帝盾或胸铠,后来成为雅典娜的象征,盾中心装有美杜莎的头像美国传统〔antelope〕Leather made from the hide of the African and Asian ruminant.羚皮革:非洲、亚洲的羚羊皮做的皮革美国传统〔bodhran〕A hand-held goatskin drum used in traditional Irish music and often played with a stick.山羊皮鼓:手持的山羊皮鼓,用于爱尔兰传统音乐并常用鼓槌演奏美国传统〔buckskin〕A soft, grayish-yellow leather usually having a suede finish, once made from deerskins but now generally made from sheepskins.鹿皮:一种柔软的,黄灰色的革,常有一层麂皮抛光,以前多由鹿皮制成,但现在多由羊皮制成美国传统〔cabretta〕A soft, kidlike leather used for gloves and shoes and made from sheepskin having coarse, hairlike wool.直毛绵羊革,软羊皮:一种软质的,小山羊皮似的皮革,用于制造手套和鞋子,由带有粗的,毛发状羊毛的羊皮加工而成美国传统〔calpac〕A large black cap, usually of sheepskin or felt, worn in Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, and neighboring regions.黑毡帽:一种大的黑色帽子,通常用羊皮或毡皮制成,应用于土耳其、高加索、伊朗和邻近地区美国传统〔capeskin〕Soft leather made from sheepskin, used especially for gloves.羊羔皮革:用绵羊皮制成的柔软皮革,尤其用来制作手套美国传统〔chamois〕A piece of such leather, or a cotton fabric made to resemble it, used as a polishing cloth or in shirts.充羚羊皮:一块此类的皮革或仿此制作的一块棉织物,用作打磨上光布或用在衬衫上美国传统〔chamois〕A soft leather made from the hide of this animal or other animals such as deer or sheep.羚羊皮:由这种动物或其他动物象鹿或绵羊的毛皮做的一种软皮革美国传统〔cordovan〕A fine leather originally made of goatskin but now more frequently of split horsehide.科尔多瓦皮革,高级皮革:最初用山羊皮制成的好皮子,现多用剖开的马皮美国传统〔doeskin〕The skin of a doe, deer, or goat.母鹿,雄鹿或山羊皮美国传统〔garb〕He appeared, garbed in a russet gown and black sheepskin.他出现了, 身穿一件赤褐色长袍和黑色羊皮外衣。外研社新世纪〔goatskin〕A container, as for wine, made from a goatskin.羊皮囊:由山羊皮制成的装酒等用的容器美国传统〔goatskin〕Leather made from a goatskin.山羊皮革:由山羊皮制成的皮革美国传统〔goatskin〕The skin of a goat.山羊皮美国传统〔hit parade〕Suede are once again riding high in the hit parade with their new single.山羊皮乐队凭新单曲又一次登上了畅销歌曲排行榜的前列。柯林斯高阶〔hit parade〕Suede are once again riding high in the hit parade with their new single.山羊皮乐队的新单曲又一次在流行歌曲排行榜上名列前茅。外研社新世纪〔kettledrum〕A large copper or brass hemispherical drum with a parchment head that can be tuned by adjusting the tension.定音鼓:一种大的半球形红铜或黄铜鼓,面为羊皮纸,能通过调整拉力调音美国传统〔kid glove〕A glove made of fine, soft leather, especially kidskin.小山羊皮手套:用精细的软皮(尤指小山羊皮)做的手套美国传统〔kid〕An article made from this leather.小山羊皮具:用小山羊革做的东西美国传统〔krimmer〕Gray, curly fur made from the pelts of lambs of the Crimean region.克里米亚卷毛羔皮:由克里米亚地区的羔羊皮制成的灰色卷曲的毛皮美国传统〔lambskin〕Parchment made from such hide.羊皮纸:由这样的皮革制成的羊皮纸美国传统〔lambskin〕The hide of a lamb, especially when dressed without removing the fleece, as for a garment.羔羊皮:羊羔的毛皮,尤指当衣料用时不除去皮上羊毛的羊羔皮美国传统〔manner〕Read the books, by all manner of means, but especially the parchments.务必要读那些书, 尤其是那些羊皮书。外研社新世纪〔membrane〕A piece of parchment.羊皮纸之一页美国传统〔miniature〕A small painting executed with great detail, often on a surface such as ivory or vellum.纤画:通常画在象牙或羔羊皮纸等上的刻画入微的微型画美国传统〔mocha〕A soft, thin, suede-finished glove leather usually made from sheepskin.摩卡羊毛:一种柔软,薄的小山羊皮磨光手套皮革,通常由羊皮制成美国传统〔morocco〕A soft, fine leather of goatskin tanned with sumac, used for book bindings and shoes.摩洛哥革:一种用漆树叶鞣制的山羊皮做成的柔软的优质皮革,用于做书的封面和鞋面美国传统〔mouton〕Sheepskin that has been sheared and processed to resemble beaver or seal.绵羊毛皮:已修剪并加工过的、类似海狸呢或海豹皮的绵羊皮美国传统〔palimpsest〕A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.重写本:尤指纸莎草纸或羊皮纸的底稿,已被写了不止一次,以前写的东西已被不完全擦掉,通常是清晰易读的美国传统〔parchment〕A framed parchment hung on the wall.一张镶了框的羊皮纸文件挂在墙上。剑桥高阶〔parchment〕A written text or drawing on a sheet of this material.羊皮纸文稿:这种材料上的书面文字或图画美国传统〔parchment〕Ancient people wrote on parchment.