

单词 考察
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Parker ambushed a school bus on a field trip and held 17 children and their teacher hostage. 帕克伏击了一辆前去旅行考察的校车,劫持了17名学生和一名教师作为人质。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕The Antarctic survey team will be using vehicles specially designed to cope with the hostile environment. 南极考察队将使用为应付恶劣环境特制的交通工具。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Heavy rains had hindered the expedition's progress through the north-west of the country. 大雨阻碍了考察队在该国的西北部地区前进。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕The team aimed to make the South Pole and back in a month. 考察组的目标是在一个月之内往返南极。朗文写作活用〔REMAIN〕In Greece we spent a lot of time exploring old churches and ruins. 在希腊,我们花了许多时间考察古教堂和古建筑遗迹。朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕They went exploring the dark, narrow back alleys of the old part of town. 他们去考察旧城区阴暗狭窄的偏僻小街。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕I was pressed for time in my few days in Sydney, and did not have the opportunity to explore the city. 我在悉尼的几天时间很紧,没机会去考察这个城市。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕The purpose of the expedition was to explore the North American coastline. 这次探险的目的是考察北美的海岸。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕We'll be in Istanbul for three days, so there will be plenty of time to explore. 我们要在伊斯坦布尔逗留三天,所以有足够的时间进行考察。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕Whenever possible, she and Flynn would go off and explore the countryside, taking a picnic with them. 一有机会,她和弗林便会带着野餐食品出发到乡村考察。朗文写作活用〔ability〕The tests were designed to assess the students' ability in oral comprehension.这些测试是为考察学生的口语理解能力而设计的。麦克米伦高阶〔accompany〕Ten adults accompanied the class on their field trip.十位成年人陪同全班进行了野外考察。韦氏高阶〔adventure〕The field trip was an adventure for the students.野外考察对学生们来说是一种不寻常的经历。韦氏高阶〔a〕A Dr Matthew Owens was reported missing while on an expedition to north-eastern Turkey.据报道,一位叫马修·欧文斯的博士在前往土耳其东北部考察的途中失踪了。柯林斯高阶〔base〕Hikers find this a convenient base for their mountain expeditions.徒步旅行者发现这里是登山考察的适宜基地。麦克米伦高阶〔better〕There's no better way of exploring the region.这是考察那个地区的最好办法。朗文当代〔cachet〕His research in Antarctica gave him a certain cachet among other scientists.他在南极的考察使他在其他科学家中间享有一定声望。韦氏高阶〔canvass〕The company canvassed several sites for a new factory.公司认真考察了新厂的几处选址。韦氏高阶〔chaperone〕Several parents volunteered to chaperone class field trips.班级的实地考察活动有几位家长自愿陪同。剑桥高阶〔class〕The class are going on a field trip.这个班要去野外考察。韦氏高阶〔class〕The class is going on a field trip.这个班要去野外考察。韦氏高阶〔confine〕I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916.我将把自己考察的范围限定在 1900 年至 1916 年这段时间以内。牛津高阶〔confiscate〕The teacher confiscated all cell phones for the duration of the field trip.实地考察期间,老师没收了所有学生的手机。韦氏高阶〔conspectus〕A general survey of a subject.概观:对一个主题大体上的考察美国传统〔criminal〕The book examines the causes of criminal behaviour.该书考察了犯罪行为的起因。麦克米伦高阶〔degree〕McMurdo Station in Antarctica, which is at 78 degrees South.位于南纬 78 度的麦克默多南极考察站柯林斯高阶〔deliberative〕Characterized by or for use in deliberation or debate.考察的:具有商讨特征的或起审议作用的美国传统〔element〕Fieldwork is a key element of this course.实地考察是这门课的主要组成部分。麦克米伦高阶〔examen〕An examination; an investigation.