

单词 考官
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GRADE〕The examiners who marked her A-level paper were very lenient and gave her a pass. 给她的高级程度考试试卷打分的考官很宽松,让她及格了。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕All applicants are questioned by a panel of experienced interviewers. 所有申请人都要接受一组资深考官的提问。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕Remember, the examiner will expect you to demonstrate a knowledge of motorway driving too. 记住,考官还会要求你展示一下高速公路上的驾车知识。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕I didn't think the candidate deserved to be given a pass but the other examiners disagreed. 我认为不应该给这名应考者及格,但其他考官却不同意。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕The examiner told him to relax and then asked him to turn on the engine. 考官叫他放松,然后叫他发动引擎。朗文写作活用〔catch sb out〕The examiner will try to catch you out, so stay calm and think carefully before you speak.考官会诱导你犯错,所以你要沉着冷静,三思而后言。剑桥高阶〔catch〕The interviewer may try to catch you out.考官可能会为难你。朗文当代〔coded〕Examiners only see coded scripts.考官们只能看到有代号的答卷。麦克米伦高阶〔disarm〕Interviewers are disarmed by her straightforward approach.她的坦诚消除了面试考官的敌意。麦克米伦高阶〔ease〕The examiner soon put (或 set) the candidates at ease.主考官很快就使考生们的情绪放松了。英汉大词典〔examiner〕An examiner from another board said there had been complaints about this paper from schools.另一考试委员会的一名考官称, 一些学校曾抱怨这份试题出的不好。外研社新世纪〔examiner〕He is an examiner with the Institute of Advanced Motorists.他是汽车高级驾驶协会的一名驾照考官。外研社新世纪〔examiner〕The candidates listed below have failed to satisfy the examiners.考官认为,下列考生没有达到要求。剑桥高阶〔external〕An external examiner will mark all exam papers.一位校外的考官会为所有的考卷打分。麦克米伦高阶〔fail〕Examiners failed nearly 30% of the candidates.考官判定差不多30%的考生不及格。麦克米伦高阶〔favour〕As an examiner, she showed no favour to any candidate.作为考官,她不偏袒任何考生。牛津搭配〔get up to〕Some additional lessons might get you up to the standard demanded by the examiners.添加的课程可能会使你达到考官所需求的标准。21世纪英汉〔give〕The examiners have given away the answer.考官们泄露了答案。英汉大词典〔pass〕The examiners passed only 40% of the candidates.考官仅让40%的应考者通过了考试。麦克米伦高阶〔pass〕The examiners will only pass you if they feel that you have done the work properly.只有考官认为你把工作做好了他们才会让你通过考试。朗文当代〔pointer〕The examiner's comments include pointers for future study.考官的评论包括对以后学习的建议。牛津搭配〔profound〕Do not try to impress the examiner with your profound knowledge of the subject.不要试图以你在该学科方面的渊博知识打动考官。外研社新世纪〔shortlist〕The interviewers have to draw up a shortlist of five or six people.面试考官们得拟定一份 5 到 6 人的入围名单。牛津搭配〔weight〕The guidelines weight the decision-making power towards the examiners.这些方针使考官们具有更大的决定权。外研社新世纪Interviewers are usually impressed by a candidate's smartness.面试考官通常对应聘者的仪容整洁留有很深的印象。剑桥国际One interviewer didn't want to give me the job, but the others overruled him.一位面试考官不想录用我,但其他人否决了他的意见。牛津商务The candidates listed below have failed to satisfy the examiners (= people judging and marking exams).下列考生没能使主考官满意。剑桥国际The examiner will try to catch you out, so stay calm and think carefully before you speak.考官会试图让你犯错误,所以保持冷静,在回答前好好考虑一下。剑桥国际The students’work is graded (= judged and separated into groups according to quality) by three examiners.学生的作业由三个主考官评定等级。剑桥国际




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