

单词 繁荣的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕the lasting impact of improved education on the country's economic success 教育得到改善对于国家经济繁荣的持久影响朗文写作活用〔Mediterranean〕one of the most dynamic and prosperous cities in the Mediterranean. 地中海地区最有活力、最为繁荣的城市之一柯林斯高阶〔TOWN〕policies aimed at revitalizing America's inner cities 旨在使美国旧城区更繁荣的政策朗文写作活用〔ascendant〕a world of gently ascendant prosperity逐渐走向繁荣的世界外研社新世纪〔boom〕a boom industry 一项突趋繁荣的工业文馨英汉〔buoyant〕a buoyant economy/market 繁荣的经济/市场韦氏高阶〔buoyant〕a buoyant economy/market 繁荣的经济╱市场牛津高阶〔division〕the division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east繁荣的西部和贫困的东部之间的差异外研社新世纪〔evidence〕evidences of prosperity 繁荣的迹象英汉大词典〔flush〕in the full flush of economic prosperity 在经济繁荣的高潮中英汉大词典〔fool's paradise〕living in a fool's paradise of false prosperity. 生活在虚假繁荣的虚幻幸福中柯林斯高阶〔fool's paradise〕living in a fool's paradise of false prosperity陶醉在虚假繁荣的幻梦中外研社新世纪〔go-go〕the go-go years of the 1990s *20 世纪 90 年代经济繁荣的岁月牛津高阶〔gulf〕a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north 繁荣的南方和日益衰落的北方城镇之间越来越大的差异牛津搭配〔healthily〕an economically healthy socialist state. 经济繁荣的社会主义国家柯林斯高阶〔healthy〕a healthy economy 繁荣的经济剑桥高阶〔healthy〕a healthy economy 繁荣的经济牛津高阶〔healthy〕an economically healthy socialist state一个经济繁荣的社会主义国家外研社新世纪〔magnetically〕the magnetic effect of the prosperous German economy on would-be immigrants. 繁荣的德国经济对未来移民的吸引力柯林斯高阶〔market〕a thriving market in second-hand cars 繁荣的二手车市场牛津搭配〔plug〕plug a national economy into prosperity 把国民经济引入繁荣的轨道英汉大词典〔prosperity〕a new era of peace and prosperity. 和平繁荣的新时代柯林斯高阶〔prosperity〕a new era of peace and prosperity和平繁荣的新时代外研社新世纪〔prosperous〕a prosperous town 繁荣的小镇韦氏高阶〔prosperous〕prosperous countries 繁荣的国家牛津高阶〔prosperous〕this once prosperous region 这个一度繁荣的地区牛津搭配〔revitalize〕measures to revitalize the inner cities 让市中心更加繁荣的措施牛津高阶〔rich〕the more prosperous regions of the country 该国比较繁荣的一些地区朗文当代〔strong〕a strong economy. 繁荣的经济美国传统〔thrive〕a thriving economy 繁荣的经济韦氏高阶〔town〕a thriving mining town 繁荣的采矿小镇牛津搭配〔track〕the fast track to wealth and prosperity 通往财富和繁荣的捷径麦克米伦高阶〔unexampled〕a time of unexampled prosperity 空前繁荣的时期英汉大词典〔verge〕on the verge of tears; a nation on the verge of economic prosperity. 几乎要流泪了;一个经济即将繁荣的国家美国传统a booming housing market 繁荣的住房市场牛津商务




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