

单词 窝火
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔goal〕The fans were annoyed that the team gave away such a soft goal.球迷因球队如此轻易丢球而窝火。牛津搭配〔impatient〕She became impatient at her own failure.她对自己的失败感到窝火。英汉大词典〔infuriatingly〕This book is infuriatingly repetitious.这本书不停地重复絮叨,真让人窝火。柯林斯高阶〔infuriating〕He has an infuriating habit of interrupting people mid-sentence.他有个令人窝火的习惯, 总是话到半句把你打断。外研社新世纪〔infuriating〕It is infuriating to talk to someone who just looks out of the window.和眼睛只看着窗外的人讲话很让人窝火。牛津高阶〔not be a happy camper〕Her computer crashed an hour ago and she's lost a morning's work - she's not a happy camper at the moment.她的电脑一小时前崩溃了,害得她一早上的工作成果都没了。现在她正窝火着呢。剑桥高阶〔stick in sb's throat〕It really sticks in my throat that I did all the work, and she's getting all the credit.所有的活儿都是我干的,可功劳全都归了她,这让我很窝火儿。剑桥高阶After a galling defeat against France last night, Italy will have to recover their morale for the big match next week.昨晚窝火地被法国队击败后,意大利队必须恢复士气以准备下周的大赛。剑桥国际




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