

单词 筑路
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blasting〕They're using dynamite to blast away rocks to put a road in.他们用炸药炸石筑路。柯林斯高阶〔bulldoze〕Last week, the department's road builders began to bulldoze a water meadow on Twyford Down.上个星期,这个部门的筑路机开始将特怀福德丘陵地带的浸水草甸推平。柯林斯高阶〔macadamize〕To construct or pave (a road) with macadam.用碎石铺筑路美国传统〔make ... into〕Waste products from industries can be made into road-building material.工业废品可以做成筑路材料。21世纪英汉〔metal〕Broken stones used for road surfaces or railroad beds.筑路碎石:用于铺路面或用于填塞铁轨枕木间空隙的碎石美国传统〔pave〕To be or compose the pavement of.铺设:用筑路材料铺成美国传统〔pave〕To cover with a pavement.筑路,铺路面美国传统〔paving〕Material used for pavement.铺筑材料:筑路用的建筑材料美国传统〔pound away at sth/sb〕The campaigners have promised to keep pounding away at the council until the decision to build the road is reversed.运动发起人保证将不断向市政委员会施加压力,直到他们取消筑路的决定。剑桥高阶〔pour into〕The Government continues to pour billions of pounds into its massive road-building programme.政府继续向庞大的筑路项目中投入数十亿英镑。柯林斯高阶〔public〕The planners are almost ready to go public on the road-building scheme.规划者们差不多准备好公布筑路方案了。朗文当代〔r.a.m.〕They rammed the earth's surface flat before they built the roads.他们在筑路时先把地面夯平。21世纪英汉〔requisition〕The authorities often requisition land for factories and motorways.当局常因建厂筑路之需而征用土地。英汉大词典〔road metal〕Crushed or broken stone, cinders, or similar material used in the construction and repair of roads and roadbeds.筑路碎石:用于筑路和修路的压碎或碎裂的石块、煤渣或类似材料美国传统〔stone〕Convicts were made to break stone for the roads.囚犯们被要求砸石子筑路。牛津搭配〔under〕Two of our national parks are currently under threat from road schemes.我们有两个国家公园目前受到筑路计划的威胁。朗文当代Local people are demonstrating for a road to be built taking traffic away from their village.当地人正在示威,要求筑路以使往来交通避开他们的村子。剑桥国际Road building is a top priority. 筑路是最优先考虑的事。译典通The authorities often requisition land for highways. 当局常因筑路之需而征用土地。译典通The council's decision not to build the road has struck a blow for common sense.市政会不筑路的决定是伸张常识。剑桥国际The government has given the go-ahead (= given permission) for a multi-billion pound road-building project.政府同意了一项耗资数十亿英镑的筑路工程。剑桥国际The money saved from the cessation of the road project will be invested in public transport.停止筑路项目省下的资金将投入公共交通。剑桥国际The people who will suffer if the road is built are those who live locally.将遭受筑路之苦的还是那些当地人。剑桥国际




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