古代人在羊皮纸上书写。韦氏高阶〔parchment〕Cover with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment.用一张不粘烘焙仿羊皮纸包上。柯林斯高阶〔parchment〕Cover with a sheet of nonstick baking parchment.用一张不粘烘焙仿羊皮纸包上。外研社新世纪〔parchment〕He'd been ill for a long time, and his skin was like parchment.他病了很久,皮肤像羊皮纸似的。剑桥高阶〔parchment〕Paper made in imitation of this material.仿羊皮纸:仿这样材料做的纸美国传统〔parchment〕The skin of a sheep or goat prepared as a material on which to write or paint.羊皮纸:用作书写或绘画材料的绵羊或山羊的皮美国传统〔quire〕A collection of leaves of parchment or paper, folded one within the other, in a manuscript or book.对折的一叠手:在手稿或书中,互相对折在一起的一叠羊皮纸或纸美国传统〔roan〕A soft, flexible sheepskin leather, often treated to resemble morocco and used in bookbinding.漆叶鞣绵羊书面革,绵羊皮仿摩洛哥革:一种常被当作仿摩洛哥革且用于书籍装订的细滑柔韧的羊皮革美国传统〔roll〕A piece of parchment or paper that may be or is rolled up; a scroll.卷轴:可被卷起或卷起的羊皮纸或纸张;卷轴美国传统〔scroll〕A roll, as of parchment or papyrus, used especially for writing a document.卷轴:一卷如羊皮纸或者纸草纸,尤用于写公文美国传统〔scroll〕He pointed to a parchment scroll on the desk.他指着桌子上的一个羊皮纸卷轴。外研社新世纪〔shearling〕The skin of a shearling or of a newly sheared sheep or lamb, tanned and with the wool on.新剪绵羊皮:这样的羊或新剪过的绵羊或羊羔的皮,经鞣制后仍保留羊毛美国传统〔sheepskin-lined〕The Mongolian dress is sheepskin-lined.蒙古长袍有羊皮衬里。英汉大词典〔sheepskin〕The skin of a sheep either tanned with the fleece left on or in the form of leather or parchment.绵羊毛皮:用留有羊毛的羊皮鞣制成的,或以皮革或羊皮纸的形式做出的绵羊皮美国传统〔sheepskin〕They put a sheepskin under the horse's saddle.他们在马鞍下垫了一张羊皮。外研社新世纪〔sheepskin〕They sell rugs, slippers, mittens, hats, and purses made of sheepskin.他们出售地毯、拖鞋、手套、帽子以及羊皮手袋。外研社新世纪〔sheepskin〕We have a rug made from (a) sheepskin.我们有一块带毛绵羊皮的小地毯。剑桥高阶〔sheepskin〕We saw a shepherd boy wearing nothing but a sheepskin.我们看到一个牧羊童的身上只披了一张羊皮。外研社新世纪〔sheep〕Leather made from the skin of one of these animals.羊皮:用这些动物的皮制成的皮革美国传统〔smudge〕She stood there in the old coat and woollen cap, her face smudged with dirt.她站在那里,身穿旧外套,头戴羊皮帽,脸上脏兮兮的。柯林斯高阶〔vellum〕A fine parchment made from calfskin, lambskin, or kidskin and used for the pages and binding of books.精制犊皮纸;精制羊皮纸:用小牛皮、小绵羊皮或小山羊皮制成的精致纸张,用于书页或封皮美国传统〔vellum〕A heavy off-white fine-quality paper resembling this parchment.仿犊皮纸;仿羊皮纸:类似精制犊皮或羊皮纸的一种粗糙的、黄白色的优质纸张美国传统〔vellum〕A work written or printed on this parchment.羊皮纸书,羊皮书:书写或印刷在精制犊皮或羊皮纸上的作品美国传统〔volume〕Abbr. vol.,v.A roll of parchment; a scroll.缩写 vol.,v.书卷:一卷羊皮纸、卷轴美国传统〔wineskin〕A bag made from the skin of a goat for example, and used for holding and dispensing wine.酒囊:用羊皮等做成的用来装酒和分发酒的袋子美国传统〔wolf〕One who feigns congeniality while actually holding malevolent intentions.披着羊皮的狼:假装意气相投但实际上怀着恶毒意图的人美国传统〔woolskin〕A sheepskin with the wool still on it.羊毛皮:羊毛还存于其上的羊皮美国传统Codices were handwritten on vellum or parchment.古书是用手写在犊皮纸或羊皮纸上的。剑桥国际He was wearing a sheepskin coat.他穿了一件羊皮外衣。剑桥国际He'd been ill for a long time, and his skin was like parchment paper.他病了好久,皮肤又干又皱得像羊皮纸。剑桥国际I've got an old sheepskin coat/pigskin bag.我有一件旧的羊皮外套/一只旧的猪皮拎包。剑桥国际She always carried a small vellum notebook around with her to jot down ideas for her latest novel.她总是随身带着一个小羊皮笔记本,草草构思她最近在写的小说。剑桥国际The ancient Egyptians stored information on scrolls, which could be carried around more easily than clay tablets.古埃及人把信息记载在羊皮纸卷轴上,这比写在粘土板上更容易携带。剑桥国际The writing set contains 20 vellum sheets and 10 envelopes.这一套写作用品包括20张羊皮纸和10个信封。剑桥国际We've got a rug made from (a) sheepskin.我们有一块用绵羊皮做的地毯。剑桥国际




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