

单词 网状物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fishnet〕A mesh fabric resembling such netting.网眼织物:织出的与此类网相似的网状物美国传统〔grillage〕A network or frame of timber or steel serving as a foundation, usually on ground that is wet or soft.格排垛,格床:用木头或钢铁制成的构架或网状物,当地面潮湿或太软时做为地基美国传统〔hairnet〕A mesh for holding the hair in place.发网:使头发固定住的网状物美国传统〔meshwork〕Meshed material; network.网状物;网状结构美国传统〔mesh〕Any of the open spaces in a net or network; an interstice.网孔,空隙:任一种网或网状物的镂空部分;空隙美国传统〔mesh〕To catch in or as if in a net; ensnare.诱入陷阱:用网捕捉或似用网状物捕捉;诱捕美国传统〔plexus〕A combination of interlaced parts; a network.网状物:交织在一起的部分的结合体;网状物美国传统〔rete〕An anatomical mesh or network, as of veins, arteries, or nerves.网,丛:解剖的网状物或网络,如静脉、动脉或神经网美国传统〔retiary〕Of, resembling, or forming a net or web.网的,网状的:属于、类似或形成网或网状物的美国传统〔reticular formation〕A diffuse network of nerve fibers and cells in parts of the brainstem, important in regulating consciousness or wakefulness.网状结构:脑干部分的神经纤维和细胞的散布网状物,在调节意识和警醒中非常重要美国传统〔reticulate〕To form a net or network.形成网或网状物美国传统〔reticulate〕To make a net or network of.使…成网状:用…制成网或网状物美国传统〔reticulum〕A netlike formation or structure; a network.网状物:网状形式或结构;网状物美国传统〔retiform〕Arranged like a net; reticulate.网状的:象网一样安排的;网状物的美国传统〔screening〕The mesh material used to make door or window screens.网眼:用作门帘或窗帘的网状物美国传统〔silk〕A silky, filamentous material, such as the webbing spun by certain spiders or the styles forming a tuft on an ear of corn.丝状物:柔软光洁的丝状物质,如某些蜘蛛织的网状物或谷物穗上形成毛丛的柱头美国传统〔veil〕A length of netting attached to a woman's hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face.面罩:附于妇女的帽子或头巾上的一段网状物,穿戴起来用作装饰或保护头部或脸部美国传统〔webbing〕Something forming a web.网状物:形成网的东西美国传统




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