

单词 红利
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abuse〕The system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse(= might be used in the wrong way).支付现金红利制度可能被人钻空子。牛津高阶〔accrued〕I'll get back all the money I invested, plus any accrued interest and dividends.我要拿回我投入的所有资金,以及累积的利息和红利。韦氏高阶〔accrue〕I'll get back all the money I invested, plus any interest and dividends that have accrued.我要拿回我投入的所有资金,以及累积的利息和红利。韦氏高阶〔aggregate〕Dividends for the year amounted in the aggregate to 25 million dollars.年度红利总计达到2 500万美元。韦氏高阶〔bear〕A small investment now will bear a handsome dividend later.现在投资一小笔, 以后会带来丰厚红利。外研社新世纪〔betting〕The betting is that the company will slash the dividend.公司很可能大幅度减少红利。英汉大词典〔bonus〕Long-term savers qualify for a cash bonus.长期储户可获现金红利。朗文当代〔bonus〕These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders.这些收益不够支付投保人每年分得的红利。柯林斯高阶〔declare〕The group declared a dividend of 4 cents a share.该集团发布公告支付每股4分的红利。外研社新世纪〔dividend〕A share of a surplus; a bonus.红利;盈余美国传统〔dividend〕A share of profits received by a stockholder or by a policyholder in a mutual insurance society.红利,股利,股息:股东或保险公司的相互投保人所获得的一份利润美国传统〔dividend〕Dividends will be sent to shareholders.红利将被派发给股东。剑桥高阶〔dividend〕Profits are distributed to shareholders/stockholders as dividends.利润作为红利分给了股东。韦氏高阶〔dividend〕The company has not yet declared its dividends for this year.公司还没有宣布派发今年的红利。牛津搭配〔dividend〕The dividend is up 10.6%.红利提高了 10.6%。牛津搭配〔dividend〕The dividend should rise to 5 cents.红利应上升到每股 5 分。牛津搭配〔dividend〕The final dividend, payable on July 1, is reduced to 1p.将于 7 月 1 日派发的末期红利降至每股 1 便士。牛津搭配〔dividend〕The fund has a dividend yield of 5.75%.该基金有 5.75% 的红利收益。牛津搭配〔foreseeable〕Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future.利润和红利的增长看上去会在较长时间内维持在平均水平之上。柯林斯高阶〔foreseeable〕Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future.在很长一段时间里, 红利与股息的增长看起来似乎要高于平均水平。外研社新世纪〔incalculable〕This is a bonus of incalculable worth.这一红利的价值无法计算。英汉大词典〔incentive travel〕Vacation travel arranged by or through an employer and awarded as a motivational bonus to qualifying employees or salespeople.奖励旅游:由或是经由雇主安排的假期旅游,用作为鼓励红利以奖励达到绩效合格的员工或是销售人员美国传统〔interest〕An excess or a bonus beyond what is expected or due.附加物,红利:超出或超过预期或应付的红利美国传统〔manner〕Dividends will be calculated in the same manner.红利也将以相同方式计算。外研社新世纪〔mature〕These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years' time.这些红利会在10年后存款到期时支付。柯林斯高阶〔mature〕These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years' time.这些红利将会在十年后储蓄计划到期时支付给你。外研社新世纪〔pass〕To fail to pay (a dividend).不支付(红利)美国传统〔payout〕A percentage of corporate earnings that is paid as dividends to shareholders.分红:法人团体收入中付给股东的红利百分数美国传统〔pay〕This stock pays poorly [well].这股票红利很少[多]。文馨英汉〔peace dividend〕The peace dividend has not materialised despite military spending going down in most countries.虽然大多数国家的军事支出在降低,但和平红利并没有兑现。柯林斯高阶〔profit〕The amount received for a commodity or service in excess of the original cost.红利:除了原始成本后服务或商品的所得美国传统〔quarterly〕It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.