

单词 积累
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Fran is gaining valuable experience working for her father's firm. 弗兰在她父亲的公司工作,正在积累宝贵的经验。朗文写作活用〔GET〕By the late 1950s scientists had already accumulated enough evidence to show a clear link between smoking and cancer. 20世纪50年代末,科学家们已经积累了充分的证据,表明吸烟与癌症之间有明显关系。朗文写作活用〔GET〕She stayed in the job for five years, gaining valuable experience. 她干这份工作五年了,积累了宝贵的经验。朗文写作活用〔GET〕Watkins said he has accumulated more than $100,000 in legal bills. 沃特金斯积累了十多万美元的法定票据。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕She had gained an awful lot of journalistic experience within a short space of time. 她在很短的时间内就积累了相当丰富的新闻工作经验。朗文写作活用〔abuilding〕Discontents are already strong and abuilding.不满情绪已十分强烈且在继续酝酿积累之中。英汉大词典〔accrue〕Officials say the options will offer investors a longer time in which to accrue profits.官员说这些期权会给投资者提供更长的利润积累期。柯林斯高阶〔accumulate〕As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.人们积累了更多财富后,他们的花费占收入的比重也往往会增加。剑桥高阶〔accumulate〕By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.她投资精明,积累了一笔财富。牛津高阶〔accumulate〕Debts soon accumulate if you're not careful.你要是不小心, 债务很快就会积累起来。外研社新世纪〔accumulate〕Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets.家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累财富。柯林斯高阶〔accumulate〕Households accumulate wealth in a variety of ways.家庭以各种各样的形式积累财富。外研社新世纪〔accumulate〕It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.一小部分特权阶级继续积累财富,这是不公平的。朗文当代〔accumulate〕Over the years, I had accumulated hundreds of books.多年来我积累了几百本书。麦克米伦高阶〔accumulation〕Such an accumulation of knowledge cannot be ignored.这样的知识积累不可忽视。外研社新世纪〔accumulation〕The process of growing into a large amount or heap.积累:增加为一大数量或大堆的过程美国传统〔accumulation〕The rate of accumulation decreases with time.积累的速度随着时间变慢。柯林斯高阶〔accumulation〕The rate of accumulation has slowed dramatically.积累的速度大大减缓。牛津搭配〔accumulative〕Characterized by or showing the effects of accumulation; cumulative.积累而成的,累积的:以积累效果为特征的或者表现出积累效果的;累积的美国传统〔acidosis〕An abnormal increase in the acidity of the body's fluids, caused either by accumulation of acids or by depletion of bicarbonates.酸中毒:人体的体液中酸度的不正常增高,经常是由于酸的积累或是碳酸氢盐的缺乏引起美国传统〔adsorption〕The accumulation of gases, liquids, or solutes on the surface of a solid or liquid.吸附作用:固体或液体表面的气体,液体或溶质的积累过程美国传统〔amass〕He amassed a fortune after the war.战后,他积累了大量财富。朗文当代〔amass〕He amassed a fortune from silver mining.他靠开采银矿积累了一笔财富。牛津高阶〔amass〕They had amassed a fortune worth about £51 billion in today's money.他们积累了一笔财富,价值相当于当今的510亿英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔belt〕He finally has a full year of experience under his belt.他最终积累了整整一年的经验。韦氏高阶〔body〕They've accumulated quite a body of evidence.他们已经积累了大量证据。韦氏高阶〔build〕The museum has built up a fine art collection.这家博物馆已经积累了一批艺术藏品。朗文当代〔cannily〕She built up her fortune by cannily playing the stock market.她通过在股市的精明投机积累了财富。外研社新世纪〔collection〕He built up his collection over a period of ten years.他的藏品是历时 10 年积累起来的。牛津搭配〔collect〕He amassed a fortune from silver mining.他靠开采银矿积累了一笔财富。牛津高阶〔conventual〕Conventual Abbr. Conv.A member of a branch of the Franciscan order that permits the accumulation and possession of common property. Conventual 缩写 Conv.