

单词 继续走
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HEAR〕She called after him but he kept on walking and pretended not to hear. 她在后面叫他,可他继续走着,假装没有听到。朗文写作活用〔bit〕I walked on a bit.我继续走了一会儿。朗文当代〔continue〕He continued on his way.他继续走他的路。牛津高阶〔flag〕Bristol kept the flag flying for English rugby with this win.布里斯托尔队的这一场胜利意味着英格兰橄榄球在这次比赛中还会继续走下去。朗文当代〔forward〕He continued to walk, didn't look at the car, kept his face forward.他脸朝前继续走,没有看那辆车。柯林斯高阶〔further〕They walked on without further conversation.他们继续走而没有进一步交谈。文馨英汉〔gain〕Sterling continues to gain ground against the dollar.英镑兑美元继续走高。牛津高阶〔gate〕Go through the gate and continue down the track.穿过大门,沿着小路继续走下去。牛津搭配〔hold〕If our luck holds, we could reach the final.如果继续走运,我们有望进入决赛。朗文当代〔hold〕Their luck held.他们继续走运。外研社新世纪〔hunch〕My hunch is that the euro will get even weaker.我的直觉是欧元还将继续走弱。外研社新世纪〔meter〕The cab driver left the meter running while he waited for us.在等我们的时候,出租车司机让计程表继续走字。牛津高阶〔meter〕The taxi driver left the meter running while I ran in to pick up my bags.我跑进去拿包时,出租车司机让计价器继续走字。朗文当代〔more〕We walked some more.我们又继续走了一段。柯林斯高阶〔notwithstanding〕The way ahead is long and difficult. Notwithstanding, we carry on.前方的路很长很艰难, 然而我们还会继续走下去。外研社新世纪〔piece〕We carried on down the road a piece.我们沿着那条路继续走了一小段。外研社新世纪〔road〕Cross the main road, then go on down the lane to the village.穿过大路,然后沿着通往村庄的小路继续走。英汉大词典〔so〕He failed to appear, so we went on without him.他没有出现,因此我们不管他继续走美国传统〔step〕She walked on a few steps.她继续走了几步。外研社新世纪〔step〕She walked on a few steps.她继续走了几步。柯林斯高阶〔underline〕Recent job losses underline the continued weakness of the economy.最近的失业情况清楚地表明经济在继续走弱。麦克米伦高阶〔until〕Keep going until I tell you to stop.继续走,直到我让你停下来。韦氏高阶〔weaken〕The British pound continued to weaken against the dollar.英镑兑美元继续走弱。牛津搭配It's no use whining about the pain -- you'll just have to take it on the chin and carry on walking.这样唠叨你的痛苦没用----你得忍着继续走路。剑桥国际Technology stocks were tracking higher.科技股继续走高。牛津商务The labour market remains soft.劳动力市场继续走软。牛津商务They call me rude names, but I just try and ignore it and walk on.他们用粗话骂我,但我就是不理他们继续走路。剑桥国际While the politicians wrangle, the economy continues its slide from bad to worse.当政客们争论不休的时候,经济继续走下坡路。剑桥国际




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