

单词 要为
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔breed〕a rose that is bred mainly for its scent主要为获取其芳香而培育的玫瑰品种外研社新世纪〔fury〕be haunted by the furies of one's father's blood 狂热地要为父亲报仇英汉大词典〔immigrant〕a suburb largely populated by immigrants主要为移民居住的郊区外研社新世纪〔motherhood〕the challenge of combining a career with motherhood 既要追求事业又要为人母的挑战朗文当代〔pastor〕a pastor serving a mainly Hispanic congregation 一位主要为西班牙裔会众服务的牧师牛津搭配〔primarily〕a course designed primarily for specialists 主要为专业人员开设的课程牛津高阶〔primarily〕a scholastic program primarily for seniors; a primarily middle-class neighborhood. 主要为高年级学生开设的教育课程;主要居民为中产阶级的居住区美国传统〔register〕music written mainly for the lower/higher register of the clarinet 主要为单簧管低/高音区演奏而谱的乐曲剑桥高阶〔revenge〕the relatives of murdered villagers wanting to revenge the dead. 想要为死者报仇的被害村民的亲属柯林斯高阶




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