

单词 网线
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔allow〕A: Oh, my string bag caught on your button. B:Allow me, madam. Now it's all right.甲:唷,我的网线袋缠在你钮扣上了。乙:让我来,太太。行了,解开了。英汉大词典〔grid〕The artist drew a set of grid lines over the area to be painted.画家在要作画的区域画上了一些网线。牛津搭配〔mesh〕Often meshes The cords, threads, or wires surrounding these spaces. 常作 meshes 网线,网丝:包围着这些镂空部分的细线、细丝或金属线美国传统〔mesh〕The fish were caught in the meshes of the net 鱼被网线钩住了。英汉大词典〔mezzotint〕A method of engraving a copper or steel plate by scraping and burnishing areas to produce effects of light and shadow.网线铜(或钢)版雕刻法:通过擦刮、打磨制造光影效果的铜或钢版雕刻方法美国传统〔mezzotint〕A print made from a plate engraved by mezzotint.网线铜(或钢)版印刷品:用网线铜(或钢)版雕刻法制成的版制作的印刷品美国传统I don't know how he manages to get all his shopping into one string bag.我不知道他是怎样将所有采购物品装入一只网线袋的。剑桥国际The fish were caught in the meshes of the net. 鱼被网线钩住了。译典通




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