

单词 线条
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEHIND〕The flag's five orange stripes stand out against a silver background. 旗帜上的五条橙色线条在银色的底色衬托下非常显眼。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕Lichtenstein's paintings are full of colours and sharp outlines - almost like children's comics. 利希滕斯坦的画充满强烈的色彩,线条分明,几乎就像儿童的连环漫画。朗文写作活用〔NICE〕According to Life magazine, cars with soft smooth shapes are supposed to be appealing to females. 根据《生活》杂志所称,外型线条柔和流畅的汽车对女性应该很有吸引力。朗文写作活用〔annulet〕A ringlike molding around the capital of a pillar.环缘,圆箍线:柱顶的环状线条美国传统〔architrave〕The molding around a door or window.门窗头线条板:门或窗周围的构造美国传统〔artwork〕An illustrative and decorative element, such as a line drawing or a photograph, used in a printed work, such as a book.插图:用在印刷品(如书)中说明和装饰性的部分,如线条画或照片美国传统〔balloon〕A rounded or irregularly shaped outline containing the words that a character in a cartoon is represented to be saying.气球形圆圈:圈有卡通片中人物所说的话的圆形或不规则线条美国传统〔box〕Printing Featured printed matter enclosed by hairlines, a border, or white space and placed within or between text columns.【印刷术】 加框文字:用细线条,分界线,或白色区域围起的放置在文章专栏内的特定文字美国传统〔broad〕Broad ideas required now. Details to be worked out later.眼下只需要粗线条的建议,细节以后制订。英汉大词典〔classical〕I love the classical lines of his dress designs.我喜欢他服装设计中简洁典雅的线条。剑桥高阶〔clean lines〕She wore a formal wool suit with clean lines.她穿着一身线条简洁利落的毛料正装。韦氏高阶〔cleaning〕He admires the clean lines of Shaker furniture.他欣赏夏克家具流畅的线条。柯林斯高阶〔clean〕He admires the clean lines of Shaker furniture.他非常欣赏夏克式家具流畅的线条。外研社新世纪〔clean〕What he liked about the car was its clean lines.他喜欢这辆车简洁流畅的线条。剑桥高阶〔colouring〕Colouring is done in the same direction but with the strokes in reverse order.着色是朝着同一方向的, 但线条则是反向勾勒的。外研社新世纪〔colour〕Bright bold accessories are the quickest way to add colour to a room.色彩明亮、线条鲜明的装饰物是给房间增添色彩的最立竿见影的方法。朗文当代〔connect〕The boxes are connected by lines that show their mathematical relationships.这些方框都用线条连了起来,表明其数学关系。麦克米伦高阶〔contour line〕A line on a map that joins points of equal elevation.等高线:地图上将海拔相等的各点连接起来的线条美国传统〔contour〕Its line closely follows the five-metre contour.线条逼真地勾勒出这个五米高物体的轮廓。外研社新世纪〔contour〕The sculpture reproduces the smooth contours of the human body.这尊雕塑再现了人体的流畅线条。麦克米伦高阶〔contrast〕The use of opposing elements, such as colors, forms, or lines, in proximity to produce an intensified effect in a work of art.明暗对比:在一件艺术品中将相对的要素(如颜色、形状、线条等)放在一起使用以产生强烈的对比效果美国传统〔counterpoint〕The technique of combining two or more melodic lines in such a way that they establish a harmonic relationship while retaining their linear individuality.对位法:把两个或多个旋律合成使其具有和谐的关系又保持各自的线条的一种方法美国传统〔definition〕He has a heavy muscled look with sharp definition.他肌肉发达,身材线条分明。英汉大词典〔distorted〕A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms.画家可能会对线条和形状进行夸大或扭曲。柯林斯高阶〔drawing〕The art of representing objects or forms on a surface chiefly by means of lines.绘画:主要用线条在平面上表现一物体或形式的艺术美国传统〔fairwater〕A device used to fair the lines of an underwater fitting.流线装置:用以使水下配件的线条平顺的装置美国传统〔flatteringly〕The jacket is flatteringly shaped at the waist.这件夹克衫突出了腰部的线条。外研社新世纪〔flow〕The lines in this painting flow.这幅画的线条很流畅。英汉大词典〔fringe area〕A zone just outside of the range of a broadcasting station in which signals are weakened and distorted.线条区(电视接收边缘区):刚刚超出无线电台所能及的范围,所收信号微弱或被扭曲美国传统〔geomancy〕Divination by means of lines and figures or by geographic features.土占,地卜:根据(将一把沙土撒在地上形成的)形状和线条或地理特征占卜美国传统〔geometry〕A physical arrangement suggesting geometric forms or lines.几何排列:表明几何图形或线条的一种物质排列美国传统〔horizontally〕The board consists of vertical and horizontal lines.板上画着横纵的线条。柯林斯高阶〔intersect〕The lines intersect at right angles.