

单词 等长
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Her attacker is described as white, in his mid-fifties and with medium-length dark hair. 她描述说对她行凶的是一个白人,年龄在五十四五岁左右,留着中等长度的黑发。朗文写作活用〔Maltese cross〕A cross having four equal arms resembling arrowheads joined at the points.马耳他十字:由四个等长的似箭头的武器连在一点的十字架美国传统〔anisometric〕Not isometric.不等轴的,不等长的美国传统〔anything〕You may have to wait anything up to six months for an appointment.你可能得等长达6个月的时间才能得到约见。麦克米伦高阶〔cherub〕A person, especially a child, with an innocent or chubby face.天真的人:尤指儿童等长着天真或胖乎乎的脸蛋的人美国传统〔didynamous〕Having four stamens in two pairs of unequal length.二强雄蕊的:在两对不等长度中有四枚雄蕊美国传统〔dust off〕Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off.诸如拓宽苏伊士运河等长期束之高阁的计划正被重新采用。柯林斯高阶〔fibrous root〕A root system made up of many threadlike members of more or less equal length, as in most grasses.纤维根:由许多几乎等长的线状须构成的一种根系,如在大多数草中美国传统〔homostyled〕Having the same relation of length between stamens and styles of different species.花柱等长的:不同种类的雄蕊和花柱间长度关系一样的美国传统〔hypogynous〕Having the floral parts, such as sepals, petals, and stamens, borne on the receptacle beneath the ovary.下位的:花各部分,比如萼片、花瓣、雄蕊等长在子房下面的花托上的美国传统〔isometric〕Physiology Of or involving muscular contraction against resistance in which the length of the muscle remains the same.【生理学】 等长收缩肌肉的:肌肉的长度在有阻力情况下进行收缩时保持不变的美国传统〔let〕Let line AB be equal to line CD.设 AB 线与 CD 线等长。牛津高阶〔medium〕Andrea has medium brown hair.安德烈娅有着中等长度的棕发。外研社新世纪〔medium〕She has medium-length blond hair.她有一头中等长度的金发。麦克米伦高阶〔midpoint〕Mathematics The point of a line segment or curvilinear arc that divides it into two parts of the same length.【数学】 中点:一条线段或一段弧上的一点,该点将此线段或弧平分为等长的两部分美国传统〔raceme〕An inflorescence having stalked flowers arranged singly along an elongated, unbranched axis, as in the lily of the valley.总状花序:一种花序,花心大约等长的花梗沿一条延长的,不分叉的轴线单向生长,如山谷百合美国传统〔tippet〕A long hanging part, as of a sleeve, hood, or cape.下垂部分:袖子、头巾、斗篷等长长的下垂部分美国传统




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