

单词 bicycles
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔MORE〕a city where bicycles greatly outnumber cars 自行车远远多于汽车的城市朗文写作活用〔astride〕three youths who stood astride their bicycles and stared.站着跨在自行车上凝视的3个年轻人柯林斯高阶〔conveyance〕the conveyance of bicycles on Regional Railways trains.通过地区铁路公司的火车运输自行车柯林斯高阶〔conveyance〕the conveyance of bicycles on Regional Railways trains用区域铁路列车来运送自行车外研社新世纪〔drive〕bicycles driven by old men 老年人骑的自行车英汉大词典〔hire〕bicycles for hire,£2 an hour 自行车出租,每小时 2 英镑牛津高阶〔hire〕hire out bicycles by the hour 按钟点出租自行车英汉大词典〔million〕millions of bicycles on the road.路上有无数自行车美国传统〔rent〕a store that rents out bicycles 自行车出租行英汉大词典〔ubiquitous〕the ubiquitous bicycles of university towns 大学城里处处可见的自行车牛津高阶〔visibility〕improve the visibility of bicycles at night 改善自行车在夜间的可见性英汉大词典




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