

单词 粘土
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Claymation〕A service mark used for an animation process in which clay figurines are manipulated and filmed to produce an image of lifelike movement.服务标志的:用于动画制作过程的工作人员标志的,在其过程中操纵粘土模特并拍摄出生命运动的影象美国传统〔Portland cement〕A hydraulic cement made by heating a mixture of limestone and clay in a kiln and pulverizing the resulting material.普通水泥:一种硬性水泥,其制法是将石灰石和粘土混合后放在窑里烧制,再将烧制出的材料粉碎而成美国传统〔adobe〕A sun-dried, unburned brick of clay and straw.风干土坯:风干且未烧过的粘土与稻草做成的砖美国传统〔adobe〕The clay or soil from which this brick is made.重粘土:制风干土坯使用的粘土或泥土美国传统〔argillaceous〕Containing, made of, or resembling clay; clayey.粘土质的:含有粘土的,由粘土制成的,或类似于粘土的;似粘土的美国传统〔argil〕Clay, especially a white clay used by potters.粘土,陶土:粘土、尤指陶器使用的白粘土美国传统〔bentonite〕An absorbent aluminum silicate clay formed from volcanic ash and used in various adhesives, cements, and ceramic fillers.膨润土,斑脱土:由火山灰形成的一种具有吸附能力的铝硅酸盐粘土,用于各种粘合剂、水泥和陶瓷填料美国传统〔bole〕Any of various soft, fine clays, especially a reddish-brown variety used as a pigment.红玄武土:颗粒微小的松软土,尤指用作颜料的一种红棕色粘土美国传统〔clay mineral〕Any of various hydrous silicates that have a fine crystalline structure and are components of clay.粘土矿物:一种有精细晶体结构的含水硅酸盐,是粘土的构成成分美国传统〔clay〕A hardening or nonhardening material having a consistency similar to clay and used for modeling.模型粘土:与粘土成份相近的硬化或非硬化的物质,用于制作模型美国传统〔cob〕A mixture of clay and straw used as a building material.柴泥灰墁:粘土和稻草的混合物,用作建筑材料美国传统〔fictile〕Formed of a moldable substance, such as clay or earth.粘土制的:由可塑造的物质做成的,比如由粘土或泥土美国传统〔figure〕The sculptor figured the girl in clay.雕塑家用粘土塑造了这个女孩子形象。英汉大词典〔figure〕The sculptor figured the girl in clay.雕塑家用粘土塑造了这个女孩子的形象。21世纪英汉〔geophagy〕The eating of earthy substances, such as clay or chalk, practiced among various peoples as a custom or for dietary or subsistence reasons.食土:对土壤例如粘土或白垩的食用,作为一种风俗、饮食调理或生存的缘故而在一些民族中存在美国传统〔gley〕A sticky, bluish-gray subsurface layer of clay found in some waterlogged soils.潜育土:一种蓝灰色表层下的胶粘的粘土层,见于某些渍水土壤中美国传统〔gumbo〕A fine silty soil, common in the southern and western United States, that forms an unusually sticky mud when wet.坚硬粘土:一种细而粘稠的土壤,在美国南部和西部很常见,通常湿润时形成粘糊的泥浆美国传统〔kiln〕Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics.窑:用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑美国传统〔litter〕An absorbent material, such as granulated clay, for covering the floor of an animal's cage or excretory box.粗沙粒:为动物的笼子或排泄箱铺地的吸收性物质,如颗粒状粘土美国传统〔loam〕A mixture of moist clay and sand, together with straw, used especially in making bricks and foundry molds.粘砂土:湿粘土和砂子的混合物,带有稻草,专用作制砖和铸模美国传统〔loam〕Soil composed of a mixture of sand, clay, silt, and organic matter.肥土:由沙、粘土、淤泥而有机物混合组成的土美国传统〔marlstone〕A rock containing clay materials and calcium and magnesium carbonates, with approximately the same composition as marl.泥灰岩:一种含粘土物质、钙和镁碳酸盐的岩石,其成分与泥灰土大体一致美国传统〔marl〕A crumbly mixture of clays, calcium and magnesium carbonates, and remnants of shells, used as fertilizer for lime-deficient soils.泥灰土:一种由粘土、钙、镁碇酸盐和贝壳碎片构成的易碎混合物,用作缺乏碳酸钙土壤的肥料美国传统〔modeling〕The act or art of sculpturing or forming in a pliable material, such as clay or wax.造型术:柔性的物质如粘土或蜡塑造或成形的行为或艺术美国传统〔muck〕Earth, rocks, or clay excavated in mining.废石:在采矿过程中挖掘的土、岩石或粘土美国传统〔mudstone〕A fine-grained, dark gray sedimentary rock, formed from silt and clay and similar to shale but without laminations.泥岩:一种细粒的、深灰色的沉积岩,主要由淤泥或粘土组成,类似页岩但不具纹层美国传统〔oilcloth〕Fabric treated with clay, oil, and pigments to make it waterproof.油布,漆布:用粘土、油和色素处理过使之防水的织物美国传统〔pastel〕A drawing medium of dried paste made of ground pigments and a water-based binder that is manufactured in crayon form.粉蜡笔:一种干糊状的绘画材料,由彩色底料和水基胶粘土制成粉笔状美国传统〔pelite〕Sedimentary rock composed of fine fragments, as of clay or mud.