

单词 筑巢
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bird〕birds nesting on the roof of the church 在教堂房顶筑巢的鸟牛津搭配〔build〕build a nest out of twigs 用树枝筑巢英汉大词典〔eaves〕birds nesting under the eaves 在屋簷下筑巢的鸟牛津高阶〔exhibitive〕bird behavior exhibitive of the nest-building instinct. 鸟的行为显示出筑巢的本能美国传统〔ledge〕seabirds nesting on rocky ledges 在岩架上筑巢的海鸟牛津高阶〔pair〕a pair of swans nesting by the river 在河边筑巢的一对天鹅牛津搭配〔site〕a bat sanctuary with special nesting sites. 专门辟出了筑巢处的蝙蝠禁猎区柯林斯高阶〔site〕a bat sanctuary with special nesting sites专门辟出了筑巢处的蝙蝠禁猎区外研社新世纪〔site〕a nesting site for birds 鸟的筑巢地点朗文当代〔treetop〕birds nesting in the treetops 在树梢上筑巢的鸟牛津高阶〔weave〕weave a nest out of sticks and feathers 用枯枝和羽毛筑巢英汉大词典




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