

单词 粘附
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STICK〕The machine is cleaned regularly to stop dirt adhering to the working parts. 机器要定期清洗以防止灰尘粘附在运转部件上。朗文写作活用〔adherable〕The mud adhered to her shoes.泥粘附在她的鞋上。21世纪英汉〔adherence〕The process or condition of adhering.粘附,附着:粘附的过程或状况美国传统〔adherent〕Sticking or holding fast.粘着的:粘附着的或紧紧抓住的美国传统〔adhere〕To stick fast by or as if by suction or glue.粘附,附着:被吸力或胶水粘住,象被吸力或胶水粘住一样美国传统〔adhesion〕Medicine A condition in which bodily tissues that are normally separate grow together.【医学】 粘连:正常分离的身体组织粘附到一起的状态美国传统〔adhesion〕Physics The physical attraction or joining of two substances, especially the macroscopically observable attraction of dissimilar substances.【物理学】 附着力,粘附力:两种物质的物理吸引或相连,特指通过肉眼可观察到的不同物质的吸引力美国传统〔adhesion〕The act or state of adhering.粘附:粘附的动作或状态美国传统〔adhesive〕A substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion.粘合剂:提供或促使粘附的物质,如浆糊或水泥美国传统〔adhesive〕Gummed so as to adhere.涂胶的:涂上胶以便粘附的美国传统〔adhesive〕Tending to adhere; sticky.粘的:倾向于粘附的;粘的美国传统〔bur〕A persistently clinging or nettlesome person or thing.粘附物,难摆脱的人:经常粘着别人或恼人的人或事美国传统〔conglutinate〕To become or cause to become stuck or glued together.(使)粘附:成为或使成为紧密或粘合在一起美国传统〔cradle cap〕A form of dermatitis that occurs in infants and is characterized by heavy, yellow, crusted lesions on the scalp.乳痂:一种发生于婴儿身上的皮炎,其特征是在头皮上出现大量的黄色粘附物美国传统〔scurf〕A loose, scaly crust coating a surface, especially of a plant.粘附物:覆盖在一表面的片状、松动的粘附物,尤指在植物表面美国传统〔sticker〕One that sticks, as a gummed or adhesive label or patch.粘附物:粘着的东西,如涂有胶或粘着剂的标签或纸块美国传统〔sucker〕Zoology An organ or other structure adapted for sucking nourishment or for clinging to objects by suction.【动物学】 吸盘,吸嘴:动物的器官和其他结构,智能吸食料或通过吸的动作粘附或抓住一物美国传统〔traction〕Adhesive friction, as of a wheel on a track or a tire on a road.附着摩擦力:粘附性摩擦,如车轮在轨道上或轮胎在路面上的美国传统




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