考察:考试;调查美国传统〔examination〕Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple.仔细考察这片废墟后发现了一座更为古老的庙宇。牛津高阶〔examination〕The issues need further examination .这些问题需要进一步考察。朗文当代〔examine〕Only recently have historians begun to examine its impact and influence.直到最近,历史学家才开始考察其影响。牛津搭配〔examine〕This study sets out to examine the possible effects of climate change.这项研究的目的是考察气候变化可能带来的影响。牛津搭配〔excavate〕A new Danish expedition is again excavating the site in annual summer digs.一支新的丹麦考察队又在那个遗址上进行了一年一度的夏季挖掘。外研社新世纪〔expeditionary〕Relating to or constituting an expedition.考察的:同考察有关的或组织一次考察的美国传统〔expedition〕He had made two expeditions to Spain to study wild plants.他两次远行,去西班牙考察野生植物。牛津搭配〔expedition〕She died while on an expedition to Peru to study nocturnal mammals.她死于前往秘鲁考察夜行哺乳动物的途中。麦克米伦高阶〔expedition〕She was about to embark on a major expedition.她正要进行一次较大规模的考察。牛津搭配〔expedition〕Spanish exploratory expeditions in the 16th century 16 世纪西班牙人的考察探险牛津搭配〔expedition〕The expedition returned only two weeks after it had left.考察队伍出发两星期后就返回了。牛津搭配〔expedition〕The group undertaking such a journey.考察队:踏上征途的团体美国传统〔expedition〕We did an expedition to Burnham Beeches.我们到伯纳姆山毛榉林去考察了一次。英汉大词典〔exploration〕We devote several days to the exploration of the magnificent Maya sites of Copan.我们安排了几天时间考察科潘宏伟的玛雅遗址。外研社新世纪〔exploration〕We devote several days to the exploration of the magnificent Maya sites of Copan.我们安排了几天时间考察科潘宏伟的玛雅遗址。柯林斯高阶〔exploratory〕An early exploratory expedition had failed.早期的一次勘探考察失败了。外研社新世纪〔explorer〕An implement or a tool used for exploring; a probe.勘探器,探测器:一种用于考察或勘探的器具或工具;探测器美国传统〔explorer〕One that explores, especially one that explores a geographic area.勘探者,考察者:考察的人,尤指考察某一地理区域的人美国传统〔explore〕I decided to go out and explore the town.我决定外出实地考察这个镇子。韦氏高阶〔explore〕Venice is a wonderful city to explore.威尼斯是一个值得考察的美妙城市。朗文当代〔factor〕We examine how economic and social factors interact.我们考察经济和社会因素如何相互起作用。牛津搭配〔field trip〕A group excursion for the purpose of firsthand observation, as to a museum, the woods, or a historic place.旅行考察:为了对博物馆、森林或有历史意义的地方做最直接的观察而进行的团体远足美国传统〔field trip〕We went on a field trip.我们去校外实地考察了。韦氏高阶〔field trip〕We went on a geology field trip.我们去进行地质野外考察。牛津高阶〔fieldwork〕The collecting of sociological or anthropological data in the field.野外考察:野外社会学或人类学事实资料的收集美国传统〔fieldwork〕They had to go to Africa to do their fieldwork.他们得去非洲做实地考察。剑桥高阶〔field〕We went on a geology field trip.我们进行了一次实地地质考察。牛津搭配〔fighting〕Lee had to fight hard for his place on the expedition.李不得不为在考察队中获得一席之地而苦苦争取。柯林斯高阶〔functional〕A purely functional view of an organization doesn't work any more.纯粹从功能的角度考察一个机构的观点已经行不通了。麦克米伦高阶〔gender〕The study examines gender roles in Latin America.这项研究考察了拉丁美洲的性别角色。麦克米伦高阶〔grand tour〕A shelf collapsed during the grand tour of the library.在图书馆进行深入考察时, 一个书架倒了。外研社新世纪〔harsh〕Antarctica's remoteness and harsh climate have made exploration difficult.南极洲路途遥远、气候恶劣, 使得探险考察十分困难。外研社新世纪〔in situ〕Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic, and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.在威尼斯实地考察了重要的绘画、雕塑、镶嵌画及建筑作品。外研社新世纪〔inspection〕Official examination or review, as of barracks or troops.检阅:官方对兵营或部队的检查或考察美国传统〔look into〕He had once looked into buying his own island off Nova Scotia.他曾一度考察过在新斯科舍附近购买岛屿。柯林斯高阶〔netherworld〕The book describes the author's journey into the netherworld of drug dealers.