线条垂直相交。牛津高阶〔invisibility〕The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.线条被蚀刻得如此精细,在远处看都看不见。柯林斯高阶〔invisible〕The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.蚀刻的线条非常精细, 离远点几乎看不到。外研社新世纪〔jog〕A protruding or receding part in a surface or line.凸出(或凹入)部分:在一个表面或线条上凸出或凹入的部分美国传统〔just〕Just exactly what do these lines represent? 这些线条究竟表示什么?麦克米伦高阶〔linear〕Characterized by, composed of, or emphasizing drawn lines rather than painterly effects.线条的:表现出线条效果而非色彩效果的、由之组成的或强调之的美国传统〔line〕A thin continuous mark, as that made by a pen, pencil, or brush applied to a surface.线条:钢笔、铅笔或画笔在一表面上划下的连续的细线条美国传统〔line〕Buyers are attracted by the sleek lines of the car.顾客们被这部车流畅的线条所吸引。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕He lined a silhouette of his friend's head.他用线条勾画出朋友的头部侧影。英汉大词典〔lubber line〕A line or mark on a compass or cathode-ray indicator that represents the heading of a ship or an aircraft.船向标记:罗盘或高速电子指示器的线条或标点,它们代表航船或飞机的航向美国传统〔mold〕To ornament with moldings.用装饰线条装饰美国传统〔mould〕She was wearing an extremely tight costume that moulded to/round the contours of her body.她穿着一件非常紧身的衣服,身体的线条显露无遗。剑桥高阶〔organic〕I like the organic lines of his architecture.我喜欢他建筑作品里的仿生线条。韦氏高阶〔paly〕Divided into several equal parts by perpendicular lines. Used of a field.等分的:被垂直线条分成几个相等的部分。用来描述田地美国传统〔pick out〕The banisters were replastered with decorated mouldings picked out in gold.楼梯的扶手用醒目的金色线条重新装饰了一遍。外研社新世纪〔projection〕A system of intersecting lines, such as the grid of a map, on which part or all of the globe or another spherical surface is represented as a plane surface.棋盘格:相互交叉的线条,如地图的网络系统,在这种系统内部分或全部球体或别的球面被显示为一个平面美国传统〔raphe〕Anatomy A seamlike line or ridge between two similar parts of a body organ, as in the scrotum.【解剖学】 缝:在例如阴囊等器官上相似部分之间缝状的线条或突起美国传统〔reeding〕Architecture A convex decorative molding having parallel strips resembling thin reeds.【建筑学】 芦苇形线脚:一种有形似细芦苇的两条平行线条的凸面装饰线脚美国传统〔relief map〕A map that depicts land configuration, usually with contour lines.地势图:描绘地面轮廓的地图,经常用彩色的线条来描绘美国传统〔represent〕High and low temperatures are represented by colored lines on the graph.高温和低温由图表上的彩色线条表示。韦氏高阶〔rhythm〕A regular or harmonious pattern created by lines, forms, and colors in painting, sculpture, and other visual arts.匀称:在绘画,雕塑及其它视觉艺术品中通过线条,形式及颜色创造的一种规则的或和谐的形式美国传统〔score〕To cancel or eliminate by or as if by superimposing lines.划线取消:通过或象通过强加线条废除或取消美国传统〔score〕To mark with lines or notches, especially for the purpose of keeping a record.记分:以线条或刻痕记录,尤指为了计分美国传统〔scribble〕Meaningless marks and lines.没有意义的记号和线条美国传统〔segment〕Lines divided the area into segments.这一地区用线条分成了若干部份。牛津高阶〔shading〕The lines or other marks used to fill in outlines of a sketch, an engraving, or a painting to represent gradations of color or darkness.影线:用于填充素描、雕刻或油画的线条或其它痕迹以展示颜色或暗度的梯度美国传统〔slenderize〕Vertical lines in dress design tend to slenderize the matronly figure.衣裙设计中的直线条有助于使主妇般趋胖体形显得苗条。英汉大词典〔slithery〕She wore a sexy, slithery dress.她身穿一条线条流畅的性感连衣裙。韦氏高阶〔snake dance〕A procession of people who join hands and move forward in a zigzag line.蛇形行列舞:人们手牵手以Z型线条前进美国传统〔softly〕This is a smart, yet soft and feminine look.这是一张透着精明的面孔,但是线条柔和,女人味十足。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕This season's fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines.本季时装主要流行暖色调和柔和线条。牛津高阶〔spun glass〕Fine blown glass having delicate threading or filigree.玻璃纤维:上有精制线条或美丽图案的人工吹制的精质玻璃美国传统〔squiggle〕Shorthand just looks like a series of funny squiggles to me.速记在我看来就像是一串扭来扭去的奇怪线条。朗文当代〔steadily〕It takes a very steady hand and plenty of practice to paint a perfect line.只有手不发抖并多加练习才能画出完美的线条。