

单词 brutality
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔aggression〕the brutality and aggression displayed by the soldiers 士兵所表现出的残忍和好斗牛津搭配〔atrocious〕atrocious acts of brutality 残暴的兽行牛津高阶〔brutality〕brutality against prisoners 针对犯人的暴行牛津搭配〔brutality〕brutality by the security forces 安全部队的暴行牛津搭配〔brutality〕brutality to others 对他人的暴行牛津搭配〔brutality〕allegations of police brutality 对警方暴行的指控朗文当代〔brutality〕his brutality towards / toward opponents 他对对手的野蛮行为牛津搭配〔brutality〕police brutality 警察的粗暴韦氏高阶〔brutality〕the brutality of slavery 奴隶制的残酷韦氏高阶〔brutality〕the brutality of the attack 野蛮进攻麦克米伦高阶〔brutality〕the brutality of war 战争暴行牛津搭配〔brutal〕police brutality 警察的粗暴牛津高阶〔complaint〕complaints of police brutality 对警察暴行的投诉朗文当代〔disgust〕brutality that revolts the sensibilities of civilized people; 暴行令有教养的人深感厌恶;美国传统〔inconceivable〕inconceivable brutality 难以置信的暴行英汉大词典〔infamous〕a general who was infamous for his brutality 因残忍而恶名昭彰的将军牛津高阶〔man〕the brutality of man towards nature人类对大自然的暴行外研社新世纪〔mistreatment〕issues like police brutality and mistreatment of people in prisons.诸如警察施暴和囚犯受虐之类的问题柯林斯高阶〔mistreatment〕issues like police brutality and mistreatment of people in prisons诸如警察施暴或虐待囚犯等问题外研社新世纪〔sink〕sink to the depths of selfish brutality 堕落到极端自私残忍的地步英汉大词典〔thug〕thuggish brutality 残忍的暴行牛津高阶〔tormentor〕cases where women subjected to years of brutality lose control and kill their tormentors.一些多年遭受暴力的女性最终失控杀死折磨她们的人的案例柯林斯高阶〔unchecked〕a world in which brutality and lawlessness are allowed to go unchecked.任由野蛮行径和不法行为横行无忌的世界柯林斯高阶〔unchecked〕a world in which brutality and lawlessness are allowed to go unchecked任由野蛮行径和不法行为横行的世界外研社新世纪




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