

单词 肉片
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WET〕The sandwiches are made with moist slices of chicken breast, topped with various ingredients. 三明治用了带汁的鸡胸肉片,上面加有各种配料。朗文写作活用〔beef Wellington〕A fillet of beef covered with pâté de foie gras, encased in pastry, and baked.威灵顿牛肉馅饼:夹在馅饼或点心里的涂以鹅肝酱的牛肉片美国传统〔beefsteak〕A slice of beef, such as one taken from the loin or the hindquarters, suitable for broiling or frying.牛排:适于焙烤或油炸的大块牛肉片,如取自后腿或里脊美国传统〔breadcrumb〕Egg and breadcrumb the escalopes.把薄肉片裹上鸡蛋液和面包粉。外研社新世纪〔bresaola〕Sliced salt-cured, air-dried beef that is dressed with olive oil, lemon juice, and black pepper before serving.牛肉干:食用前涂上橄榄油、柠檬汁、黑胡椒的已用盐腌好、晾干了的牛肉片美国传统〔carpaccio〕Very thinly sliced raw beef or tuna garnished with a sauce.生牛肉片:切得非常薄的生牛肉或配有调味汁的金枪鱼美国传统〔chicken Kiev〕A dish made of a rolled chicken fillet that is filled with butter, coated with batter, and fried until crisp.基甫炸鸡:为鸡肉片卷起后塞入奶油、裹上面糊,再炸至酥脆的菜美国传统〔chop suey〕A Chinese-American dish consisting of small pieces of meat or chicken cooked with bean sprouts and other vegetables and served with rice.炒杂碎:一道由肉片或鸡片与豆芽及其它蔬菜等做成与米饭同食的美式中国菜美国传统〔collop〕A small portion of food or a slice, especially of meat.薄肉片:食物的一小部分或一片,尤指肉美国传统〔curl〕Bacon curls when fried.熏肉片油煎时会卷起。英汉大词典〔cush〕A dish made by frying or boiling cornmeal or crumbled cornbread with grease and often other ingredients such as pieces of meat or onion.煎玉米饼,煮玉米糊:借着把玉米粉或碎玉米面包与油脂和其它原料,如肉片或洋葱片,油炸或蒸煮的菜肴美国传统〔cutlet〕A thin slice of meat, usually veal or lamb, cut from the leg or ribs.肉片,肉排:从腿部或肋条处切割下来的薄的肉片,通常指牛肉或羊肉美国传统〔fillet〕A strip or compact piece of boneless meat or fish, especially the beef tenderloin.肉片或鱼片:一片或一小条无骨头的肉或鱼,特指牛腰部的嫩肉美国传统〔flake〕Skin, bone and flake the fish.去鱼皮、鱼骨,再把鱼肉片成薄片。柯林斯高阶〔fry up〕We can fry up some of these pieces of cold meat for our lunch.我们可以把这些冷肉片煎一下作为中饭。21世纪英汉〔guard〕The guard must be in place before operating the meat slicer.必须先安装好防护罩再操作切肉片。韦氏高阶〔gyro〕A sandwich made usually of sliced roasted lamb, onion, and tomato stuffed in pita bread.皮塔三明治:一种由夹着烤羊肉片,洋葱和西红柿的皮塔面包制成的三明治美国传统〔lard〕To insert strips of fat or bacon in (meat) before cooking.嵌猪肉于:在烹调之前将肥肉条或腌肉片嵌入肉中美国传统〔luncheon meat〕When he's looking for a snack, he goes straight to the refrigerator searching for luncheon meats.当要找些零食时,他径直到冰箱里找午餐肉片。剑桥高阶〔manicotti〕An Italian dish consisting of pasta tubes stuffed with chopped meat or ricotta cheese, usually served hot with a tomato sauce.番茄沙司烙通心粉:一种意大利食物,即用肉片或乳清干酪填塞的意大利通心粉,常趁热和着蕃茄沙司一起吃美国传统〔papillote〕A frilled paper cover used to decorate the bone end of a cooked chop or cutlet.皱纸包:一种用于装饰烹调好的薄肉或肉片骨端的装饰用纸美国传统〔piccata〕Sliced, sautéed, and served in a sauce containing lemon, butter, and spices. Used of meat or fish.香溜肉片,嫩煎小牛肉片:在含有柠檬、黄油和香料的酱调味中,切成薄片、嫩煎和配菜的。用于肉或鱼的美国传统〔scaloppine〕Small, thinly sliced pieces of meat, especially veal, dredged in flour, sautéed, and served in a sauce.煎火炒牛肉片:一种小而薄的肉片,尤指牛肉片拌上面粉后再进行煎炒并浇上调味汁美国传统〔schnitzel〕A thin cutlet of veal, usually seasoned, that is dipped in batter and fried.炸小牛肉片:一种通常加有调味品的小而薄的牛肉片,是将其浸入面糊中煎炸而成美国传统〔steak〕A slice of meat, typically beef, usually cut thick and across the muscle grain and served broiled or fried.牛排:一种通常横切成圆片烧烤后享用的牛肉片美国传统〔taco〕A corn tortilla folded around a filling such as ground meat or cheese.墨西哥煎玉米卷:缠有切碎的肉片或干酪等做成的玉米馅卷美国传统〔yakitori〕A dish consisting of bite-sized marinated chicken pieces that are grilled on small skewers.烤鸡肉串:把用卤汁浸泡过的小鸡肉片串在串肉签上烧烤的一道菜美国传统I like beef sliced really thin.我爱吃切得极薄的牛肉片。剑桥国际




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