柯林斯高阶〔stick figure〕A picture of a human or animal figure showing the head as a circle and the rest of the body as a combination of straight lines.线条画:一种人或动物形象的画,用图圈表示头部,用线条组合表示身体剩下的部位美国传统〔stipple〕A method of drawing, engraving, or painting using dots or short strokes.点画法,点刻法:一种用点或短线条来绘画或雕刻的方法美国传统〔streak〕A line, mark, smear, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings.条纹:颜色或质地与周围不同的线条、记号、污点或区域美国传统〔streamline〕A line that is parallel to the direction of flow of a fluid at a given instant.流线:在一定的距离内与液体流动方向平行的线条美国传统〔stringcourse〕A horizontal band or molding set in the face of a building as a design element.束带层:水平的带或线条,作为设计部份置于建筑物面前美国传统〔stripe〕White stripes are drawn at the pedestrian's street crossings.街道的人行横道画上了白色的线条。英汉大词典〔stuccowork〕Ornamental work or moldings or a finish done in stucco.拉毛粉饰工作:以拉毛粉饰做的装饰的工作或装饰线条或终饰美国传统〔stucco〕A fine plaster for interior wall ornamentation, such as moldings.内墙拉毛粉饰:用于内墙装饰如装饰线条的粉饰灰泥美国传统〔talon〕Architecture An ogee molding.【建筑学】 爪饰:S形的装饰线条美国传统〔tattersall〕A pattern of dark lines forming squares on a light background.塔特萨尔花格:一种在浅色背景上形成方块的深色线条构成的图案美国传统〔tattersall〕Having a pattern of dark lines forming squares on a light background.具有在浅色背景上形成方块的深色线条构成的图案的美国传统〔touch〕To change or improve by adding fine lines or strokes.稍加修改:通过添加细小的线条或笔触的改变或改进美国传统〔trace〕To copy by following lines seen through a sheet of transparent paper.描摹:通过描绘透过透明纸张的线条进行复制美国传统〔tracing〕A reproduction made by superimposing a transparent sheet and copying the lines of the original on it.描摹、映写:用一张透明纸张覆盖并在其上描画原来的线条而制成的复制品美国传统〔vermiculate〕Bearing wavy, wormlike lines.虫迹形的;有弯曲线条的:具有波状、蠕虫般线条的美国传统〔vinculum〕Mathematics A bar drawn over two or more algebraic terms to indicate that they are to be treated as a single term.【数学】 线括号:在二个或二个以上的代数术语上所画的线条以表示它们应当被当作一个单个术语美国传统〔water line〕Any of several lines parallel to this line, marked on the hull of a ship, and indicating the depth to which the ship sinks under various loads.船的水平线:几条平行于吃水线的线条之任一条,刻划在船壳上,表明承载不同贷物时船下到的深度美国传统〔wriggle〕A sinuous path, line, or marking.弯弯曲曲的道路、线条或记号美国传统〔yacht〕Any of various relatively small sailing or motor-driven vessels, generally with smart, graceful lines, used for pleasure cruises or racing.游艇:一种用帆或电力驱动的小型船只,通常造型精巧、线条流畅,用以娱乐的巡游或比赛美国传统〔zigzag〕He's wearing a shirt with red zigzags on it.他穿着一件印有红色之字线条的衬衫。韦氏高阶He likes the simple, chaste lines of the town's architecture.他喜欢这个小镇的建筑那简洁朴实的线条。剑桥国际He loved the curve of her cheek, the brightness of her eyes, the lustre of her hair.他喜欢她那线条优美的脸颊,明亮的双眼和光滑如丝的秀发。剑桥国际He paints with broad strokes. 他用粗线条绘画。译典通His shirt was a brightly coloured pattern of vertical and horizontal lines.他的衬衫图案是色彩鲜艳的竖线条和横线条。剑桥国际I love the classical lines of his dress designs.我喜欢他的服装设计中的那种简单而传统的线条。剑桥国际Large Victorian houses often have high ceilings with attractive mouldings.大型维多利亚女王时代的房子常有装饰着华丽线条的高天花板。剑桥国际She always falls for ruggedly handsome men.她总是为粗线条的英俊男子倾倒。剑桥国际She had shapely legs. 她的腿线条优美。译典通The dress combines stylish lines with an attractive floral print for a classically feminine look.这件女装将时髦的线条和迷人的印花图案结合起来,形成一种典型的具有女性韵味的外观。剑桥国际The new car has very sleek lines. 这种新车线条很流畅。译典通The sleek, delta-winged craft (=aircraft) flew from Los Angeles to Washington in one hour and four minutes.这架线条流畅的三角翼飞机用了一小时四分钟从洛杉矶飞到华盛顿。剑桥国际There are no solid blocks of colour in line drawings, so dark areas are formed by lines that are thicker or closer together.线条画中没有整块的颜色,因此阴暗处是由粗线或相距很近的线条构成。剑桥国际What he liked about the car was its clean (=smooth) lines.他喜欢这辆车是喜欢它光洁流畅的线条。剑桥国际When you have deleted those lines, format the page.你把这些线条删除之后,将这一页格式编排一下。剑桥国际




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