

单词 结过
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OFTEN〕How many times has she been married? 她结过几次婚了?朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕I'm not sorry I never got married -- I'm only sorry I didn't have any children. 对没有结过婚我并不遗憾一我只是遗憾没有孩子。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕As far as I know, Caroline's never been married. 据我所知,卡罗琳从没结过婚。朗文写作活用〔TWO〕She's been married twice before. 她此前已结过两次婚。朗文写作活用〔aisle〕She's been married twice before, and she's going to walk down the aisle again next week.她之前结过两次婚,下周她将再次步入婚姻殿堂。韦氏高阶〔bear〕The pear tree they planted has never borne fruit.他们种的梨树从来没有结过梨。剑桥高阶〔behind〕I have two bad marriages behind me.我结过两次婚,结果都不美满。英汉大词典〔care〕She doesn't seem to care that he's been married four times before.她似乎不介意他以前结过四次婚。牛津高阶〔go〕The story goes that she's been married five times.据传她结过五次婚。牛津高阶〔it〕It's a pity you never got married, Sarah.萨拉, 你没结过婚真是遗憾啊。外研社新世纪〔it〕It's a pity you never got married, Sarah.萨拉,你没结过婚真是遗憾啊。柯林斯高阶〔keep〕She never married but she kept a lover for years.她没结过婚,但多年来一直有个情人。韦氏高阶〔maiden aunt〕A maiden aunt left him a hundred pounds in her will.一位未结过婚的姑妈在遗嘱中留给了他100英镑。外研社新世纪〔married〕He never married.他从未结过婚。21世纪英汉〔stem〕The old stems that have carried fruit should be cut out.结过果的老梗应该剪掉。外研社新世纪〔thing〕She's been married five times, so she knows a thing or two about men! 她结过五次婚,所以对男人有所了解。牛津高阶〔touchy〕She's very touchy about the fact that her wife was married before.她对自己的同性伴侣以前结过婚一事很敏感。剑桥高阶〔true〕In true Hollywood style (= in a way that is typical of Hollywood), she's had four marriages and three facelifts.她结过4次婚,整过3次容——这是典型的好莱坞式的作派。剑桥高阶〔which〕These apple trees, which I planted three years ago, have not borne any fruit.这些苹果树是我3年前栽的,还没有结过果实。英汉大词典〔will〕She left no will and was unmarried.她没留下遗嘱,也没结过婚。牛津搭配He's never been married, but he's fathered at least three children.他从未结过婚,但他至少已经是3个孩子的父亲。剑桥国际I thought they were married but apparently not (=they are not married).我以为他们已经结过婚了,可实际上没有。剑桥国际It is a little known fact that he was married before.鲜有人知道他以前结过婚。剑桥国际She has been married four times, once bigamously.她已经结过四次婚了,有一次是重婚。剑桥国际She's on her third husband (= she has been married three times).她结过三次婚。剑桥国际She's very touchy about the fact that her husband has been married before.她对她丈夫以前结过婚的事很敏感。剑桥国际The pear tree they planted has never borne fruit.他们种的梨树从未结过果实。剑桥国际




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