

单词 租约
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔arm〕a lease as long as my arm 期限很长的租约英汉大词典〔cancel〕cancel a lease 解除租约英汉大词典〔cosign〕cosign a lease 共签租约韦氏高阶〔eject〕tenants who were ejected for violations of their lease. 因违反租约被驱逐的佃户美国传统〔expiry〕the expiry of a lease 租约的期满麦克米伦高阶〔expiry〕the expiry of a lease/visa 租约期满/签证到期剑桥高阶〔expiry〕the expiry of a lease租约的满期外研社新世纪〔hundred〕a hundred-year lease 一百年的租约牛津高阶〔lapse〕the lapse of a lease 租约的失效英汉大词典〔leasehold〕to purchase land leasehold 购买有租约的土地牛津高阶〔lease〕a new clause in the lease 租约中的新条款牛津搭配〔lease〕sign a lease 在租约上签字英汉大词典〔lease〕to take out a lease on a house 办理房屋租约牛津高阶〔nonrenewable〕a nonrenewable contract/lease 不可续期的合同/租约韦氏高阶〔re-sign〕re-signed the lease. 再签署租约美国传统〔renegotiate〕renegotiate a contract/lease/agreement 重新商定合约/租约/协议韦氏高阶〔renewable〕a renewable lease 可展期的租约牛津高阶〔renewable〕a renewable lease 可展期的租约韦氏高阶〔renew〕to renew a licence/lease/subscription/contract, etc. 延长执照的期限、续签租约、续订、续签合约等牛津高阶〔renew〕to renew a licence/passport/lease 延长执照/护照/租约的期限麦克米伦高阶〔rental〕a rental agreement 租约麦克米伦高阶〔sign〕to sign a letter/cheque/contract/lease/agreement 在信件/支票/合同/租约/协议上签名剑桥高阶〔termination〕the termination of a lease 租约终止韦氏高阶〔unexpired〕an unexpired lease 未到期的租约 英汉大词典a renewable lease 可延期的租约牛津商务to purchase land leasehold 购买有租约的土地牛津商务to renew a contract/licence/lease/loan 延长执照的期限;延长租约;延长贷款期限牛津商务




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