

单词 经常练习
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOOT〕We used to shoot at empty bottles for practice. 我们以前经常练习射击空瓶子。朗文写作活用〔get ... out of〕You can soon get out of practice unless you play the piano regularly.除非你能经常练习钢琴,不然你会很快感到生疏。21世纪英汉〔keep your eye in〕I try to play regularly to keep my eye in.我尽量经常练习,免得球技生疏了。剑桥高阶〔posture〕Regular exercise can help improve your posture.经常练习有助于改正坐立姿势。外研社新世纪〔practice〕If you don't play regularly, you soon get out of practice.如果你不经常练习,技艺就会生疏。牛津搭配〔rust〕Without practice her tennis will rust.如不经常练习,她的网球将会荒废。21世纪英汉〔stickwork〕Frequent practice will improve your stickwork.经常练习将增进你的用棒功夫。文馨英汉Constant practice is the groundwork for success in playing the piano. 要弹得一手好钢琴,经常练习才是根本。译典通You should keep yourself in practice. 你应该经常练习。译典通




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