

单词 繁荣的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-blooming〕Not many economies bloomed in 1990, least of all gold exporters like Australia.1990年经济繁荣的国家并不多,尤其是像澳大利亚这样的黄金出口国。柯林斯高阶〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕E-commerce was then seen as a booming economic area. 电子商务那时被视为日趋繁荣的经济领域。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Motorola is one of the leaders in the global technology boom. 摩托罗拉公司是全球性技术繁荣的先驱之一。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕After the war, the country began to enjoy greater prosperity. 战后该国开始出现更加繁荣的局面。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕The vine is an age-old symbol of peace and prosperity. 葡萄藤是个由来已久的象征和平与繁荣的标志。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕After the war, Germany became one of Europe's most prosperous countries. 战后,德国成了欧洲最繁荣的国家之一。朗文写作活用〔auspicious〕Marked by success; prosperous.吉兆的:以成功为标志的;繁荣的美国传统〔bleed〕The war has bled the once-strong Armenian economy dry.战争榨干了原本繁荣的亚美尼亚经济。柯林斯高阶〔blessing〕Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon.福祉,幸事:促进或奉献幸福、富有或繁荣的事物;恩惠美国传统〔blight〕Something that impairs growth, withers hopes and ambitions, or impedes progress and prosperity.挫折因素,扼杀:影响生长、失去希望和抱负或妨碍进步和繁荣的因素美国传统〔boom town〕Brisbane has become the boom town for Australian film and television.布里斯班由于澳大利亚电影和电视业的发展而迅速变成了一个繁荣的都市。柯林斯高阶〔build〕Their purpose is to build a fair society and a strong economy.他们的目的是要建立公平的社会, 建设繁荣的经济。外研社新世纪〔buoyancy〕We hope that the economy will maintain its buoyancy.我们希望经济能保持繁荣的态势。韦氏高阶〔bustling〕This used to be a bustling town but a lot of people have moved away over recent years.这儿曾经是个繁荣的市镇,但近年来许多人都搬走了。剑桥高阶〔charm〕This thriving resort town has retained its village charm.这个繁荣的游览城市还保留着乡村风光的魅力。英汉大词典〔climate〕We need to create a climate in which business can prosper.我们需要创造一个有利于商业繁荣的环境。牛津高阶〔commercially〕Docklands in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity.港区在其最繁荣的时期曾是主要的工商业活动中心。柯林斯高阶〔contract〕Many once prosperous northern mill towns have shrunk as industry has moved to the South.因为工业迁移到了南方,许多一度繁荣的北方磨坊小镇都减小了规模。美国传统〔decay〕To decline from a state of normality, excellence, or prosperity; deteriorate.使衰退:从正常、优秀或繁荣的状态衰败下去,恶化美国传统〔develop〕The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort.这地方由原来的小渔村迅速发展成一个繁荣的旅游胜地。牛津高阶〔division〕The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains.繁荣的西部和贫穷的东部之间的差距仍然存在。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕That country has long had a covetous eye on the prosperous port.那个国家长期以来觊觎着这繁荣的港口。 英汉大词典〔floruit〕The period during which a person, school, or movement was most active or flourishing.繁盛期:一个人、一所学校或一种运动最具活力或最繁荣的时期美国传统〔flourishing〕London quickly became a flourishing port.伦敦很快便成了一个繁荣的港口。外研社新世纪〔flourishing〕London quickly became a flourishing port.伦敦迅速成为了一个繁荣的港口。柯林斯高阶〔foster〕They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.他们正在讨论促进前共产主义国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。剑桥高阶〔ghost town〕A once thriving town, especially a boomtown of the American West, that has been completely abandoned.萧条的市镇:一个曾经繁荣的城镇,尤指美国西部的一个新兴城市,现已完全被遗弃美国传统〔glory〕Paris in its greatest glory.巴黎最繁荣的时期美国传统〔go-go〕He made a fortune during the market's go-go years.在那市场繁荣的年代,他发了大财。韦氏高阶〔high〕The once-thriving port of Rye was left high and dry as sea levels retreated.一度繁荣的拉伊港由于海面下降变成了旱港。朗文当代〔immediate〕It is a thriving shopping centre for the people who live in the immediate area .这是一家为邻近地区居民服务的繁荣的购物中心。朗文当代〔inaugurate〕The change of government inaugurated a new era of economic prosperity.