圣方济会会员:天主教方济会的一个分支即圣方济会的成员,该会允许积累及拥有共同财产美国传统〔cumulate〕Having cumulated or having been cumulated; heaped up or amassed.聚集的,被聚集的;堆积的,积累的美国传统〔cumulate〕The system has the ability to cumulate data over a number of years.这个系统有能力长期收集积累数据。剑桥高阶〔cumulate〕They have cumulated debts of over $10 million.他们的债务积累到了超过一千万美元。剑桥高阶〔cumulative〕Learning is a cumulative process.学习是个逐渐积累的过程。朗文当代〔debt〕She ran up huge debts on her credit card.她信用卡上积累了巨额债务。牛津搭配〔deposit〕Physiology An accumulation of organic or inorganic material, such as a lipid or mineral, in a body tissue, structure, or fluid.【生理学】 积垢,淤积:有物或无机物(例如脂类或矿物等)在体内组织、结构或流体中的积累美国传统〔edema〕Pathology An excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue spaces or a body cavity.【病理学】 水肿:组织间或体腔内脓液的过多积累美国传统〔encyclopaedic〕He has amassed an encyclopaedic knowledge of Arab culture.他积累了关于阿拉伯文化的广博知识。英汉大词典〔exchange〕Economics is also concerned with exchange transactions and with wealth accumulation and distribution.经济学也关注外汇交易以及财富的积累和分配。外研社新世纪〔fester〕The dispute can be traced back to resentments which have festered for centuries.这一争端可以追溯到积累了好几个世纪的仇怨。朗文当代〔fortune〕He built his fortune from breeding horses.他靠养马积累了财富。牛津搭配〔foul〕Capital accumulation may be achieved by fair means or foul.实现资本积累的手段有正当的, 也有不正当的。外研社新世纪〔fund〕To place in a fund for accumulation.积累,积聚:为积累而放入的资金美国传统〔glacier〕A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass, formed from compacted snow in an area where snow accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation.冰川:巨大的冰块在巨大的地上慢慢滑动,由于一个地区雪的积累超出了融化和升华而形成的结实的雪形成了冰川美国传统〔goodwill〕We do not want to lose the goodwill built up over 175 years.我们不愿意失去175年来逐渐积累的商誉。外研社新世纪〔guano〕A substance composed chiefly of the dung of sea birds or bats, accumulated along certain coastal areas or in caves and used as fertilizer.鸟粪:一种主要由海鸟或蝙蝠的排泄物构成的物质,在某些海岸或山洞中不断积累,用做肥料美国传统〔harm〕It wouldn't do you any harm to get some experience first.你不妨先积累点经验。朗文当代〔hive〕To store up; accumulate.储备;积累美国传统〔hoard〕To gather or accumulate a hoard.贮藏:收集或积累入贮藏处美国传统〔housing project〕A publicly funded and administered housing development, usually for low-income families.住宅区:通常指为低收入家庭而设计的,由公众积累资金并经营管理的住房开发区美国传统〔learning curve〕There is a learning curve in the process of seeking employment.找工作有个积累经验的过程。外研社新世纪〔leave〕Thirty years managing manufacturing industries left him with experience.经营制造业30年使他积累了经验。英汉大词典〔moved〕In the early days Christina moved jobs to get experience.起初克里斯蒂娜更换不同的工作来积累经验。柯林斯高阶〔move〕He was moving up the ladder (=getting higher and higher positions), getting experience of command.他职位越升越高,慢慢地积累着领导的经验。朗文当代〔muster〕Between them they mustered up a great stock of knowledge.他们两人一起积累了大量知识。英汉大词典〔obesity〕The condition of being obese; increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat.肥胖:肥胖;由于积累过多脂肪而使体重增加美国传统〔pile〕To accumulate.积累,积聚美国传统〔rainfall〕The quantity of water, expressed in inches, precipitated as rain, snow, hail, or sleet in a specified area and time interval.降雨量:雨的数量以英寸表示,为某一地区在特定时间段内雨、雪、冰雹或霰的积累量美国传统〔roll ... up〕He has rolled up a huge fortune since he engaged in trade.他自从经商以来已积累了很大一笔财产。21世纪英汉〔run〕The government is running a huge deficit.政府正在积累数目巨大的赤字。