红利按季发放还是按年发放没有什么差别。柯林斯高阶〔recoup〕You should recoup your investment within a year.你当在1年之内挣回相当于你投资总额的红利。英汉大词典〔reinvest〕Many investors reinvest their dividends.许多投资者用他们的红利进行再投资。韦氏高阶〔reinvest〕She reinvested the dividends in mutual funds.她把红利再投资于共同基金。朗文当代〔share〕I got my share of the profits.我得到了我的那份红利。韦氏高阶〔slice〕The new tax has sliced annual bonuses by 30 percent.由于征收新税,年度红利减少了 30%。牛津高阶〔split〕After the split, the annual dividend rate will be $1.23 a share.解体后, 每年的红利将会是1.23美元一股。外研社新世纪〔split〕We split the profits.我们摊分红利。牛津同义词〔stock dividend〕A dividend paid to stockholders in shares of stock, often used in place of or in addition to a dividend paid in cash. 股票股息:向持有股份的股东支付的红利,通常用于代替或补充以现金形式支付的红利美国传统〔stockholder〕The company told its preferred stockholders that it couldn't make its dividend payments.该公司告知优先股股东,公司无法支付红利。牛津搭配〔tax〕The individual is taxed on the amount of dividend received.个人要按所得红利纳税。朗文当代〔yield〕The high yields available on the dividend shares made them attractive to private investors.红利股票的高收益率对私人投资者极具吸引力。柯林斯高阶After its recent losses, the company intends to pay reduced dividends next month.最近连连亏损后,该公司打算下月降低红利。剑桥国际An extra dividend can only be paid if sufficient distributable reserves are available.仅当有足够的可分配储备金时才能支付额外的红利。牛津商务As of 11 May, the shares will be traded ex bonus.自 5 月 11 日起,交易的股票将不附红利。牛津商务If the insurer cuts its dividend others will surely follow.如果这家保险公司削减其红利,其他保险公司一定会仿效。牛津商务In order to prevent people from stagging, investors are being offered a bonus if they keep their shares for longer than two years.为了阻止人们倒卖股票,投资者持股两年以上便会得到一份红利。剑桥国际It's an attractive stock, offering a dividend yield of over 5%.这是一只有吸引力的股票,可获超过 5% 的红利收益率。牛津商务Securities include government bonds, which pay interest, and company shares, which pay dividends.证券包括付利息的公债以及分红利的公司股票。剑桥国际Shareholders will receive 76¢ in cash and a 5.5¢ special dividend.股东将得到 76 分的现金红利和 5.5 分的特别红利。牛津商务The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布红利甚丰。译典通The company distributes most of its profits to investors as dividends.这家公司将大部分利润以红利形式分配给投资者。牛津商务The company will issue one bonus share for every share held.公司将给所持有的每股股票发放一份红利股。牛津商务The company will pay a dividend of 10 cents a share.这家公司将按每股 10 分支付红利。牛津商务The company's distributable profits are not sufficient to pay any dividends.这家公司的可分配利润不足以支付任何红利。牛津商务The dividend is payable on 7 March to shareholders as at 21 February.2 月 21 日结算的红利于 3 月 7 日付给股东。牛津商务The dividend yield on the stock is too attractive to miss.股票的红利收益很诱人,不容错过。牛津商务The final divi will depend on our cash position in March.年终红利将取决于我们三月份的现金头寸。牛津商务The group's final dividend was 50¢, taking last year's payout to 85¢.这个集团的最后一期红利是 50 分,把去年的分红提高到 85 分。牛津商务The massive losses have prevented the company from declaring a dividend this year.巨大的损失使公司无法公布今年有红利。剑桥国际The shares will trade cum bonus until 15 March 2008.2008 年 3 月 15 日前买卖股票将附有红利。牛津商务The shares will trade ex dividend from June 18.从 6 月 18 日起买卖的股票没有红利。牛津商务




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