这本书讲述了作者考察毒贩黑社会的经历。韦氏高阶〔of〕Many/Most of the students will be going on the field trip.许多/大多数学生将参加野外考察。韦氏高阶〔out-of-the-way〕Our expeditions have been to some out-of-the-way places.我们考察队曾去过一些荒僻的地方。英汉大词典〔possibility〕Have you explored the possibilities of setting up your own business? 你考察过自己开公司的可能性吗?牛津搭配〔predestined〕It seems the expedition is predestined to fail because there have been so many problems.因为有这么多问题存在,看来这次考察注定要失败。剑桥高阶〔prejudge〕They tried to prejudge the commission's findings.他们试图预先判定考察团的发现结果。柯林斯高阶〔probation〕He was put on probation for beating up his girlfriend.他因殴打女友而服缓刑。在试用期;在考察期外研社新世纪〔prospect〕The act of surveying or examining.考察:考察或调查的行为美国传统〔prospect〕To search for or explore (a region) for mineral deposits or oil.探察:探求(矿藏等)或为发现矿藏而考察(一个地区)美国传统〔raging〕The field trip involved crossing a raging torrent.实地考察时要穿过一条水流湍急的河。柯林斯高阶〔research〕Close, careful study.探求,考察:严密、仔细的研究美国传统〔role〕The book examines the role of food and drink in society.这本书考察了食品和饮料在社会中所起的作用。麦克米伦高阶〔scout〕She scouted out the town to see if she'd like to live there.她在镇上四处考察,看看自己是否愿意住在这儿。韦氏高阶〔shot〕Have you had all your shots for your expedition yet? 为外出考察而要打的预防针你都打完了吗?牛津搭配〔size〕A game of cards offers the best possible chance of sizing a man up.打牌是考察一个人的最好机会。英汉大词典〔slip〕His father signed a permission slip for a school field trip.他父亲在学校校外实地考察的许可回执上签了名。牛津搭配〔study〕The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs.该小组将考察这一地区是如何应对减少几千个工作岗位的局面的。牛津高阶〔subjective〕In reviewing applicants, we consider both objective criteria, such as test scores, and subjective criteria, such as leadership ability.在考察申请者方面,我们既考虑客观标准,如测试得分,也考虑主观标准,如领导能力。韦氏高阶〔survey〕A detailed inspection or investigation.详细的考察或调查美国传统〔survey〕Chiefly British To inspect and determine the structural condition of (a building).【多用于英国】 勘验:考察并决定(建筑物)的结构状况美国传统〔survey〕Surveys of each department were conducted earlier this year.今年对各个部门的考察提前了。韦氏高阶〔survey〕The process of surveying.考察过程美国传统〔try〕He's got the right man and wants to try him out on the job.他找到了合适的人,想在实际工作中考察他一番。英汉大词典〔unexplored〕The study looks at a relatively unexplored area of human relationships.这项研究考察人类关系中较少探讨的领域。朗文当代Aerial surveys have tried to track the dolphin population.航空考察试图跟踪海豚群体。剑桥国际Going on the expedition gives me a chance to use all the training I've had.远程考察使得我有机会运用我培训中所学的知识。剑桥国际It seems the expedition is predestined to fail because there have been so many problems.看来这次考察注定要失败,因为有这么多问题。剑桥国际Nice is an excellent base for (= place to stay when) exploring the French Riviera.尼斯是考察法国里维埃拉的绝好基地。剑桥国际She took part in an expedition to explore and describe the flora and fauna of Hornchurch Wood.她参加了一个探险队去考察描述霍恩彻奇林区的动植物。剑桥国际The article fails to explore the issues with any real rigour.这篇文章没能以任何真正的严密性来考察问题。剑桥国际The survey shows a link between asthma and air pollution.考察结果表明哮喘病与大气污染有关。剑桥国际They did an expedition to the Himalayas. 他们到喜马拉雅山去考察了一次。译典通They had the situation under review. 他们对局势作了一番考察。译典通They're currently on safari in Kenya.他们目前正在肯尼亚考察动物。剑桥国际This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters. 这艘船是为考察北极水域而特意设计的。译典通We now spend longer kicking the tyres before investing in start-ups.投资新创企业之前,我们现在要花较长的时间进行考察。牛津商务




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