

单词 老化
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕The window frames are old and the wood is starting to split. 窗框已老化,木头开始裂开了。朗文写作活用〔accelerate〕Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.暴露在日光下会加快老化过程。牛津高阶〔accident〕An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen.老化的核反应堆早晚会出事故。麦克米伦高阶〔ageing〕Ageing aircraft need more frequent safety inspections.老化的飞机需要更加频繁地进行安全检查。柯林斯高阶〔ageing〕The ageing aircraft need frequent safety inspections.这架老化的飞机需要经常进行安全检查。外研社新世纪〔age〕Excessive driving at night ages a car battery.过多地在夜间开车会使汽车的蓄电池老化。英汉大词典〔age〕Exposure to the sun has aged her skin.阳光下的曝晒使她的皮肤老化。韦氏高阶〔age〕The building is showing signs of age.那栋建筑日渐显出老化迹象。韦氏高阶〔aging〕An artificial process for imparting the characteristics and properties of age.老化;熟化;陈化:使具有老年特点和特征的人工过程美国传统〔decay〕Smoking accelerates decay in the heart and arteries.吸烟加速心脏和动脉的老化。牛津搭配〔depreciation〕A decrease or loss in value, as because of age, wear, or market conditions.降价,减值:由于老化、磨损或市场条件而造成价值上的减少或损失美国传统〔deterioration〕He had trouble with bone deterioration and walked with a cane.他为骨质疏松老化所苦,因而拄着手杖走路。英汉大词典〔deterioration〕The car's bodywork was already showing signs of deterioration.这辆车的车身已经显示出了老化迹象。牛津搭配〔elasticity〕As the skin grows older it loses its elasticity.随着皮肤老化,弹性会慢慢丧失。剑桥高阶〔etiolate〕Drink hardens the skin and drugs etiolate it.酒会使皮肤老化,麻醉毒品会使皮肤苍白。英汉大词典〔greying〕Japan's greying population will drive up medical and pension payments.日本人口老化将推高医疗和退休金开支。剑桥高阶〔grey〕The population of China is set to grey.中国的人口开始趋于老化。21世纪英汉〔guarantee〕Window frames carry a thirty year guarantee against rot or decay.窗框保证30年不会腐烂或老化。麦克米伦高阶〔involution〕A progressive decline or degeneration of normal physiological functioning occurring as a result of the aging process.退化:因老化而出现的正常身体功能的持续衰退或退化美国传统〔legacy〕How can we integrate new technology with our legacy systems? 我们该如何将新技术整合到我们老化的系统上?牛津高阶〔perish〕Obviously the plaster's just perished and all fallen off.很明显, 灰泥已脆裂老化, 全部剥落下来了。外研社新世纪〔perish〕Obviously the plaster's just perished and all fallen off.很明显灰泥已脆裂老化,全剥落下来了。柯林斯高阶〔perish〕Sunlight has caused the rubber to perish.橡胶因暴露于阳光下而老化。剑桥高阶〔perish〕The elastic band has perished.这橡皮筋已经老化。英汉大词典〔perish〕The rubber will perish with age.橡胶时间长了会老化。韦氏高阶〔perish〕Their tyres are slowly perishing.他们的车胎在慢慢老化。柯林斯高阶〔perish〕Their tyres are slowly perishing.他们的轮胎在慢慢老化。外研社新世纪〔photoaging〕The long-term effects of this process on the skin, as wrinkles, discoloration, or susceptibility to cancer.光致老化现象:光致老化过程对皮肤所造成的长期影响,像是皱纹、变色或是罹患癌症美国传统〔photoaging〕The process by which skin is changed or damaged as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight and other sources.日照老化,光致老化:皮肤因为暴露在太阳或其它光源的紫外线辐射下而受到改变或损害的过程美国传统〔plumbing〕The plumbing in these flats is old and a lot of it is made of lead.这些公寓的管道老化了, 而且很多都是铅制的。外研社新世纪〔process〕Excessive exposure to sunlight speeds up the ageing / aging process of the skin.过多地暴露在日光下会加速皮肤的老化。牛津搭配〔skin〕Smoking undoubtedly ages the skin.吸烟无疑会使皮肤老化。牛津搭配〔thinly〕His hair is thinning and his skin has lost all hint of youth.他的头发开始脱落,皮肤也老化了。柯林斯高阶〔tubing〕Rubber tubing can perish after a few years.橡胶管子几年后会老化。剑桥高阶〔wrinkle〕Sunbathing can prematurely age and wrinkle the skin.日光浴会使皮肤提早老化、产生皱纹。剑桥高阶As the skin grows older it loses its elasticity and starts to hang off the face.皮肤老化后会失去弹性,开始垂在脸颊两边。剑桥国际Sunbathing can prematurely age and wrinkle the skin.日光浴会使皮肤提早老化,并产生皱纹。剑桥国际The old underground system of pipes is now in a serious state of decay.老的地下管道系统现在老化严重。剑桥国际




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