政府的变革开创了经济繁荣的新时代。剑桥高阶〔index〕The number of new houses being built is a good index of a country's prosperity.新建房屋的数量是国家繁荣的一个可靠指标。牛津高阶〔knock ... up〕Unfair competition had knocked up the once flourishing business.不公平竞争使得一度繁荣的商业遭到了破坏。21世纪英汉〔land-office business〕A thriving, extensive, or rapidly moving volume of trade.大生意:繁荣的、大宗的或发展快的买卖美国传统〔leapfrog〕It cannot simply be argued that Spain leapfrogged to prosperity on the backs of her Northern neighbours.毫无疑问, 西班牙是乘着北方邻国的东风才大步走向繁荣的。外研社新世纪〔mask〕The healthy trade figures mask a much gloomier picture.繁荣的贸易数据背后掩盖着贸易极不景气的真相。柯林斯高阶〔mercantile〕Mecca had grown rich as a thriving mercantile city.麦加作为一个繁荣的商业城市已逐渐变得富足起来。外研社新世纪〔olde-worlde〕The village is a bit too olde-worlde and more of a museum than a thriving community.这村庄有点太古旧了,不像个繁荣的村子,倒更像个博物馆。剑桥高阶〔once〕It was once a booming mining town.这里曾经是一座繁荣的矿业镇子。韦氏高阶〔once〕Once-thriving villages stand deserted and in ruins.昔日繁荣的村庄今遭废弃,满目疮痍。剑桥高阶〔paradigm〕The West used to be the paradigm of economic success.西部过去是经济繁荣的典范。麦克米伦高阶〔prescription〕He gave his own prescription for a long boom.他提出了自己一套保持长期繁荣的妙方。英汉大词典〔prosperous〕In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry.在这样一个繁荣的国家里,不应该有人挨饿。剑桥高阶〔reign〕The king reigned in a time of peace and prosperity.这个国王在一个和平繁荣的时代当政。韦氏高阶〔shatter〕The outcome of the conflict shattered our dreams of peace and prosperity.冲突的后果摧毁了我们对和平与繁荣的梦想美国传统〔take ... on〕The city took on an air of prosperity.这个城市呈现出繁荣的景象。21世纪英汉〔taper〕By now the economic boom has tapered off.经济繁荣的势头业已减弱。英汉大词典〔thrifty〕Industrious and thriving; prosperous.兴旺的:勤劳而兴盛的;兴旺的,繁荣的美国传统〔thriving〕The city is today a modern, thriving metropolis of more than 1.1 million inhabitants.这个城市今天已成为拥有110多万居民的繁荣的现代大都市。英汉大词典〔town〕Rio was a boom town and trade was thriving.里约热内卢是一个繁荣的城市,贸易蓬勃发展。牛津搭配〔unparalleled〕Germany's unparalleled prosperity is based on wise investments.德国空前繁荣的基础是明智的投资。外研社新世纪〔usher〕The discovery of oil ushered in an era of employment and prosperity.石油的发现开创了一个就业和繁荣的新时代。朗文当代〔utopian〕He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.他怀揣着一个实现世界繁荣的乌托邦之梦。柯林斯高阶〔wealth〕It was a period of wealth and prosperity.这是个富足和繁荣的时期。外研社新世纪A few kilometres from the crowded beaches of Spain's Mediterranean coast, many once-thriving villages stand deserted and in ruins.离西班牙地中海海岸拥挤的沙滩几公里处,许多曾一度繁荣的村庄已经被遗弃,成为废墟。剑桥国际It was a period of wealth and prosperity. 那是一个富有和繁荣的时期。译典通Like most capital cities in Europe it has a thriving youth culture.与欧洲大部分首都城市一样,它有一个繁荣的青年文化。剑桥国际The Victorian era was a period of peace and prosperity for England. 维多利亚女王的统治是英国一个非常和平及繁荣的时代。译典通The company was coming off one of its best years ever.公司经历了历史上最繁荣的一年。剑桥国际The number of new houses being built is a good index of a country's prosperity.新建房屋的数目是显示国家是否繁荣的有用指标。牛津商务The town was an oasis of prosperity in a desert of poverty. 该镇是贫穷荒漠中的一块繁荣的"绿洲"。译典通The town's new shopping centre gives a misleading impression of prosperity, when unemployment there is at its highest-ever level.这个镇的新商业中心给人以繁荣的错觉,而那儿的失业率达到了历史最高点。剑桥国际The village is very pretty, but it's a bit too olde worlde and more of a museum than a thriving community.这个村庄很美,但是它有点太古朴了,更像一个博物馆而不是一个繁荣的地区。剑桥国际They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in some countries.他们在讨论促进一些国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。剑桥国际This used to be a bustling (= full of busy activity) town but a lot of people have moved away over recent years.这儿曾经是个繁荣的市镇,但近年来许多人都搬走了。剑桥国际




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