

单词 绘画作品
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accession〕a curator accessioning newly acquired paintings. 馆长把新获得的绘画作品登记入册美国传统〔adorn〕church walls adorned with religious paintings 用宗教绘画作品装饰的教堂四壁朗文当代〔attribution〕the attribution of drawings to Vincent van Gogh 文森特·凡·高创作的绘画作品麦克米伦高阶〔blot〕a blot of paint. 绘画作品的污渍美国传统〔composition〕the composition of a painting (a symphony) 绘画作品(交响曲)的创作英汉大词典〔cull〕an exhibition of paintings culled from regional art galleries 从各地区画廊中精选出来的绘画作品展牛津高阶〔exhibition〕a touring exhibition of Impressionist drawings 印象派绘画作品巡回展牛津搭配〔gain〕gained in experience and maturity; a painting that gained in value. 经验和成熟程度方面得到增长;升值的绘画作品美国传统〔hang〕hung four new paintings in the foyer. 在门厅悬挂展览四幅新的绘画作品美国传统〔indicate〕paintings that attest the artist's genius; 表明这个艺术家天赋的绘画作品;美国传统〔inherit〕paintings that he inherited from his father他从父亲那里继承的绘画作品外研社新世纪〔invaluable〕invaluable paintings; invaluable help.See Synonyms at costly 千金难买的绘画作品;巨大的帮助 参见 costly美国传统〔modern〕a world-famous collection of moderns 举世闻名的现代派绘画作品的收藏英汉大词典〔painting〕a collection of paintings by American artists 美国艺术家绘画作品集牛津高阶〔painting〕an exhibition of 19th-century French painting 19世纪法国绘画作品展剑桥高阶〔picture〕a collection of paintings by American artists 美国艺术家的绘画作品集牛津高阶〔piece〕a piece painted by Pablo Picasso 巴勃罗·毕加索的一幅绘画作品韦氏高阶〔plastic〕a plastic figure in painting 绘画作品中具有立体感的人像英汉大词典〔realist〕a realist painting 写实绘画作品韦氏高阶〔scene〕an exhibition of Parisian street scenes 巴黎街景绘画作品展牛津高阶〔show case〕to showcase some drawings transcending realism陈列几幅超现实主义的绘画作品21世纪英汉〔show〕a show of his early paintings 他早期绘画作品的展览韦氏高阶




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