英汉大词典〔second⁷〕Engineers will be seconded to the factory to gain experience.工程师会被短期调派到工厂去积累经验。外研社新世纪〔sight〕Teachers should build up the sight vocabulary of children.教师应培养学童逐步积累一批见物识字的语汇。英汉大词典〔slow burn〕Many workers have benefited from the new programme, which allows careers to be put on a slow burn for months or years and then reactivated.这项新计划允许职业生涯有几个月或几年的缓慢积累期,然后再重新启动,很多员工已经从中受益了。剑桥高阶〔slush fund〕A fund raised by a group for corrupt practices, such as bribery or graft.收买基金,贿赂基金:一个组织出于腐败活动(如贿赂或贪污)而积累的基金美国传统〔slush fund〕A fund used by a group, as for entertainment.招待费,特支费:一个组织(为了娱乐而)积累的基金美国传统〔slush fund〕Money formerly raised by the sale of garbage from a warship to buy small items of luxury for the crew.福利金:以前战舰通过出售垃圾积累的基金,用于为船员购买小件奢移品美国传统〔smolder〕Revolution smoldered in the masses.革命力量在群众中酝酿积累着美国传统〔soft〕There is no way that 20 years of soft living could be lost in the first 30 minutes' exercise.20年舒适生活积累的脂肪是绝不可能靠头30分钟的锻炼消耗掉的。外研社新世纪〔sophistication〕It would take many decades to build up the level of education and sophistication.教养和人情世故需要好几十年的时间来积累。外研社新世纪〔stand sb in good stead〕Getting some work experience now will stand you in good stead (for) when you apply for a permanent job.现在积累些工作经验,等到申请固定职位时会大有裨益。剑桥高阶〔stock〕She's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years.这些年来她积累了大量教学资料。牛津高阶〔summation〕Physiology The process by which multiple or repeated stimuli can produce a response in a nerve, muscle, or other part that one stimulus alone cannot produce.【生理学】 积累:通过多个或重复的刺激诱导产生神经、肌肉或其他一种刺激不能产生反应的部分的过程美国传统〔toxin〕Experts have linked this condition to a build-up of toxins in the body.专家已把这一病症与体内毒素的积累联系起来。外研社新世纪〔toxin〕Experts have linked this condition to a build-up of toxins in the body… 专家已把这一病症与体内毒素的积累联系起来。柯林斯高阶〔wealth〕During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.在成功的经商生涯中,她积累了巨额财富。剑桥高阶As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.当人们积累了更多财富时,往往会将更多的收入用于消费。剑桥国际During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.她做生意成功积累了大量的钱财。剑桥国际For employers, a cheap labour supply contributes to capital accumulation.对雇主而言,廉价的劳动力有利于资本积累。牛津商务He built his fortune selling computers in Latin America. 他靠在拉丁美洲销售计算机积累起了财富。牛津商务He was born in 1907 to a fabulously wealthy Edwardian family whose fortune had been made in mining and railways.他于1907年出生于一个极其富有的爱德华家族,该家族通过采矿和铁路积累了大量财富。剑桥国际I have gained a lot of experience in the job.我做这份工作已积累了不少经验。牛津商务I've been in this job for thirty years, and I've picked up a good deal of expertise along the way (=during this time).我干这项工作已经30年了,在这段时间里我积累了大量专门技术。剑桥国际I've spent many years building up my collection.我花了很多年的时间积累我的收藏品。剑桥国际It was estimated that the state had amassed 100 to 200 atomic warheads.据估计,这个国家已积累了100至200个原子弹头。剑桥国际The BBC needed to be brought up to speed with commercial broadcasters in the areas of efficiency, savings and producer choice.应该让英国广播公司完全明白商业广播在效率、资金积累和制片选择方面该如何做。剑桥国际The company has amassed $1.4 billion in debt.这公司已积累了 14 亿元的债务。牛津商务They have built up a rich collection of resources to help small businesses.他们已经积累了一批丰富的资源来帮助小型企业。牛津商务We built up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.我们积累了顾客及其需要的详细资料。牛津商务




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