泥质岩,黏土岩:如粘土或湿泥等由细碎片构成的沉积岩石美国传统〔pipe〕A device for smoking, consisting of a tube of wood, clay, or other material with a small bowl at one end.烟斗,烟筒:抽烟用具,由木头、粘土或其他物质组成的管子,一头带有小吹嘴美国传统〔potter's wheel〕A revolving, often treadle-operated horizontal disk on which clay is shaped manually.陶轮,拉坯轮:通常是踩动脚踏板时能旋转的水平盘,粘土在其上通过手工成形美国传统〔pottery〕Ware, such as vases, pots, bowls, or plates, shaped from moist clay and hardened by heat.陶器:用潮湿粘土成形然后再加热变硬做成的器皿,如花瓶、罐、碗或盘子美国传统〔puddle〕A tempered paste of wet clay and sand that serves as waterproofing when dry.胶土:一种用潮湿的粘土或沙子制成的晾干后可用作防水物的炼硬的糊状物美国传统〔pug〕To make soundproof by covering or packing with clay, mortar, sawdust, or felt.用粘土、灰浆、锯末或毛毡覆盖或堆积以隔音美国传统〔roll into〕He rolled the clay into a ball.他把粘土揉成一个球。21世纪英汉〔round〕He rounded the clay into a sphere.他把粘土揉成球形。21世纪英汉〔saprolite〕Soft, partially decomposed rock rich in clay and remaining in its original place.腐泥土:柔软的、部分被分解的腐蚀之石,富含于粘土中并且停留在其原始位置美国传统〔sienna〕A special clay containing iron and manganese oxides, used as a pigment for oil and watercolor painting.黄土:一种特殊的粘土,含有铁和氧化锰,用作油画及水彩画的一种颜料美国传统〔slip〕Thinned potter's clay used for decorating or coating ceramics.泥釉:稀释了的陶工用粘土,用作装饰陶器或作陶器涂层美国传统〔slurry〕A thin mixture of a liquid, especially water, and any of several finely divided substances, such as cement, plaster of Paris, or clay particles.灰浆:一种液体,尤指水和几种颗粒细致的物质的很稀混合物,如水泥、巴黎灰泥或粘土微粒的混合物美国传统〔soft paste〕Any of various ceramics containing frit and refined clay.软质瓷:一种含有釉料和细粘土的瓷美国传统〔tile〕A hollow fired clay or concrete block used for building walls.空心砖:用粘土或混疑土烧制用于砌墙的空心材料美国传统〔tile〕A short length of pipe made of clay or concrete, used in sewers and drains.瓦管:用粘土或混凝土制成用于排水沟或下水道的短管道美国传统〔tile〕A thin, flat or convex slab of hard material such as baked clay or plastic, laid in rows to cover walls, floors, and roofs.瓦片,瓷砖:用烤过的粘土或塑料等硬质材料制成的薄而扁平或凸起的块板,成排摆放来覆盖墙面、地板和房顶美国传统〔till〕Glacial drift composed of an unconsolidated, heterogeneous mixture of clay, sand, pebbles, cobbles, and boulders.冰碛,冰碛物:由粘土、沙子、石子、圆石及斫石等多种成分混合构成的不坚固的冰渍物美国传统〔turn〕To give a rounded shape to (clay, for example) by rotating and shaping with the hands or tools.使成形,使成圆形:用手或工具旋转和定型而使(例如粘土)成为圆形美国传统〔ultramarine〕A similar pigment made synthetically by heating clay, sodium carbonate, and sulfur together.佛青,群青:用把粘土、碳酸钠和硫放在一起加热的方法合成的相似的颜料美国传统〔wattle and daub〕An interweaving of rods and twigs overlaid with clay and used as a building material.夹条墙壁,夹条屋顶:棍儿和嫩枝编在一起涂上粘土,用作建筑材料美国传统A thick layer of clay lies over the sandstone underneath.下面的砂岩上有一层厚厚的粘土。剑桥国际Buildings founded on clay are the most likely to be damaged when the soil dries out.造在粘土上的建筑物一旦土壤干涸就很容易被损坏。剑桥国际Clay can be moulded into almost any shape.粘土能被做成任何形状。剑桥国际Clay is a pliable substance.粘土是一种柔韧性强的物质。剑桥国际Clay is used for making bricks and pots.粘土是用来做砖和瓦罐的。剑桥国际Clay-rich soils are usually sticky, with poor drainage when wet, or cracked and hard when dry.含粘土丰富的土壤通常很粘,潮湿的时候很难疏水,干燥的时候又干又硬。剑桥国际Earth, clay, etc. can be baked at a high temperature, until they become hard in order to make bricks.泥土、粘土等在高温下焙硬后可制砖。剑桥国际Heating the clay makes it hard.加热粘土会使之变硬。剑桥国际If you have clay soil in your garden, you have to dig it well and use a fertiliser.要是你的花园里有粘土的话,你得好好挖一挖,施点肥料。剑桥国际The ancient Egyptians stored information on scrolls, which could be carried around more easily than clay tablets.古埃及人把信息记载在羊皮纸卷轴上,这比写在粘土板上更容易携带。剑桥国际The nest was a framework of interlaced twigs plastered with mud or clay.那鸟窝是由交错的小树枝抹上泥土或粘土而形成的结构。剑桥国际The oldest map in existence was made on a clay tablet around 4,500 years ago.现存的最古老的地图是大约4500年前刻在粘土板上制成的。剑桥国际They mocked up the new car in clay.他们用粘土仿制了那辆新车。剑桥国际




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